Friday, December 28, 2007
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Each year, between 8,000 and 12,000 migrant workers, known as the swallows arrive in northern Patagonia for the fruit harvest.
are seasonal workers who move seasonally in the country for agricultural activities in general.
Despite the myths and prejudices that circulate socially endorsing the idea that "come to take the job to the local workforce," this is a historical process that occurs from the very formation of the Upper Valley, as a result of seasonality of work and workers needed to perform these activities in the region. Even contrary to what is said, the workers porcetanje from Chile is negligible.
An investigation by the Social Studies Agricultural Group (GESA) National University of Comahue (UNCo) revealed that the swallows do not care workers settle in the area and that if they work in their places of origin, remain there.
The GESA is coordinated by Dr. Monica Bendini, an expert in rural, agricultural and agribusiness, and an interdisciplinary team of sociologists, geographers, social workers, historians, agronomists and economists.
researchers talked with teachers and Norma Steimbreger Radonich Martha, who explains in detail how the activity of swallows in the area del Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén.
¿Cuál es el recorrido de estos trabajadores y qué desplazamiento realizan?
Hemos detectado que realizan una especie de circuito y luego regresan a sus lugares de origen. Por ejemplo, en el caso de los trabajadores que provienen del noroeste de Tucumán, entre mayo y octubre realizan la zafra azucarera y la cosecha del limón, y de diciembre a febrero complementan con la cosecha frutícola en el Alto Valle. Se desplazan directamente desde las áreas de origen hacia las áreas de destino y luego de un promedio de tres meses, regresan a sus áreas de pertenencia social. En el caso de los tucumanos, incluso sufren el clima frío además del desarraigo, family and friends.
What does migration for workers and employers?
migrants do not migrate because they want to. Up the temporary movement as part of their survival strategy, because in their home areas also work temporarily and the rest of the year have to find other income. Then look for places where they also offer the possibility of temporary work.
There is even a business strategy to attract these workers because labor here is not enough. Employers offer differential pay to the swallows and the reality is that the harvest does not rise if workers are not coming.
How many migrant workers there are and what percentage of attachment?
is impossible to count the number of swallows that arrive in the area, but the figure would be around between 8 000 and 12 000 migrants per year.
In general, plants that do not want to stay and live in the area and even if they work in their places of origin does not migrate. They do this by a need to work and, in some cases also by the payment of family allowances and education benefits who do not receive in their homes. But almost no wage gap exists with regard to their places of origin.
What is the origin of these workers swallows?
Since the problem between Argentina and Chile in the Beagle Channel, in 1978, virtually no workers in Chile come to the region and begin to strengthen the flow of workers from northern Spain.
These workers started coming in the '60s, but came to the area of \u200b\u200bVilla Regina. When cutting the supply of labor from Chile, employers are going north of the country, mainly Tucumán, and strengthen this flow was mildly started.
live under what conditions these workers during their stay in the area?
Historically, the conditions are very poor because there is a marked invisibility of these workers, which means they are subjected to these precarious situations.
Although it is noteworthy that there is a marked difference between the provinces of Neuquen and Black River to the concern of every government to control those conditions of habitability. Black River Province is conducting regular inspections, looking to improve housing conditions and reduce work in the black.
It has been established through various testimonies and field, which in some cases, migrant workers are housed in makeshift housing adapted to containers.
The union that gathers, Argentina Union of Rural Workers and Stevedores (UATRE) estimates that 20% of workers are paid in black. In other cases, half the wages paid white and half black. There are also forms of payment called "non-wage" which consist of payment tickets.
In many cases, companies put their bins limits to limit their salaries.
Within the division of labor in agriculture, the harvest workers is found in more precarious conditions. However, increasingly they are required better preparation and training for the job, which does not translate into increased wages.
Buenos Aires 1400
(8300) Neuquén City
Tel: 0299-4490300 Int 272
Director: Dr. Monica Bendini
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
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The glaciers of Patagonia are now in permanent decline. In the next 20 to 30 years, Mountain glaciers of Patagonia, as well as those of Circus disappear. The ice sheets are reduced to minimum, and the ice shelves collapsed in Patagonia.
These are some of the possible consequences of climate change

The meeting was held in the context of "Conference on Global Warming" organized by the Department of Geography and the Center for Canadian Studies

Directed by Dr. Andrew Coronato, the Geology Laboratory Ushuaia mapping and systematic observations made along the Patagonian Andes. Rabasa explains that "we are working on glaciers to know what is happening to them in Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and the Antarctic Peninsula in the context of this global climate change."
Glaciers are bodies of ice and permanent snow are highly sensitive to climate change. Dr. Rabasa explains the changes that occurred in the last 25 years in the ice fronts of the Antarctic Peninsula specifically in Paradise Bay. "As an area of \u200b\u200bheavy precipitation the effect of climate change is obliterated by the rush nieval having this region. In some cases we can see that the ice surface is exposed, means that all the snow the previous winter has been eliminated by merger. In some areas the impact is so great that appear rocky areas that had never been discovered and what remains are the remnants of the ancient icy bodies that are in direct path of disappearance. "
The occurrence of these rock surfaces from the melting of ice has major beneficiaries as well as serious consequences. "Among the beneficiaries are such as penguins and all the birds that need land to nest. This increased mainland dispobinilidad mean a strong tendency to excessive growth of the population of penguins. And if it grows to fill all the available areas would compete for space with other species of Antarctic seabirds, or pinipeos by cetaceans and marine resources. "
The collapse of ice shelves is another problem that manifested itself in recent years. Rabassa explained that in the Weddell Sea, located on the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, "the ice shelf appeared in 2003 crossed by many freshwater lakes across its surface. Shortly after the fence collapsed and lost an equivalent amount of ice in the province of Tucumán. The ice coming off of the barrier becomes large icebergs that drift along the Weddell Sea. "
"The important thing, Rabassa says, is that the barrier acts as a brake on the movement of glaciers in the mountainous region. To stop existing, have begun to move in very fast movements before taking the ice was in the upper parts of watersheds, the sea level. " As a result, "the expansion of the ice will cause problems in navigating the seas of the south and that will create other problems in economic matters."
But Rabassa explained that not only small glaciers are melting. Upsala Glacier, the largest in South America and the largest in Argentina, is also undergoing a gradual decline. Lost 8 miles from his face only in the last 25 years. "Events that can read in the geological literature, are happening in this", says the researcher.
Martial Glacier, Ushuaia, is in French train disappearance. Antarctic Institute researchers predicted that the glacier will disappear altogether in the next 25 years. "This is not only a loss to our natural tourism assets but is also the body of ice that provides drinking water to 90% of the population of the city of Ushuaia. Future
The outlook for the next 25 years is dark and discouraging. Rabassa is your conference discussed a number of findings of observational work carried out since the Southern Center for Scientific Research of CONICET.
The first is that the elevation of the permanent snow line has risen in the past 20 years, over 200 meters in Patagonia and more than 100 meters on the Antarctic Peninsula. Moreover, mountain glaciers such as Circus, inexorably melt in the next 20 to 30 years in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Patagonian inland ice will be reduced to a minimum, the ice shelves in Antarctica collapsed and melting glaciers contribute to rising global sea level.
