Hello Beautiful!
not know q emotion I feel when re supposed to read write x =).
I have something to tell you:
1. I'm super good health, my teeth quickly improved and there was no need to hospitalize.
2. On the other hand, recall q had spoken of a q trip was not sure whether or not to? ... well I did. My concern was eating too much but since I came to exceed + or - 15 days x the disease ... then 3 days are nothing in comparison of 15 = (.
I had a super good, I shared with the person q is like my dad a lot ... kiero q
you know something? I was about to tell ana ... aunq he is like my dad, I have infinite confidence and I'm at a point in my life the q q no q do and I'm sure it is + suitable for joining me in a complicated process, not judge me or anything ... just did not tell, ana remains invisible for q around me.
3. Today I return to my normal life ... I'm back close to you, my beautiful princess, the q have supported me unconditionally. Recheck, aq is my will and I first q all q on the road will take me to the finish line ... I do not know if I will stay on the road but I do know is q q conform I will not stop fighting or x lo q kiero.
Beautiful the Muchooooo Kiero , then the read to see how they like their little worlds and I always tell them and tell them force!!
And much Animo!
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