Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sympathy Closing Phrases

Threatens to "LaTele"

The Catalan government has announced assembly for Social Communications, the closure of
LaTele emissions. The move, reported on 5 July, also envisages the application of a sanction. "The Tele" of the ACS currently has no license to broadcast, but is awaiting the call a competition for it. "The Tele is a community television which broadcasts its programming on UHF channel 52 in Barcelona. The program consists of materials that provide individuals, organizations and social groups and materials production. This media is part of a project developed by the Assembly for Social Communication, nonprofit organization that aims to achieve recognition of a visual space for social movements in Barcelona. Since its constitution in 2003, ACS has worked to ensure that the Law on Audiovisual Communication regulating spectrum Radio Catalonia to ensure the existence and sustainability waves free media and community. The ACS presented their demands to the committee responsible for drafting the new Broadcasting Act, which was approved in December 2005. The final text of the law stated in Article 70 the recognition of "media nonprofit. The ACS is also part of the Red Estatal de Medios Comunitarios. From this network is articulating the social vindication of freedom of expression in Spain (right recognized by Article 20 of the English Constitution) and the right of access als mitjans de comunicació.
Aquestes reivindicacions tenen com a objectiu la inclusió dels mitjans comunitaris a la futura Llei espanyola de l’Audiovisual (pendent d’aprovació).


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