Monday, December 17, 2007
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The hydatidosis d osis remains a problem current transmission in the Province of Neuquén, and that 13% of cases relate to children.
more than 30 years ago, the state created a program Neuquén control of hydatid disease was an example in Latin America. But in recent times, ceased to be an active policy.
However, data from a study by the School of Medicine, National University of Comahue
talked with Dr. Nora Pierángelli, member of the team of School Medicine is developing a research project on "biological and epidemiological aspects of hydatidosis in Neuquén.
The first results of field work reflect a status table with data that could help strengthen the controls throughout the province.
What is echinococcosis?
hydatid disease is a zoonosis (a disease transmitted from animals to man ) caused by a parasite called Echinococcus granulosu and transmitted by dogs.
H ow

is a chain from dog to sheep, goats, cattle, sheep, cattle dog, and thence to man. On the one hand, the dog is infected through ingestion of raw viscera of cattle, which contain hydatid cysts.
These parasites not only involve the dog, but need another animal to stay, these are usually sheep, goats, cattle, horses and sometimes pigs.
On the other hand, the parasite that causes human disease is transmitted through the eggs that are in the dog feces. That contaminates the pastures, vegetables, water, etc. what animals and then humans eat. In particular, women and children are most affected because they are near the garden and house are the places where the dog.
Another feature of the eggs of Echinococcus is the resistance they have in the Patagonian climate. May live for a year due to low temperatures, especially under the snow and grass.
why most cases occur in rural areas?
is because it is a zoonosis involving livestock and is a deeply rooted in the field to provide raw viscera of animals.
Most cases detected in the Province of Neuquén are in small rural towns, where it is difficult to access personal health or the parasite are not distributed continuously. We talked about the areas and Zapala, Alumine, Loncopué and Chos Malal.
The cycle of the goat and the dog: a peculiarity in the province
In Neuquén Province there is a special feature: the breeding of goats is 5 or 6 times higher than that of sheep. However, prevention techniques applied hydatidosis in Neuquén have to do with the cycle of the sheep and it is unclear what happens to the goat.
Therefore, the objective of the research raised by the teachers of the School of Medicine UNCo is to analyze the cycle that meets the goat and dog.
There are different strains of Echinococcus granulosus, which are variants of this parasite. These are peculiarities of growth, physiological and different times of development according to the host. And what is proven, is that all these strains are not sensitive to the same parasite.
Therefore, the research they are doing would help to pinpoint the most favorable period for the task of de-worming of animals. It is an epidemiological and immunological study, which also is helping to diagnose disease and determine their physiology.
Can reduce infection rates in the province?
This project began conducting an epidemiological study with a statistical program, analyzing data from a period of 10 years. 1007 cases were analyzed throughout the province. From which was carried out a study on the location of the cysts and the age of the patients.
The overall infection rate in the Province is 14 cases per 100 000 during the period 2004 / 2005. There are even areas of up to 70 per 100 000 and places like Aucapán 700 per 100 thousand inhabitants, a very high proportion.
control program, which depends on the provincial health authorities should analyze the data and take action. Should be sought to improve focus of hydatidosis diagnosis in control programs.
What are the most important contributions of this research to help lower the rate of transmission of hydatid disease?
One of the central issues in research is helping determine how exactly the transmission of this disease in the province of Neuquén, as a zoonosis control is essential to know the players involved in the transmission. We know that is not equal transmission through sheep, cows, goats or camels.
Another contribution of research to help improve the diagnosis in the control program. Today
hydatid disease remains a Neuquén transmission problem, and that 13% of them were children.
Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
School of Medicine. Irigoyen
2000. See thrushes. Cipolletti, Black River.
External Director: Prof. Dr. John A. Farjat Basualdo (UNLP).
Co-Director: Prof. Bioq. Ms. Nora B. Pierangeli (UNCo).
Tel: 0299 \u200b\u200b- 477 0505
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
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The distinguished researcher Angela Di Tullio, doctor of letters and a professor at the Universidad Nacional del Comahue, says this experience and notes that "the serious problem of our country is that the school was removing the book" and "the photocopy was a harmful role in the school culture. " Therefore proposed a collective effort to regain the pleasure of reading books.
Commissioned by the Royal English Academy, Di Tullio works day and night in the drafting of the new compendium official grammar of this institution, to be published next year in two versions, one scholarly and one that is a compendium of this release. The novelty of this new edition is the inclusion of English in America, before ignored.
In an interview on the radio program "for sure", Di Tullio defined the Argentine English as "little more rustic and lover of the law."
In this configuration, "Rodriguez says" influence political issues that gave distinctive characteristics "as is" paging "Argentine instead of" your "English. This relates to the Argentina received strong immigration in the late nineteenth century, "what traits printed in our pronunciation, vocabulary and even grammar."
To Di Tullio, another feature of the English of Argentina also has to do with the fact that there has been during the first centuries, Capital of the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. "In the absence of a strong colonial culture, the English of Argentina was less cautious and more influenced by the rural language, as in the example of" you ".
"In general, he explains, our writers tried to reflect the spoken usage of the population. In no country in Latin is as the gaucho literature, reflecting the use of language of a marginalized population and gives a distinct feature of our English. "
What was the model of education that prevailed in the schools?
The school has implemented what was called nationalist education, which imposed the use of symbols and of the English language, differing from the language of Argentina. So it was forbidden the use of "paging", so that the tongue would be as pure as possible. This type of education was very negative. The paging ban was absurd, since the native population and the teachers used it for what is generating a kind of repression of all these traits. Today
this mode change, it is desirable that schools speak English used in Argentina.
talk What is wrong?
There are two ways of understanding. One is to consider that speaking in a non-academic is to speak evil. And the other is to consider that there is a certain predominance in the media of an impoverished language, which tends more to popularize but is not vulgar, is used by the middle class.
Another case different is the language used by Fontanarrosa, the language takes some twists and popular idioms, using metaphors, and managed to reflect and the vernacular, in turn, enriching.
How can you fight at school this way of speaking that is imposed from the media?
replacement reading novels and stories by reading other texts like the newspaper, causing damage as the main entrance of children to the written word is through the stories and novels. It is the only way to access the vocabulary and processes that are performed when reading a story, as the reconstruction of the world and characters.
would be essential that libraries have a wide range, mainly school libraries, as many kids do not have a library at home. While it is true that there are very serious financial problems, diffusion, circulation and management of a book, is fundamental. We need a policy book.
In Medellin noteworthy is the work of the mayor is the formation of libraries as places where there is only going to get a book, but also meets the family, and the boys can hold workshops.
city slogans are: "Medellín the most educated" and "Medellin a city to read." It is a way to reverse the poor image of the city, which is directly related to drug trafficking.
A forecast of the future of our
English ... Language is always changing, obviously still speaking English in Argentina. The differences between English from Spain and the English of Argentina have to do with what Borges said: "a hint of differentiation."
is important that each country has special characteristics that give us linguistic identity. Our regional identity is given mainly by our writers and non-use of neutral English.
