'm sick and that means saying goodbye to the race ... : S
Hello Beautiful! Unfortunately
not today I have good news ... I'm sick and insurance is q + q I have withdrawn from the race q with such courage and strength had begun.
I had some complications with getting infected tooth eventually ended xq q says the doctor "I went down the defenses": S ... I'm with mega swollen face and you can imagine what my mother said q first when he heard it said q Doctor: "Sure, that's wrong x ... x do not eat these diets in the q you spend entire days just drinking water, what time I get q? ... sick and looking for trouble to me seems q xq q forget you're just the 2 "... well ... you can imagine how was my day and we add q q I have to wait until tomorrow to see if the swelling down my face xq q it is possible to have me hospitalized :(... q (q I can not imagine having to be in a hospital eating and could not even move )
not imagine the sadness I have x q forced me to abandon the race ... you know q was very excited and had high expectations but I really keda very difficult to follow my mother is xq very aware of whether like or not, and I am forced to do xq the antibiotic is very strong and I could activate the gastritis and also I can not even do my daily reports. Besides all, nor will I go to uni and just today started the week of exams ... I just hope the teachers q q do understand and accept the split next week.
beautiful Well I'm going, and having them sorry x no good news but unfortunately so was my day ...
I q I will be forced to walk away from the daily blog but will do my best to tell as q and I promise I'll eat just enough not resist ... weight gain q x something was not even my fault. Q
know the Kiero Lots q be sending many blessings and good vibes for q are well, have a very good mood and above all ... a lot of willpower!
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