Friday, July 13, 2007

Jenna Nippel Piercing

Bolts Tank Interim Balance repressive Sanfermines: Askatasuna calling for mobilization of tancament

On July 12 Another person was arrested by a sticker
Askatasuna has published a dossier of enforcement data collected so far. The provisional nature of this information is clear if we consider that another person was arrested (and has been released after going through the judge) after publication carry a sticker. In other forced to remove her shirt being of Segi, the style of the Israeli army.
Askatasuna has convened a noisy concentration for Friday at 21:00 pm in Town Hall Square.
This is the report sent by Askatasuna and political assessment: BALANCE

repressive This is the provisional balance so far do the San Fermin festival. At least 12 arrests, police assault charges and fines, social control, convictions on speedy trials, removal of the replica of the wake of German ...

July 4:
- Two days before the start of the festivities, the National Police carried out a large police operation in the heart of Alde Zaharra of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bin the Plaza de Nabarreria. During this operation "routine check" (as they call with questions @ s neighbors) saw dozens of people, neighbor @ sy customers of bars and shops in the area. The square is occupied by dozens of police carrying riot gear and plainclothes hooded to prevent the passage of pedestrians and neighborhood @ s who want access to their homes. After an hour long police occupation, we find the device. The next day, dozens of neighbors @ s, @ s Hospitality merchants and concentrated to repudiate the action police and report the damage it has caused.
(Videos of policing in )

- The night before, two young Navarre report having been subjected to a brutal beating by the Municipal Police. The two young men report having been assaulted by two agents from the PM that were intercepted in The Grove, after they had been released after spending an hour police station for refusing to identify themselves. The images of the marks caused by the blows are creepy. NaBai ANV and asked to take measures to investigate the case and to dismiss Simon Santamaría.
(Photos and testimonials )

July 6:
- Arrosadía Three youths were arrested by municipal police accused of political advertising.

- Municipal Police presence prevents the Txupinazo ikurriña: In the city of Pamplona, \u200b\u200baldermen on UPN with local police to prevent strokes Gastesi Mikel Councilman ANV, display ikurriña during the launch of the rocket announcing the parties. Invite @ s of ANV and Marine Pueyo are registered and harassed in the presence of Municipal Police Chief Simon Santamaría. In the outskirts of the City Hall square, hundreds of police (English National Police, Municipal Police, Provincial Police), both uniformed and civilian, are responsible for hindering that people come to ikurrinas to Txupinazo. According to eyewitnesses, the National Police assaults a young man in New Street.
(See pictures at )

- Riau-Riau: During the celebration of the traditional Riau-Riau, local police charged against the persons present who uttered cries against Yolanda Ginger.

- In the afternoon, a young Yolanda Barcina chides. He was arrested by municipal police and taken to police station where he is accused and fined for disobedience to authority and public disorder.

July 7:

- During the eviction of the trail closure both Provincial and Municipal Police assaulted several people in order to "cleanse" the streets. No doubt the flood of visitors and corridors overflowed the organization provided by the City Council for closure, and resort to brutality. Punched and shoved people who pile into the tour and in many cases do not understand the reason for the police action. Ginger walks the route triumphant closure to the neighborhood protests.
- In the procession of San Fermin, and fears that the protests become more acute, Ginger, and Archbishop Simon Sebastian Santamaria decide cut up the path of the Catholic and avoid the sections which means more conflict.
- buffeted by plainclothes policemen and attacked a young man next to the Mercado de Santo Domingo.
- At dawn, in the vicinity of City Hall several municipal police officers need to identify several people for no apparent reason. Begins a discussion that ends with a person identified and attacked.

July 8:

- again, before the opening of the closure, police officers and Police Provincial Municipal brutally evicted the way to the bullring. The police attacks are captured by video cameras, although some "spanking" is tips on places that do not meet targets. The protests of the running of the bulls trying to tone up and there are launches of the Police. National Police officers involved then loaded onto Calle San Agustin and Caldedería, causing many injured and bruised. At least 2 of them are treated at the Hospital de Navarra and shows intent to file a complaint about the events.
- Prior to the start the act of homage to German Rodriguez at the place where he was gunned down by the bullets of the English police, there are some pushing and shoving between the attendees and municipal police officers, who have installed a "cord security " Closure around Memorial. This "security cordon" has not been present during the rest of the holidays, so that those present placement qualify as a "provocation." That same night, the city of Pamplona Municipal Police ordered to remove the replica of the Stele of germ that has been placed by noon.