Contact: Angela Di Tullio
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Faculty of Humanities Tel +54-299-4490389 to 390 - Fax +54-299-4490313
Email: mailto:
Monday, December 3, 2007
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El aciago 11 de noviembre, Carlos moría apuñalado y Alex quedaba grievously wounded by a fascist military, moments after Daniel TL 16, minor to them, received a brutal beating by the riot, which has kept him 15 days in the hospital.
During this time, during all demonstrations not know what happened.
Chance has made information flow as an acquaintance of mine happens to be relative. During the incidents in the district of Legazpi between people and police, received a bottle in the head by friendly fire, "some concern that the bottle bounced off a car if you hit it squarely on the head is humming and causing a great divide, already wounded, the police charged, he could not flee and crushed him, balls at close range, head butts ... the brutal beating was leaving him lying unconscious and bleeding, two other children, it seems that neither knew him , seeing his parlous state remained accompanying him, disobeying police he wanted to leave, they refused to leave him. These were the three children held in Legazpi this sad morning, which passed through the clot, the work over and the two supportive.
seems that passed through the hospital and a doctor bastard let the police take him, and am in the dungeon of the Grum, pleading for help, saying he was sick, someone who had not yet been realized the seriousness of his injuries and was taken to hospital, where he would not leave until two weeks later. When his parents saw it were amazed, a lot of stitches and staples in his head, suffers amnesia, no memory of what happened before the hospital. It seems that the family does not want to disclose the case, although they have reported to hospital and police and seek to reach the final.
I, as my acquaintance knows what limping walk, and know my background and inclinations, I asked for a competent lawyer, I assumed, then, that the family would have recourse to a lawyer "anyone" but apparently is being assisted by Erlantz Ibarra, who was appointed by the minor. Our anger
we no longer fit in the body, some, little, we could get these days. I had known this, maybe things would have been different.
If this had been known from the start, what could be said about the Madrid Social Forum? Not only must fight back the Nazis, it is absolutely necessary to return them to the police, the government delegate, who know that when someone burst hosts are going to be expensive, and we will put everything upside down. And this will not be able to be recovered from the left, none of their rankings, because this response not be of the "fascist" label interclass label growing ever tells us less (these days it has been held since the party fascist government, and along the left: the Students' Union, Movement Against Intolerance , IU, PCE, CCOO, UGT, Peace Now also showing that anti-fascism can be a capitalist, so that label falls short, we are anti-capitalist nosotrxs).
The revolution is not the end, is the road.
settle accounts with our enemies.
Editor's note: Klinamen has contrasted this information. It is absolutely true
Friday, November 30, 2007
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A couple of videos of Platform. On 1 of anti-fascist demonstration held in Vallecas :
And 2, " In memory of Carlos, and against fascism. They shall not pass. "
Thursday, November 22, 2007
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Because traveling is not just hop on a plane, train or on your own legs and walk away , remember today that @ s @ s have been forced to travel in search of fresh air and freedom . The Lute once said that "l at first obligation of every inmate is trying to escape " and he was right, when man has been imprisoned, deprived of their liberty
always intensified their ingenuity to find ways to escape. Sarrionandia From Spartacus, throughout history there have been many who have staged successful escapes, sometimes works of art.
Here are some memorable and some prisoners escaped from legend Travelers no return.
oldest punishment is the deprivation of humanity of freedom. So criminals are punished but also many innocent . Slavery was a feature of ancient societies and an important part of the economy
The most famous escape was old Spartacus, the slave of Thracian origin who buzzed the Roman Republic. After defecting from the Roman auxiliary troops was sentenced to hard labor in a gypsum mine where it was purchased by a wealthy merchant to take to school for gladiators in Capua. The sources that talk about this character influence was a strong man but also intelligent, educated and fair. Along with his fellow slaves who were forced to fight to death other for entertainment Roman devised an escape plan that evolved into a plan of rebellion . Elevations
gladiators slaves had no major problem for the school to escape prison and moved into the top of Vesuvius. His example was followed by hundreds of thousands of slaves who escaped and joined him forming an army of nearly 100,000 fled who fought the Roman legions to the bitter end all know.
There is no doubt that, since ancient times there were many characters who escaped from his captors. For example there are many anecdotes in the West know of the crusaders who escaped of Muslims and vice versa but the lack of documentation makes well into the XVI century it is known fugitives with names and precise detail.
Antonio Pérez was the secretary of Philip II and was imprisoned after several conspiracies charged with treason. In 1590 he escaped from prison in Pinto dressed in the clothes of his wife and fled to Aragon. Felipe II oiled machinery of war and sent 12,000 troops to Zaragoza to crush all the support and sympathy that might have, but fortune smiled at the secretary conspirator and escaped to France and then England. Another famous prisoner was that Cervantes held captive in Algiers for five years and tried to escape on four occasions but none with success. And Giacomo Casanova is known both for his escapades as for his art to escape from anyone who held it from husbands spiteful to own inquisition.
The fiction has also left us great heroes who became famous through his escapades . Edmond Dantes, The Count of Monte Cristo is so famous for being terribly vindictive as the most original plot story of a leak. Victim of the envy of a childhood friend is accused of conspiracy and supporting Napoleon Bonaparte to force his return to France. Is imprisoned in the fortress of If where he meets another prisoner, the Abbe Faria, who instructs him in the most diverse arts, from literature and philosophy to the fencing. On his deathbed, the old man entrusted with the secret of the whereabouts of an immense treasure. Once dead, Dantes old body out of its mortise and gets him posing as the deceased so that the guards carry him and throw him into the sea. So he got his freedom and went in search of treasure that will help you get revenge on those who put him in jail.
supposedly impregnable strengths helped increase the legend of the prisoners who escaped from these prisons. The Tower of London Bastille Paris, Mont Saint-Michel or the same Chafarinas islands were the scene of incarceration of political riots, and of course, leaks. The Colditz Castle in Germany would be one of those prisons as hated as famous. He was admitted as a prison in the First World War and the Second SS used the castle as a high security prison. Many were the allies who tried to escape from this fortress and few have succeeded. After you have dug tunnels to hide in mattresses, and squeeze through the window with rope of sheets, inmates built a aereoplano with their bunks tablets weighed only 120 kg and hid in the ceiling of the chapel with a false wall. The attempt to jump and blast it with a pulley system driven by a tub of concrete was not necessary as the war ended at the time.
In that war there was another flight that has been immortalized by the movie, the escape of
prison camp Stalag Luft III . The movie "The Great Escape " immortalized the feat of Allied prisoners who staged a mass breakout. Through a long tunnel planned the flight of some two hundred prisoners, but eventually only 76 people could cross. The majority was again imprisoned and many executed, one of survivors, Jimmy James was the one who inspired the Steve McQueen role. But the history of this area did not end with that failed attempt half. Other prisoners devised the tactic of "Trojan horse " every morning carrying a box of wood to the fence supposed to do gymnastics while digging
three people hiding inside the box. We
this review of strengths and fugitives with flagship American prisons, Alcatraz . This prison is located on a small island in the Bay of San Francisco was home to such famous prisoners like Al Capone. There have been many attempts to break but only won the flight plan Frank Lee Morris and the Anglin brothers. Morris, immortalized by Clint Eastwood, digging a tunnel with a bucket under the sink in his cell and heads manufactured based paste of bread crumbs and real hair. Escaped and was never heard from them.
