Hello Beautiful! First
kiero q all know how they are? How their little worlds? How will the scale? And above all ... how will morale? And second, kiero apologize for being missing so many days but I know you understand me q and the truth in recent days have not been the best: S.
I have much to tell and since q and q will notice the entry will be a long pokito:) ... q
I tell about my weight, as usual, I have not downloaded anything at all but instead, I q if I'm gone ... q clothes and I do not have as great as before then I plan to advance no matter q, for anything I'll let the weight q me again to take advantage. I know this is happening q porq several days I have been "normal eating" ... or good, so to speak ... normal eating compared to what little or no q was eating.

Anyway, I think many of you q (not all), q will know everything we say about it: "You can not put risk your life, how did you get that?, but think if these nice q how are you, why q choose the easy way? "... q that question was what woke me up, easy way? let them be clear, this is not an easy road, we know q is not ... is it easy to get x all q we? No, but obviously q NO q appear to others if ... At that moment I regretted what I q, ¿¿¿xq opened my mouth?? But well, either way, and things are made, and q aunq are now all going to be more complicated, I'm Trankil porq q I have the certainty of not going to say anything to my mom, that's what matters.
Today I decided to start almost from scratch ... q drop everything to me hurt and stay with those times when q heart beat me by ana , stay with the good but not completely forget the "bad", I can not forget porq that has become part of my process and take them as stimuli not to faint ... I decided fainteth not make decisions and when one moves from q I decided. Q ana again I pray, I pray for q not leave me at all, not now ...
And as I told my friends: "I am willing to continue to bear the consequences of being ana, porq now may seem negative but I kiero q get what ... do not know if I stay in the attempt but I will keep fighting for what I q and that's my goal, perfection. "
beautiful Well that's a bit of q has been through these days, tomorrow I start again with sibutramine and I'm drinking from celery (say q is used to lose weight: D), I will tell if it works or not.
The Beautiful kiero mucho! I shall now read as desatrasarme of chismecitos. Many
Force and a lot of anime! You can, I can, all we can !!!!!!!
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