Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Free South Park Scandinavia

The inevitable melting of glaciers

The glaciers of Patagonia are now in permanent decline. In the next 20 to 30 years, Mountain glaciers of Patagonia, as well as those of Circus disappear. The ice sheets are reduced to minimum, and the ice shelves collapsed in Patagonia.
These are some of the possible consequences of climate change as a conference given by the doctor of geology, Jorge Rabassa, a researcher at the Southern Center for Scientific Research of CONICET and a former Rector of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
The meeting was held in the context of "Conference on Global Warming" organized by the Department of Geography and the Center for Canadian Studies National University of Comahue. Argentine investigators attended class, recognized worldwide. At the beginning of his presentation Rabassa made an important clarification of misconceptions that make us look bad face the so-called "greenhouse effect." "It responsible for ensuring that our planet has a temperature higher than the applicable in relation to the distance from the sun is, is what makes possible our existence on this planet, "says the researcher.
Directed by Dr. Andrew Coronato, the Geology Laboratory Ushuaia mapping and systematic observations made along the Patagonian Andes. Rabasa explains that "we are working on glaciers to know what is happening to them in Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and the Antarctic Peninsula in the context of this global climate change."
Glaciers are bodies of ice and permanent snow are highly sensitive to climate change. Dr. Rabasa explains the changes that occurred in the last 25 years in the ice fronts of the Antarctic Peninsula specifically in Paradise Bay. "As an area of \u200b\u200bheavy precipitation the effect of climate change is obliterated by the rush nieval having this region. In some cases we can see that the ice surface is exposed, means that all the snow the previous winter has been eliminated by merger. In some areas the impact is so great that appear rocky areas that had never been discovered and what remains are the remnants of the ancient icy bodies that are in direct path of disappearance. "
The occurrence of these rock surfaces from the melting of ice has major beneficiaries as well as serious consequences. "Among the beneficiaries are such as penguins and all the birds that need land to nest. This increased mainland dispobinilidad mean a strong tendency to excessive growth of the population of penguins. And if it grows to fill all the available areas would compete for space with other species of Antarctic seabirds, or pinipeos by cetaceans and marine resources. "
The collapse of ice shelves is another problem that manifested itself in recent years. Rabassa explained that in the Weddell Sea, located on the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, "the ice shelf appeared in 2003 crossed by many freshwater lakes across its surface. Shortly after the fence collapsed and lost an equivalent amount of ice in the province of Tucumán. The ice coming off of the barrier becomes large icebergs that drift along the Weddell Sea. "
"The important thing, Rabassa says, is that the barrier acts as a brake on the movement of glaciers in the mountainous region. To stop existing, have begun to move in very fast movements before taking the ice was in the upper parts of watersheds, the sea level. " As a result, "the expansion of the ice will cause problems in navigating the seas of the south and that will create other problems in economic matters."
But Rabassa explained that not only small glaciers are melting. Upsala Glacier, the largest in South America and the largest in Argentina, is also undergoing a gradual decline. Lost 8 miles from his face only in the last 25 years. "Events that can read in the geological literature, are happening in this", says the researcher.
Martial Glacier, Ushuaia, is in French train disappearance. Antarctic Institute researchers predicted that the glacier will disappear altogether in the next 25 years. "This is not only a loss to our natural tourism assets but is also the body of ice that provides drinking water to 90% of the population of the city of Ushuaia. Future

The outlook for the next 25 years is dark and discouraging. Rabassa is your conference discussed a number of findings of observational work carried out since the Southern Center for Scientific Research of CONICET.
The first is that the elevation of the permanent snow line has risen in the past 20 years, over 200 meters in Patagonia and more than 100 meters on the Antarctic Peninsula. Moreover, mountain glaciers such as Circus, inexorably melt in the next 20 to 30 years in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Patagonian inland ice will be reduced to a minimum, the ice shelves in Antarctica collapsed and melting glaciers contribute to rising global sea level.


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