We were now leaking those who eventually become legend. It happened at the prison Martutene day San Fermin, 1985 . Imanol gave a concert in prison and two inmates took the opportunity to get into two speakers, after the concert when the workers finish the show and the Caraga in the truck, and Sarri Piti finally breathed air. Joseba Sarrionandia (Sarri) missing, even though the alleged crimes have been prescribed, he manages to regularly publish their works because it is considered one of the best poets of current Basques. _____________________________________________
had this pretty much given up, but I've seen this text and I think it's pretty interesting.
Monday, October 22, 2007
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In times of energy crisis, it is often necessary to use alternative methods to address the shortage.
Though our area has important
For these cases, researchers applied mechanics department of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue, designed a small power plant, which installed up stream, can provide electricity to an outlet or a small group of homes, particularly in the mountainous area. Orlando
engineers Marchegiani Audisio and Ariel told us that "the design was intended for a machine that uses technology workshops in any area is to be installed" and detail some aspects of the project.
How did the process of making this turbine?
Initially, we conducted a study to obtain the average of the falls and flows that existed in the Andes and use these two parameters for the development of the turbine. Then look for a manufacturer to implement the prototype and testing was performed.
One of these machines is currently being used, Refugio Neumeyer in the Club Andino Bariloche , located in the mountainous surroundings of the town.
In the Hydraulic Machinery Laboratory, the University did all the hydraulic and mechanical design and the machine was built on a lathe of the City of Allen, Black River. As it is designed to work in very isolated places, the idea is that the maintenance is minimal.
What generates power and supplies?
Power can be variable according to the waterfall and stream flow. In a pipe breaks placed to exploit this gap and at the end of the pipe, the turbine. The prototype developed
6 kilos and was used to supply between 6 and 10 houses, according to the consumer they have. But this power plant can even provide up to 50 kilowatts of energy, so its use can be extended to other activities.
How are the manufacturing and installation costs?
Compared with the generator, the medium-term economic benefits are high. While the initial cost of the generator is low, then its use and maintenance is expensive especially for the price of fuel, which is its raw material.
In contrast, the hydroelectric installation is expensive but its source of supply is the water that is a free resource and is free. In addition, the life of a hydroelectric plant is 50 years minimum and a generator 15.
What deference between hydropower and other renewable energies?
When it comes to energy, the essence is sought is an energy that can move a generator. In the case of hydraulics, that energy is searched in the water that comes from a fall. But water, sun, air and biomass are intermediaries that are used as fuel sources. In this case, water transfers its energy to the turbine, and turbine transforms it into mechanical energy rotation, transferring to the generator.
"Hydropower is the most appropriate for the area?
Hydropower and wind power are the only ones able to provide a considerable amount of power. The problem is that wind power needs a wind field having certain characteristics, such as constant, so you can move your machine. On the other hand, the pressure must not work if there is a stream or a waterfall. But anyway, in the Andes, hydropower is above the wind just by these characteristics.
Furthermore, it should be noted that in the area is one of the watersheds in the country: the Limay . However
many communities still have no power as is the case Moquehue, a tourist area. This is because there is still no specific policy on renewable energy and would be essential to start thinking about it.
Hydraulic Machinery Laboratory, National University of Comahue, it also has the only bank in the region's public trial where trials are held third and diagnostic machines complete.
National University Faculty of Engineering
Hydraulic Machines Laboratory (LA.M.HI.)
Buenos Aires 1400 (8300) Neuquén.
Tel +54 -299-4490300 int. 404
Monday, October 8, 2007
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Economy for the producer, environmental care, and better prospects for marketing Products include three of the goals to which aims to create a spray of agrochemicals for fruit and vegetable production of Upper Black River Valley and Neuquén.
This machine was designed teacher-researchers of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue. The project also attended by professionals from the Faculty of Engineering. The director is Alcides Di Prinzio, Doctor of Mechanisation and Agrarian Technology and Sergio Behmer, Master of Agricultural Mechanization.
The project began in the late 90's, first "moved into a phase of producer support, addressing technology issues, and here comes the spray calibration service that was done in conjunction with INTA "said Di Prinzio.
Parallel to this, there was a job research is to observe the efficiency and the problems I had the current system of pesticide application. Thus the idea of \u200b\u200bseeking a new technology to improve their implementation and in turn, be less aggressive toward the environment.
In order to implement this innovative machinery and know their results, the research team developed an experimental prototype with the help of a mechanic in the area. The result was very positive and interested to a local producer who made the sprayer through an agreement with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. It was a pre-commercial design, which "is on stage adjustments to improve some aspects, "said Di Prinzio teacher.
Some of the advantages of the sprayer is the cost savings for the producer due to its innovative design that a tunnel is secured in recovering part of the ejected product that is not deposited on leaves and sends it back to the tank. 20% of the product will be recirculated and according to the researchers' calculations, the doses of chemicals per hectare would be reduced by 50%.
On the other hand, this system helps protect the environment and reduce air pollution by 80%. "The environmental aspects also influence the marketing of products fruit growing. There is great demand for integrated production systems and market rules that are increasingly demanding that protects the environment, "said Di Prinzio.
The physiognomic and operational changes that this new spray is another advantage that the researchers noted. Expression changes compared to conventional spray and although it complicates their use in some types of fruit plantations, remains overcome in other aspects such as application.
Another salient feature of this machine is that you can use at times of the day on which the conventional do not. This lets you work with less equipment, what benefits the producer in reducing costs.
"To finish this project are required to perform the latest reforms and make it operational. The main idea that motivated us was the realization of a product for the region to help mitigate the adverse impact of weather conditions for the application of agricultural chemicals, "said Di Prinzio.
Apart from this research project, we must stress also the training activities carried out from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences 20 years ago. They are designed both to producers and operators, with the aim of improving the products and working conditions workers.
Contact: DI
Prinzio, Alcides
Agricultural Mechanization Department - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - National University of Comahue
National Route 151 Km 12.5, Cinco Saltos
Monday, September 24, 2007
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Neuquén For more than half the $ 3,700 million pesos in the budget this year comes mainly from oil royalties. However, the province can not be overcome even with all this money, the problems of social inequality. Bilder Ernesto
Teachers and Adriana Giuliani, faculty researchers at the National University of Comahue, warn against entering a stage of decline of the oil economy and argue that Neuquén urgent convert this model, which is running out as the same hydrocarbon reserves .
analyze this problem and propose some alternatives for sustained development, based on a more equal income distribution.
What is an oil economy and the Neuquen?
is a special type of those who base their economic strategy on the exploitation of natural resources. It's basically rentist and much of its resources come from the "economic rent", or additional amount that is obtained from a source whose supply is limited by natural or artificial. In the case of oil income is abundant, since the difference between the international price and cost of removal is significant. The concept is generally used to reflect on oil-producing countries, but is perfectly applicable also to a province, although there are variables that control how the exchange rate and overall macroeconomic policy.
