Health Improvement but eating like pig ...
Hello Beautiful! How are you?? And again x here with you ... much better health and super =) xq infection did not progress. As I tell my friend @ s (Colombia is a popular saying), "weed Trankil nunk dies ... then", hahaha!
Aunq I am healthy ... I'm half bad mood: S. .. as I knew I had to eat xq q q besides I have not left my ksa (or gate), antibiotics are strong and q I have always have full stomachs q me ... I will take no kiero not weigh myself because i know that have risen sharply q (
On the other hand, I tell a friend q just came from my mother brought me waaaaay Argentina and sweet, I brought a lot of yerba mate (q I love) and 1 KILO OF SWEET MILK ... imagine? 1 kilooooo ... plus I love the caramel and I'm Colombian and I love aunq so typical of my country, Argentina is my second home and my q is no better combination of bread with milk and mate ...: S ... q xq like me has so much ah?? I've eaten a lot ... a lot a lot.
not make it up as I can not exercise xq x about my teeth ... just hope I can control myself a bit if I'm honest, I eaten with a taste that q can not imagine but as I decided to go to travel ... I have had doubts q q me very well!
beautiful Well I hope are well q, q q I have passed back into their little worlds q q remember here I am with you always, through thick and thin.
Much courage and strength!
Las kiero mucho and I leave the address of a page q buenisima found seemed xq q can make the load of body fat, BMI, the maximum amount of calories to consume x day ... well, watch it q and tell me you think;)
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