Hello Beautiful!
I have been several days without writing anything porq ... as I say in the title: still in a sort of limbo.
will not find an answer to anything, I feel terrible, every time I have left bigger clothes (jeans and I literally fall), but the scales fell from 90 nunk whenever q me time to eat something, then it hurts my stomach, nothing makes me laugh, I laugh a lot without several days ago I can not sleep, I slept like 2 hours a day ... everyone tells me I'm so different ... q in Anyway ... so many things together q q truth is not do.
I have really wanted to mourn but most of the time I have q hold me, nobody can see me crying xq things and ask me kiero not really answer to anyone but kiero not be rude.
I stopped taking my sibutramine, truth from q trip I have not had time to go shopping and decided to spend some time without taking it, kiero poor as far as my willpower.
I tell them I met by chance on Monday with a friend and before entering college, there was a place where the Red Cross was receiving donations of blood and my friend keria donate, I, very friendly, told the accompanying xq q q I did not believe could donate xq 2 months ago as I tried but my hemoglobin was low and the pressure a little high. We arrived at the place and she could not donate xq is in an enviable 49 kilos and the minimum is 50 xq ... you can unbalance the case was completed q accompany her xq no me hold my desire to weigh myself and only that .. x . I ended up donating blood ... lol. And the funny thing is + q, q lie as it obviously had to donate (I say q q xq had already eaten lunch and was about 2 pm and my stomach just had a coffee), I thought I was going to unbalance q or something when he got to give, then no, no nothing happened to me is q aunq was very risky, q I do not do it again.
also tells I started smoking again ... after several months of quitting, I went back to smoking ... let q ... I think I'm smoking about 10 a day, but the anxiety led me to believe that ... q is supplying cigarettes to Sibu, this is my way of managing anxiety.
also tell them I have noticed lately q q I have many bruises body ... my skin color is tan and has always been very difficult to leave me q such marks but I have a lot in the arms and legs and I have no idea xq me out. I mentioned before some friends and they told me q were circulation problems ... the truth I did not ask for anything + q them they did not, that's better ... so if you know xq q can leave these bruises, x fa Tell me!
sorry x
sorry x
this entry as well as depressing ... but I'm ... not q but I will only ask q ana not let me , q will always be with me Cuz I'll always be with it remains my friend q faithful and loyal, q ... ox not disappoint you least try.
princesses Well excuse me I say goodbye and input x so long but not long ago I had nothing ... I leave for the next one chsimecito of a "friend" is a bit long and I have to tell the story well q;) .
The Kieroooooo Muchooooo! Q hope you become better and many kilos less;).
great force and much encouragement!
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