What distinguishes it from other development models being implemented in the world? We can cite
side to Norway, where oil for excellence that has brought together its top economists and financiers for the income received and not wasted the day when oil runs out, can remain a prosperous country. On the other side is Nigeria, which is a total mess, with a high level of corruption and drag it history of many African Nations. And in the middle are the Arab countries, which between themselves are not homogeneous and all have some particularity with respect to the polity.
Of these three models mentioned, the researchers chose to focus on the "neat Norway," to demystify the idea that when an economy dependent on oil, is inevitably vulnerable and suffer what some authors categorized as a "curse."
Where Neuquén economy would be located?
Leaving aside the cases of Norway and Nigeria that are extreme, in general these economies share certain characteristics with respect to resource management and administration of income they get. For example, a short-term implementation of economic and social policy, lack of transparency in expenditure and budgetary policy, with little interference by enforcement agencies, high transaction costs by the State; powerful interests linked to the fate of spending and the concessions made by the political power, poor development and low competitiveness of the private sectors are not linked to well-exportable, inequitable income distribution, with large pockets of poverty, patronage networks that consolidate the political power of government. We found these features in Neuquén.
The international price of crude has led in recent years an unprecedented surplus. But thinking about the fall of reservations mention what it could do with the surplus now?
The Constitution states that all the extra resources should be applied to something that works for the future. The barometer of this province's oil and in recent years, there was a huge coincidence favorable. The large devaluation, together with the rise in international oil prices, catapulted the resources of the province as never before.
However, the Neuquén government itself takes the depletion of hydrocarbon reserves in recognizing the need the restructuring of production through various projects that have been presented, especially in pre-election stage. The issue is that this argument justified the provincial debt in 2006 through the issuance of debentures by $ 250 million.
And you, what you think of this proposed conversion?
We realized the need for a serious project conversion, indicating a specific project to where it will target extra resources. This province is economically ill-conceived, which is mounted weak. The irrigation canal could propose to extend the agricultural frontier and is an option possible. But then you have to think of a democratic conception of land distribution. The projected racetracks or the ministry center hardly contribute to the conversion.
The presentation of programs that promise to change the productive matrix has been a constant in the various internal lines of the popular movement of Neuquén, in 45 years in office. But the reality is that never were implemented and currently more than half of economic activities depend on the extractive sector.
What are the proposals that you make a serious project to address the restructuring of production?
believe that the intervention the state is essential to enable sustainable development and to avoid unequal distribution of income. It is exploiting the natural resources available considering strategic assets for economic development in the country. In this sense, it is necessary to review in coordination with the National Energy Policy, in force since the early nineties, which allows multinational corporations to appropriate and send abroad the greater share of oil revenues. In parallel, design a project that includes some basic assumptions. Among others, we mention the following:
- Overcoming the dependency on external funding.
- Promote a productive profile to strengthen social justice in the sense of moving towards a more equitable income distribution.
- The state's administrative apparatus must be engaged and trained for the new strategy.
- Encourage activities that generate added value, and possibly exportables, ie, they can go outside the region.
- For support of this model of development or to operate any plan, it must promote a new system of dialogue and coexistence with the social partners.
Could also consider creating a fund to deal with counter-cyclical when reserves are exhausted hidrocarburíficas? Norway
countercyclical fund has a surplus consisting of oil obtained. This would be a viable and desirable alternative. And is entering a period of decline of the oil economy in Neuquén. It is a warning and therefore it is urgent to convert this model is low, as the same reservations of our "black gold."
Contact: Ernesto
Adriana Giuliani:
Tel 0299-440312
Friday, September 21, 2007
Letter Template Community Hours

wine also. But not all yeast is appropriate. We must find those with higher fitness, according to the product you want to achieve.
this is working in a research team of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo), led by the teacher Adriana Caballero. The project's objective is to select the best yeast for the production of regional fine wine sensory characteristics, quality-controlled differential. This will give added value to the red wines of the Upper Black River Valley and Neuquén, and improve their ability to compete in the global market. Keep in mind that at present wineries in the region must import the yeast used for fermentation.
To learn more, talked with researchers Adriana Caballero (PhD in Biochemistry) and Marcela Sangorrin (PhD in biology).
What are yeasts?
The vinification process is to tread the grapes, ground or crushed into wine. This transformation is carried out by a living organism called yeast. If this organism is not present, the wort is not transformed into wine.
But in all yeast species, and within the species sacaromisie particular service (with which it is bread, beer and wine), you can select different individuals with better fitness and better able to make certain products. For example, the brewers keep their strains of yeast for beer production. So we're trying to do is select the entire population of yeast indigenous to the area, an individual who meets the best properties. To produce good quality wines and also with different features and properties in the region.
How does the yeast in the process?
The metabolism of the yeast turns the sugar in grape juice (the juice) in ethanol. This is one of the first products we want to have wine. Not only that, also contributes to the body and aroma of wine.
The problem is that not every microorganism used, because it can produce undesirable compounds. So we must select the proper yeast for this region, for certain varietals, and technological conditions of certain wineries. For example, if you want a floral wine, yeasts are more compounds contributing to aroma of flowers. Each gives you a special wine. What
yeast were selected in the region and how this selection of yeast?
We selected two types of yeast: the service and sacarosimietica sacaromisie, that has the ability to enhance the primary aroma.
What is done is to evaluate the different features. For example, to develop well when yeast enters the grape because it makes too much sugar. And from the substrate (the grape) has to develop at some time a large amount of ethanol without producing too much volatile acidity, or other odors. It is important to provide distinctive features like those that make heavier the wine.
"For what type of wine yeast would be obtained?
Especially for the production of young red wines. Because 85% of the production of red wine region and youth. The young wine is one that has no aging in wood or, if any, is short term. In a young wine, it is essential to fermentation aroma that comes from the metabolism of yeast. Because neutral varietal grapes such as those made here, if the merlot or pinot-producing yeast aroma is basically what gives the wine aroma (in other cases the smell also provides the juice and / or aging .) You can also select yeasts that are able to enhance the primary aroma of wine.
What is the process of analysis of yeast?
samples must be taken in various stages of fermentation, and the laboratory are separated all the yeast that are present. By having separate trials may be given a specific, identified to individuals. This can be done with the advent of techniques from molecular biology are also techniques that we use.
And what were the results of tests done with these two types of yeast?
We tested these strains at the industrial level, in the cellars of the region, and have had good results compared with commercial yeasts. The University
have to register yeast, development, and as it happens. We will continue investigating and searching for other alternatives and then a company can spend to produce it.
yeasts being used in the wineries of the region are they? What differences might have our wines with yeast from here? Producers purchase
yeasts that are not in this region but are tested in other wine regions and selected according to a catalog. But this takes away criminality and characteristics to the wines of the region.
Studies made in the various wine regions worldwide, according to which there would be a geographic structure in populations of yeast. That is, each region would yeast populations with specific characteristics that also would be better suited to grape must in each location. Therefore, it would be better able to compete. The important thing is that a yeast is made "famous" for certain properties.
