The hydatidosis d osis remains a problem current transmission in the Province of Neuquén, and that 13% of cases relate to children.
more than 30 years ago, the state created a program Neuquén control of hydatid disease was an example in Latin America. But in recent times, ceased to be an active policy.
However, data from a study by the School of Medicine, National University of Comahue
talked with Dr. Nora Pierángelli, member of the team of School Medicine is developing a research project on "biological and epidemiological aspects of hydatidosis in Neuquén.
The first results of field work reflect a status table with data that could help strengthen the controls throughout the province.
What is echinococcosis?
hydatid disease is a zoonosis (a disease transmitted from animals to man ) caused by a parasite called Echinococcus granulosu and transmitted by dogs.
H ow

is a chain from dog to sheep, goats, cattle, sheep, cattle dog, and thence to man. On the one hand, the dog is infected through ingestion of raw viscera of cattle, which contain hydatid cysts.
These parasites not only involve the dog, but need another animal to stay, these are usually sheep, goats, cattle, horses and sometimes pigs.
On the other hand, the parasite that causes human disease is transmitted through the eggs that are in the dog feces. That contaminates the pastures, vegetables, water, etc. what animals and then humans eat. In particular, women and children are most affected because they are near the garden and house are the places where the dog.
Another feature of the eggs of Echinococcus is the resistance they have in the Patagonian climate. May live for a year due to low temperatures, especially under the snow and grass.
why most cases occur in rural areas?
is because it is a zoonosis involving livestock and is a deeply rooted in the field to provide raw viscera of animals.
Most cases detected in the Province of Neuquén are in small rural towns, where it is difficult to access personal health or the parasite are not distributed continuously. We talked about the areas and Zapala, Alumine, Loncopué and Chos Malal.
The cycle of the goat and the dog: a peculiarity in the province
In Neuquén Province there is a special feature: the breeding of goats is 5 or 6 times higher than that of sheep. However, prevention techniques applied hydatidosis in Neuquén have to do with the cycle of the sheep and it is unclear what happens to the goat.
Therefore, the objective of the research raised by the teachers of the School of Medicine UNCo is to analyze the cycle that meets the goat and dog.
There are different strains of Echinococcus granulosus, which are variants of this parasite. These are peculiarities of growth, physiological and different times of development according to the host. And what is proven, is that all these strains are not sensitive to the same parasite.
Therefore, the research they are doing would help to pinpoint the most favorable period for the task of de-worming of animals. It is an epidemiological and immunological study, which also is helping to diagnose disease and determine their physiology.
Can reduce infection rates in the province?
This project began conducting an epidemiological study with a statistical program, analyzing data from a period of 10 years. 1007 cases were analyzed throughout the province. From which was carried out a study on the location of the cysts and the age of the patients.
The overall infection rate in the Province is 14 cases per 100 000 during the period 2004 / 2005. There are even areas of up to 70 per 100 000 and places like Aucapán 700 per 100 thousand inhabitants, a very high proportion.
control program, which depends on the provincial health authorities should analyze the data and take action. Should be sought to improve focus of hydatidosis diagnosis in control programs.
What are the most important contributions of this research to help lower the rate of transmission of hydatid disease?
One of the central issues in research is helping determine how exactly the transmission of this disease in the province of Neuquén, as a zoonosis control is essential to know the players involved in the transmission. We know that is not equal transmission through sheep, cows, goats or camels.
Another contribution of research to help improve the diagnosis in the control program. Today
hydatid disease remains a Neuquén transmission problem, and that 13% of them were children.
Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
School of Medicine. Irigoyen
2000. See thrushes. Cipolletti, Black River.
External Director: Prof. Dr. John A. Farjat Basualdo (UNLP).
Co-Director: Prof. Bioq. Ms. Nora B. Pierangeli (UNCo).
Tel: 0299 \u200b\u200b- 477 0505
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