July 9:

- takes place in Pamplona on the day dedicated to children in the festival program. Coinciding with this, Provincial Police made two arrests in the Plaza de Toros of two children. They are brothers, and apparently, after being one of them arrested and taken to the Provincial Police have dependencies within the Plaza, the other to inquire about the status of your family. Finally the two were arrested and assaulted by Regional Police, accusing them of "undermining the authority." Another young man is identified by more than carry a handkerchief with the initials claiming amnesty for l @ s pres @ s political prisoners Basques s @ s.
- By midmorning, several police officers passing by merchants Foral come to arrest a young man whom they accuse Had they been insulted. We organize a discussion among those present and the Provincial Police resulting in a charge involving violent riot agents provincial and municipal police. At that time, a 12 year old boy who was witnessing Day events of the Child is attacked with a thump on the head that causes him a head injury. Subsequently, the Provincial Police arrested a young man moved. Your friends will go to the police station to inquire about their status and are also detained. In total 5 people are arrested, accused of attack on authority. One of them had been assaulted by police officers involved in his arrest. Three of them, residents of Pamplona have been sentenced to 6 months in prison after conducting a speedy trial. The other two people, natives of Biscay, have not even been brought to justice, sobreseyéndose their causes.

July 10:

- Agents Municipal Police removed the banners Karmen Street in provocative attitude and try to cause incidents with people present at all times avoid provocations. It is for this attitude so that no more serious incidents occur. The municipal police is very nervous and violent. BALANCE

dam of the Fiesta de San Fermin
This is the political assessment of the trial balance of the repressive acts of police brutality and the various bodies "security" these days acting


With all these facts, from Askatasuna we make the following assessment:
- These events are not isolated. Respond to a pre-planned strategy that seeks to create tension during the holidays and punish those sectors during the remainder of the year are involved in various social struggles, political or cultural. These safermines being the most violent in recent years, with assaults, arrests, fines and prosecution.
- We believe that further attacks presented here are only the tip of the iceberg. We are confident that many more police assaults occur and ultimately go unreported.
- We are also convinced, and this has reflected publicly on several occasions that many of the Provincial Police officers and Police Municipal do not want this kind of repressive tasks. However, given the numerous data supporting the allegations of police brutality, these agents are taking a stand complicit by not reporting these violent attitudes. From Askatasuna want, once again, invite them to break their silence and isolate their violent partners. We believe that we need a clear public position toward the unions about the policies and guidelines from UPN and hierarchies imposed on police officers.
- In fact, these policies are based on criteria that meet the policy needs to have UPN in Navarre and Pamplona. This is far-right party impose its social and political citizenship Navarre using violence and undermine the entire approach that do not conform to their ideas. In this sense, used as a battering ram repressive police forces, establishing bylaws and the Covenant of Civic and attacks every possible way the popular movement.
- Games like PSN and NaBai, who had promised a political change to Navarre and Pamplona, \u200b\u200bhave not been able so far to articulate the majority needed to avoid UPN remains in power. It is well known what happened in cities such as Pamplona, \u200b\u200bLizarra, Tafalla ... where the excuse of "condemnation of the violence" is allowed to govern the party who exercises daily. To be seen what will happen in the Government of Navarre, but the negotiations taking place, police repression and brutality are not issues to be taken into consideration, so we fear that NaBai would be willing to continue to provide a check PSN white in these areas in exchange for power levels, as it does with police violence emanating from the repressive forces led by PSOE / PSN, and as Rodriguez Zapatero has already announced, will still apply now if possible, with more pressure.
- Policy frameworks imposed on us and concerns the Amejoramiento foulbrood has never been endorsed by the citizens of Navarre is the origin all this violence. This policy framework requires police violence to prevent the forces that put into question to achieve their political work. And this political framework, to date, is accepted as legitimate by both the UPN as part of PSN and now NaBai. These also have given a necessary debate about real and profound political change.

Askatasuna, assessing the seriousness of the allegations, a character called a noisy concentration for Friday July 13th at 21:00 in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. We appeal to the popular sectors and especially those who in one way or another Integer in the Fiesta and in your organization so that MOBILIZATION seconded that this will have as theme "Enough is enough! No to police brutality, utzi bakean!


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