The same goes for the production of vines, geography also affects. A varietal is not given in the same way in one region than another. For example, in the upper valley region is very good at the varietal Merlot. Which does not happen in Mendoza. Do
local businessmen could produce regional yeast?
wine market is quite complicated because there is oversupply. It should be noted in the quality of wines and industry must invest in technology. Within this technology can be an investment in agronomic level, a cellar-level investment, ie everything related to the equipment, and investing primarily in biotechnology, to handle the microorganisms that drive the process of winemaking.
is a low-cost technology compared to the rest, which improves the quality of wines in both large and small enterprises who can not afford to make capital investments in other aspects. The idea has always been our aim to develop a technology that allows the family businesses to earn a better place the quality of their wines according to an investment they can make. It is also a good strategy for the development of certain types of industrial activities in the region and allows small businesses compete against large companies.
What types of producers or winemakers may care about this project?
This development are interesting for everyone. Historically not given importance to the organisms that carry forward the process of making wine, but now with the advancement of knowledge recognizes the value of the process and the need to control.
then able to select these yeasts to control one aspect of the process, the microbiological Today is not controlled.
What is the next step in the selection of yeast?
The next step is to bring engineers and do necessary tests so that they can own tests with industrial production. We also want to test other characteristics of these strains, which may become necessary for which dry yeast and can stay viable.
The implementation of molecular biology techniques for identifying individuals, was also used to transfer the experience of the research group of health workers in public hospitals of the Province of Neuquén, hereinafter will use this methodology in the hospital.
also being created in the Universidad Nacional del Comahue, a pathogenic yeast bank in the region. And another result of the project, having preserved more than a thousand strains of yeasts of this region in the laboratory. That is a gene bank that is the heritage of all the inhabitants of this region and the country, with potential to be applied in other biotechnological developments.
is difficult to price the value of this gene bank because it means preserving our genetic heritage for future generations.
Microbiology and Biotechnology Dept. Chemistry-Faculty of Engineering National University of Comahue
54299 4490300 TE 493 and 287 int
4490385 or 4488306 FAX 54 299
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Kitchenaid Mixer Outlet Store
Les activitats is divideixen in DEBATS i tallers, We have almost fixed the debates. The workshops will be distributed according to the dynamics of meetings.
Welcome and preparing the space for the gathering. First workshops.
Afternoon: Debate
"The Kaos and the wilderness" lively by XXX.
Debate: "A non primitivist anticivilization" by Wolfi from Willfull Desobedience.
Debate: "Global change, a chance for authoritarianism"
Debate: "Post environmentalism. Towards an ecology without romanticism "
Until now we have the following workshops:
"Your health in your hands or the determination of health"
"Techniques for Relaxation and body"
"Laughter Workshop"
"approach to nanotechnology"
"homemade soap "
Workshop intrusion"
"Cryptography and PGP"
we may add a workshop to make bread.
If you want and take over a debate or workshop should contact us to organize it on time.
hope that people will share their talks, skills, emotions, theories ...
More information and we set up a forum that revolves around four themes that focus the discussion of the conference:
Kaos, anticiv not primitive, global change ecology and post- to . So you can participate right now.
should bring:
tent, sleeping bag
plate, cup and cutlery
Everything else we will arrange to make things easier.
translation would be glad of the announcement Qualsevol altra llengua i to the diffusion of Qualsevol Mitjà. ________________________________________
The activities are divided into discussions and workshops, when we fix the debates and workshops will be distributed according to the dynamics of the meetings.
Welcome and preparing the space for the gathering. Top workshops.
Afternoon: Debate
"The kaos and the wilderness" by XXX.
Debate: "A non primitivist anticivilization" Willfull by Wolfi of Disobedience.
Afternoon: Workshops
Debate: "Global change, a chance for authoritarianism"
Afternoon: Workshops
Debate: "Post environmentalism. Towards an ecology without romanticism "
Afternoon: Workshops
Until now we have the following workshops:
"Your health in your hands or self health"
"Relaxation and body relations."
workshop "laughter"
"approach to nanotechnology"
"Making soap"
workshop "intrusion"
"Cryptography and PGP"
And surely we can add a workshop to make bread.
If someone wants to propose and take over a discussion or workshop, contact us to organize time.
hope that the meetings are a time to share their abilities, emotions, theories, ...
WARNING! More information
in and have set up a forum to discuss the 4 main discussion at the conference: kaos, anticiv no primitivist global change and post-environmentalism in . Then they can participate from now too impatient and those who can not join us.
You need to bring
Sleeping Bag Plate, cup and cutlery
And everything else we will organize ourselves to make things easier.
translation would be appreciated the call to any other language and its dissemination by any means.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Sympathy For About Your Dog
Hala Bedi Irrati web ko gunean irakurtzen nenbilela Bideo honekin topatu naiz. Bertan, Gasteizko Gaztetxe historiari ko gainbegirada bat ematen zaio. Oso ondo adieraztua gainera. Azkenengo zatiarekin, 2005ko urrian ospatu zen Gaztetxe eguna ren irudiekin emozionatu ta guzti egin naiz... jejeje eske oso egun berezia izan zan!!
Beno... hor doa ba, bideoa:
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Mistress Veronica Leather
x - Atala: La tos de medianoche
Hoy , 24 de julio 2007 se estan produciendo celebraciones en todo un continente por un nacimiento ,el de SIMON BOLIVAR ,podeís encontrar una crónica de unas celebraciones en toda latinoamerica que en el estado español no like to comment, being an independence leader who defeated the English army and brought freedom to many nations oppressed by the English monarchy. This story is not like the English ...
But if we move to Palestine, Israel wants to teach children Hebrew, 1948 killings were not such that the theft of land from the Palestinians by the Jewish invaders from other countries did not exist ... so the title of the article comop Aljazeera: Israel rewrite the history books . This story does not please the Zionists
If we travel to Africa, as Canary l where the independence movement Azarug try reporting a history of conquest made a July 25, 1496, which do not do very well stop to consider claims that English and English African territory (see map and distance ) is a projection of l Peters and reflect on an invasion. ...
But back to where from Navarra on July 22 gave us a version of the history of Navarra defended by historians who have been politically persecuted when they have attempted to legalize associations and / or foundations of character publicly to defend cultural their studies and had to leave Navarre Guipuzcoa to legalize their associations, and this has happened recently ... this story is not like the English. Health
culture and reflection
Friday, July 13, 2007
Watch A Fond Kiss Online
This is the name of a blog that I found today by accident, going to hear the new song Manu Chao Rainin in Paradize . I loved the song, but the piece of cyberspace to occupy this blog I liked it more. It has entries as interesting as Democracy in Cuba ... , How to change the world , Liberty? (Freedom?) , Eneko Pencils for Peace in , and many others. Seriously, highly recommended, take a look, it's worth. :)
Jenna Nippel Piercing
Thu, 07/12/2007 - 10:00 - admin
On July 12 Another person was arrested by a sticker
Askatasuna has published a dossier of enforcement data collected so far. The provisional nature of this information is clear if we consider that another person was arrested (and has been released after going through the judge) after publication carry a sticker. In other forced to remove her shirt being of Segi, the style of the Israeli army.
