mountain areas: an innovative design
Economy for the producer, environmental care, and better prospects for marketing Products include three of the goals to which aims to create a spray of agrochemicals for fruit and vegetable production of Upper Black River Valley and Neuquén.
This machine was designed teacher-researchers of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue. The project also attended by professionals from the Faculty of Engineering. The director is Alcides Di Prinzio, Doctor of Mechanisation and Agrarian Technology and Sergio Behmer, Master of Agricultural Mechanization.
The project began in the late 90's, first "moved into a phase of producer support, addressing technology issues, and here comes the spray calibration service that was done in conjunction with INTA "said Di Prinzio.
Parallel to this, there was a job research is to observe the efficiency and the problems I had the current system of pesticide application. Thus the idea of \u200b\u200bseeking a new technology to improve their implementation and in turn, be less aggressive toward the environment.
In order to implement this innovative machinery and know their results, the research team developed an experimental prototype with the help of a mechanic in the area. The result was very positive and interested to a local producer who made the sprayer through an agreement with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. It was a pre-commercial design, which "is on stage adjustments to improve some aspects, "said Di Prinzio teacher.
Some of the advantages of the sprayer is the cost savings for the producer due to its innovative design that a tunnel is secured in recovering part of the ejected product that is not deposited on leaves and sends it back to the tank. 20% of the product will be recirculated and according to the researchers' calculations, the doses of chemicals per hectare would be reduced by 50%.
On the other hand, this system helps protect the environment and reduce air pollution by 80%. "The environmental aspects also influence the marketing of products fruit growing. There is great demand for integrated production systems and market rules that are increasingly demanding that protects the environment, "said Di Prinzio.
The physiognomic and operational changes that this new spray is another advantage that the researchers noted. Expression changes compared to conventional spray and although it complicates their use in some types of fruit plantations, remains overcome in other aspects such as application.
Another salient feature of this machine is that you can use at times of the day on which the conventional do not. This lets you work with less equipment, what benefits the producer in reducing costs.
"To finish this project are required to perform the latest reforms and make it operational. The main idea that motivated us was the realization of a product for the region to help mitigate the adverse impact of weather conditions for the application of agricultural chemicals, "said Di Prinzio.
Apart from this research project, we must stress also the training activities carried out from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences 20 years ago. They are designed both to producers and operators, with the aim of improving the products and working conditions workers.
Contact: DI
Prinzio, Alcides
Agricultural Mechanization Department - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - National University of Comahue
National Route 151 Km 12.5, Cinco Saltos
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