Askatasuna has convened a noisy concentration for Friday at 21:00 pm in Town Hall Square.
This is the report sent by Askatasuna and political assessment: BALANCE
repressive This is the provisional balance so far do the San Fermin festival. At least 12 arrests, police assault charges and fines, social control, convictions on speedy trials, removal of the replica of the wake of German ...
July 4:
- Two days before the start of the festivities, the National Police carried out a large police operation in the heart of Alde Zaharra of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bin the Plaza de Nabarreria. During this operation "routine check" (as they call with questions @ s neighbors) saw dozens of people, neighbor @ sy customers of bars and shops in the area. The square is occupied by dozens of police carrying riot gear and plainclothes hooded to prevent the passage of pedestrians and neighborhood @ s who want access to their homes. After an hour long police occupation, we find the device. The next day, dozens of neighbors @ s, @ s Hospitality merchants and concentrated to repudiate the action police and report the damage it has caused.
(Videos of policing in )
- The night before, two young Navarre report having been subjected to a brutal beating by the Municipal Police. The two young men report having been assaulted by two agents from the PM that were intercepted in The Grove, after they had been released after spending an hour police station for refusing to identify themselves. The images of the marks caused by the blows are creepy. NaBai ANV and asked to take measures to investigate the case and to dismiss Simon Santamaría.
(Photos and testimonials )
July 6:
- Arrosadía Three youths were arrested by municipal police accused of political advertising.
- Municipal Police presence prevents the Txupinazo ikurriña: In the city of Pamplona, \u200b\u200baldermen on UPN with local police to prevent strokes Gastesi Mikel Councilman ANV, display ikurriña during the launch of the rocket announcing the parties. Invite @ s of ANV and Marine Pueyo are registered and harassed in the presence of Municipal Police Chief Simon Santamaría. In the outskirts of the City Hall square, hundreds of police (English National Police, Municipal Police, Provincial Police), both uniformed and civilian, are responsible for hindering that people come to ikurrinas to Txupinazo. According to eyewitnesses, the National Police assaults a young man in New Street.
(See pictures at )
- Riau-Riau: During the celebration of the traditional Riau-Riau, local police charged against the persons present who uttered cries against Yolanda Ginger.
- In the afternoon, a young Yolanda Barcina chides. He was arrested by municipal police and taken to police station where he is accused and fined for disobedience to authority and public disorder.
July 7:
- During the eviction of the trail closure both Provincial and Municipal Police assaulted several people in order to "cleanse" the streets. No doubt the flood of visitors and corridors overflowed the organization provided by the City Council for closure, and resort to brutality. Punched and shoved people who pile into the tour and in many cases do not understand the reason for the police action. Ginger walks the route triumphant closure to the neighborhood protests.
- In the procession of San Fermin, and fears that the protests become more acute, Ginger, and Archbishop Simon Sebastian Santamaria decide cut up the path of the Catholic and avoid the sections which means more conflict.
- buffeted by plainclothes policemen and attacked a young man next to the Mercado de Santo Domingo.
- At dawn, in the vicinity of City Hall several municipal police officers need to identify several people for no apparent reason. Begins a discussion that ends with a person identified and attacked.
July 8:
- again, before the opening of the closure, police officers and Police Provincial Municipal brutally evicted the way to the bullring. The police attacks are captured by video cameras, although some "spanking" is tips on places that do not meet targets. The protests of the running of the bulls trying to tone up and there are launches of the Police. National Police officers involved then loaded onto Calle San Agustin and Caldedería, causing many injured and bruised. At least 2 of them are treated at the Hospital de Navarra and shows intent to file a complaint about the events.
- Prior to the start the act of homage to German Rodriguez at the place where he was gunned down by the bullets of the English police, there are some pushing and shoving between the attendees and municipal police officers, who have installed a "cord security " Closure around Memorial. This "security cordon" has not been present during the rest of the holidays, so that those present placement qualify as a "provocation." That same night, the city of Pamplona Municipal Police ordered to remove the replica of the Stele of germ that has been placed by noon.
July 9:
- takes place in Pamplona on the day dedicated to children in the festival program. Coinciding with this, Provincial Police made two arrests in the Plaza de Toros of two children. They are brothers, and apparently, after being one of them arrested and taken to the Provincial Police have dependencies within the Plaza, the other to inquire about the status of your family. Finally the two were arrested and assaulted by Regional Police, accusing them of "undermining the authority." Another young man is identified by more than carry a handkerchief with the initials claiming amnesty for l @ s pres @ s political prisoners Basques s @ s.
- By midmorning, several police officers passing by merchants Foral come to arrest a young man whom they accuse Had they been insulted. We organize a discussion among those present and the Provincial Police resulting in a charge involving violent riot agents provincial and municipal police. At that time, a 12 year old boy who was witnessing Day events of the Child is attacked with a thump on the head that causes him a head injury. Subsequently, the Provincial Police arrested a young man moved. Your friends will go to the police station to inquire about their status and are also detained. In total 5 people are arrested, accused of attack on authority. One of them had been assaulted by police officers involved in his arrest. Three of them, residents of Pamplona have been sentenced to 6 months in prison after conducting a speedy trial. The other two people, natives of Biscay, have not even been brought to justice, sobreseyéndose their causes.
July 10:
- Agents Municipal Police removed the banners Karmen Street in provocative attitude and try to cause incidents with people present at all times avoid provocations. It is for this attitude so that no more serious incidents occur. The municipal police is very nervous and violent. BALANCE
dam of the Fiesta de San Fermin
This is the political assessment of the trial balance of the repressive acts of police brutality and the various bodies "security" these days acting
With all these facts, from Askatasuna we make the following assessment:
- These events are not isolated. Respond to a pre-planned strategy that seeks to create tension during the holidays and punish those sectors during the remainder of the year are involved in various social struggles, political or cultural. These safermines being the most violent in recent years, with assaults, arrests, fines and prosecution.
- We believe that further attacks presented here are only the tip of the iceberg. We are confident that many more police assaults occur and ultimately go unreported.
- We are also convinced, and this has reflected publicly on several occasions that many of the Provincial Police officers and Police Municipal do not want this kind of repressive tasks. However, given the numerous data supporting the allegations of police brutality, these agents are taking a stand complicit by not reporting these violent attitudes. From Askatasuna want, once again, invite them to break their silence and isolate their violent partners. We believe that we need a clear public position toward the unions about the policies and guidelines from UPN and hierarchies imposed on police officers.
- In fact, these policies are based on criteria that meet the policy needs to have UPN in Navarre and Pamplona. This is far-right party impose its social and political citizenship Navarre using violence and undermine the entire approach that do not conform to their ideas. In this sense, used as a battering ram repressive police forces, establishing bylaws and the Covenant of Civic and attacks every possible way the popular movement.
- Games like PSN and NaBai, who had promised a political change to Navarre and Pamplona, \u200b\u200bhave not been able so far to articulate the majority needed to avoid UPN remains in power. It is well known what happened in cities such as Pamplona, \u200b\u200bLizarra, Tafalla ... where the excuse of "condemnation of the violence" is allowed to govern the party who exercises daily. To be seen what will happen in the Government of Navarre, but the negotiations taking place, police repression and brutality are not issues to be taken into consideration, so we fear that NaBai would be willing to continue to provide a check PSN white in these areas in exchange for power levels, as it does with police violence emanating from the repressive forces led by PSOE / PSN, and as Rodriguez Zapatero has already announced, will still apply now if possible, with more pressure.
- Policy frameworks imposed on us and concerns the Amejoramiento foulbrood has never been endorsed by the citizens of Navarre is the origin all this violence. This policy framework requires police violence to prevent the forces that put into question to achieve their political work. And this political framework, to date, is accepted as legitimate by both the UPN as part of PSN and now NaBai. These also have given a necessary debate about real and profound political change.
Askatasuna, assessing the seriousness of the allegations, a character called a noisy concentration for Friday July 13th at 21:00 in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. We appeal to the popular sectors and especially those who in one way or another Integer in the Fiesta and in your organization so that MOBILIZATION seconded that this will have as theme "Enough is enough! No to police brutality, utzi bakean!, July 12, 2007
Sympathy Closing Phrases
The Catalan government has announced assembly for Social Communications, the closure of
LaTele emissions. The move, reported on 5 July, also envisages the application of a sanction. "The Tele" of the ACS currently has no license to broadcast, but is awaiting the call a competition for it. "The Tele is a community television which broadcasts its programming on UHF channel 52 in Barcelona. The program consists of materials that provide individuals, organizations and social groups and materials production. This media is part of a project developed by the Assembly for Social Communication, nonprofit organization that aims to achieve recognition of a visual space for social movements in Barcelona. Since its constitution in 2003, ACS has worked to ensure that the Law on Audiovisual Communication regulating spectrum Radio Catalonia to ensure the existence and sustainability waves free media and community. The ACS presented their demands to the committee responsible for drafting the new Broadcasting Act, which was approved in December 2005. The final text of the law stated in Article 70 the recognition of "media nonprofit. The ACS is also part of the Red Estatal de Medios Comunitarios. From this network is articulating the social vindication of freedom of expression in Spain (right recognized by Article 20 of the English Constitution) and the right of access als mitjans de comunicació.
Aquestes reivindicacions tenen com a objectiu la inclusió dels mitjans comunitaris a la futura Llei espanyola de l’Audiovisual (pendent d’aprovació).
Inventor Of The Swing Set
Askapena ko brigadaren bitartez Mexikon gaude, herri honetako borrokak ikusteko eta hauetatik ikasteko. Igande honetan Atencora joan ginen, Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra elkartekoak ezagutzeko. Igandea asanblada eguna da eta bildurik zeuden heldu ginenean, 30 pertsona inguru zeuden bildurik. Gehienak pertsona nagusiak ziren, 50 urte ingurukoak; etxekoandre, langileak, nekazariak… Hauek izan ziren iazko maiatzaren 3 eta 4an 3000 polizi armatuen aurka borrokatu ziren “biolentoak”?
“Que bueno que vinisteis” errepikatzen zuten, “es importante que el mundo sepa”, ongi etorri beroa egin ziguten. Beren borrokaz hitz egin ziguten, nola 2001ean Mexikoko agintariek beren lur komunaletan aireportu internazionala egin nahi zuten, nola oraindik asmo horrekin jarraitzen duten.
2001ean Fox-en gobernu eskuindarrak Atenkoko lur komunaletan aireportua egin behar zela agindu zuen. Herritarren iritzia kontutan hartu beharrean multinazional buruen iritziari kasu eginez, noski. Atencok 35.000 biztanle dituen herria da, bazidurien Mexikoko gobernu, polizi eta multinazionalen aurka ezer gutxi egin zezaketenik herritar xume horiek. Baina Atencoko herritarrak antolatu eta aireportuko proiektua geldiaraztea lortu zuten, hilabeteak iraun zuen borroka luzea eta gogorra izan zen. Errepresioak hildakoak eragin zituen - uztailaren 11an hildakoen urtemuga gogoraarazteko martxa bat antolatu dute- baina herri txiki antolatu honek eutsi eta aireportuko makroproiektua geldiaraztea lortu zuten. Nork usteko zuen aireportua gelditzea posible zenik?
2006ko maiatzaren 3 eta 4a Atenco herriarentzat data gogorra da, egun hauetan Fox-en gobernua aeroportua gelditu izanaz mendekatu zen. Aitzaki bat bilatu zuen horretarako: herriko plazan igandero lore saltzaileak biltzen ziren, hori debekatzeko ehundaka polizia bidali zituzten. Herritarrak lore saltzaileen alde irten ziren kalera baina agintarien erantzuna izugarria izan zen, 3000 polizia sartu zituzten gogor jotzeko aginduarekin. Ondorioak ezagunak izan ziren: 2 gazte hil zituzten, 200 pertsona gartzeleratu zituzten eta 30 emakume inguru bortxatu. Aurretik planifikaturiko mendekua burutu zuten, helburua: Antolatutako jendea deuseztea eta herritarren artean beldurra zabaltzea.
Dagoeneko urtebete pasa da eta kartzeleratutako 200 horietatik 28 jarraitzen dute barruan. Herritarrak ohartarazteko mugimenduko 3 pertsonei 67 urtetako kartzela zigorra ezarri diete. Baina herritarrak ez dira isildu, beldurrari aurre egin eta kalean daude berriro. Oraingoan berriro aeroportuko makroproiektua gelditzeko, baina baita ere beren preso politikoak askatzeko. Dagoeneko urte bat baino gehiago daramate kartzela kanpoan camping dendetan plantoia egiten presoak aska ditzaten eskatzeko. Esfortsu handia eskatzen duen borroka da baina zutik irauten dute, “si los condenan a 67 años, son 67 años de lucha para nosotros” zioen plantoiko kide batek.
Aireportuko makroproiektuak aurrerapena eta garapena ekarriko omen ditu herritarrentzat, baina Atencotarrek badakite hori gezurra dela. Beren bizimodua, kultura eta lurra suntsituko dituen proiektua dela badakite. Herria autobidez, supermerkatuz eta poliziez beteko dien proiektua dela badakite, ”preferimos vivir tranquilamente, siendo dueños de nuestras propias tierras, el aeropuerto sólo beneficiará a los ricos” diote.
Beren borroka duina eta nekaezina ikusiz, antolaturik dena posible dela demostratu digute. Posible dela makroproiektu neoliberalei aurre egitea, posible dela instituzio eskuindar eta multinazionalei hortzak erakustea. Hau ikusiz Euskal Herrian AHTa edo zentral termikoak geldiaraztea posible dela sinistarazi digute, gure esku dagoela. Beraiek esan ziguten “luchamos por lo mismo y luchamos contra un enemigo común”: lurraren alde eta neoliberalismoaren aurka.
Bukatzeko agur bero bat Atencoko “compañeroei”, segi borrokan! ¡Atenco vive, la lucha sigue! ¡Preso politiko guztiak askatu!