Friday, April 30, 2010

Inside A Womens Vigana

... I'm still in a state of limbo ...

Hello Beautiful!
I have been several days without writing anything porq ... as I say in the title: still in a sort of limbo.
will not find an answer to anything, I feel terrible, every time I have left bigger clothes (jeans and I literally fall), but the scales fell from 90 nunk whenever q me time to eat something, then it hurts my stomach, nothing makes me laugh, I laugh a lot without several days ago I can not sleep, I slept like 2 hours a day ... everyone tells me I'm so different ... q in Anyway ... so many things together q q truth is not do.
I have really wanted to mourn but most of the time I have q hold me, nobody can see me crying xq things and ask me kiero not really answer to anyone but kiero not be rude.
I stopped taking my sibutramine, truth from q trip I have not had time to go shopping and decided to spend some time without taking it, kiero poor as far as my willpower.

I tell them I met by chance on Monday with a friend and before entering college, there was a place where the Red Cross was receiving donations of blood and my friend keria donate, I, very friendly, told the accompanying xq q q I did not believe could donate xq 2 months ago as I tried but my hemoglobin was low and the pressure a little high. We arrived at the place and she could not donate xq is in an enviable 49 kilos and the minimum is 50 xq ... you can unbalance the case was completed q accompany her xq no me hold my desire to weigh myself and only that .. x . I ended up donating blood ... lol. And the funny thing is + q, q lie as it obviously had to donate (I say q q xq had already eaten lunch and was about 2 pm and my stomach just had a coffee), I thought I was going to unbalance q or something when he got to give, then no, no nothing happened to me is q aunq was very risky, q I do not do it again.

also tells I started smoking again ... after several months of quitting, I went back to smoking ... let q ... I think I'm smoking about 10 a day, but the anxiety led me to believe that ... q is supplying cigarettes to Sibu, this is my way of managing anxiety.

also tell them I have noticed lately q q I have many bruises body ... my skin color is tan and has always been very difficult to leave me q such marks but I have a lot in the arms and legs and I have no idea xq me out. I mentioned before some friends and they told me q were circulation problems ... the truth I did not ask for anything + q them they did not, that's better ... so if you know xq q can leave these bruises, x fa Tell me!
sorry x
this entry as well as depressing ... but I'm ... not q but I will only ask q ana not let me , q will always be with me Cuz I'll always be with it remains my friend q faithful and loyal, q ... ox not disappoint you least try.
princesses Well excuse me I say goodbye and input x so long but not long ago I had nothing ... I leave for the next one chsimecito of a "friend" is a bit long and I have to tell the story well q;) .

The Kieroooooo Muchooooo! Q hope you become better and many kilos less;).
great force and much encouragement!

Monday, April 26, 2010

What Doesa Brazilian Wax Look Like

Placing order with respect to the escorts in La Paz

Good afternoon, this entry is contrary to my usual, does not come to add another review, or some kind contribution of a parishioner. This time I want to address a phenomenon that is happening on the blog in a timely manner before it becomes something that can not be control.

last few days several local escorts have been posting their phones and services in the blog as a comment. This is not bad, by contrast, is to enrich the content. However, I feel that a comment on an entry is "very little" for a local escort who wants to be known.

Therefore, I call on all state or local girls who want to publish their data in the blog, send a short text which specify their stage name, services, prices (if desired), phone, email, antención times and of course photos. Mail to send is already known: The data sent will be posted as sent. If you want to put a link to your personal website no problem, do not ask for a link to this blog in return.

not get paid for this service, this is a free space.

Tips for those ladies who want to send their data. If you want to be called a few tips:

  • Include recent photos: this is very important, what most attracts the attention of customers is a good picture. It is not necessary that the study made by a professional photographer, just ask meaningful photos, if you prefer, you may hide his face.
  • prices include: know that many do not like putting their rates for fear of competition, but there are few things that we appreciate more than knowing the exact price of a service. Inlucir
  • services: this is also very important to know that you do and not do, so we know exactly what you are willing to make.
  • specify extra costs: there is nothing that annoys a customer more than to know that apart from the cost of the service have to pay for extras such as a condom or taxi. Please specify if you have extras.
Well, I hope soon to receive some emails, take heart, this space is growing. Happy


Friday, April 23, 2010

Sayings On Running Shirts

can laugh again??

Hello Beautiful! Unfortunately aunq and I do not like, today I have very nice things to tell.
I feel so alone ... my life just revolves around calories, diets, fat, feel revulsion q x myself, among other things, for several months. I'm tired, I do not like going out, my ami @ s q me if I call out again with ell @ s, I did not go back to college from doing several weeks, no kiero study, only kiero sleep. ..
Since last night just thinking about it ... last night I saw a news q q hit me, a model of my country (Colombia), well recognized, 29, beautiful, thin and famous, was launched committed suicide ... from the sixth floor of the building where he lived ... you imagine that? imagine the degree of despair, disappointment, lack of will to live could feel Lina q (so called) to commit suicide and that?. Q worries me when I achieve my goal (if q some day and I kedo achievement in the attempt), q is not enough ... this is not nothing and still feel the same desire to feel far away ... q q is not going to happen ... I q I have not the courage to commit suicide as was Lina, xq need to be very brave to start the root problem.
is I'm not the only q, q many or most of you may be going on x the same situation, but I feel desperate and alone and you can read me understand me. Q
The question I've done all day is will I laugh again? I do not know as she laughed heartily, not me rio x real motives or from the heart? long ago ... and until I lost count. I q ana
give me strength to continue or q bna take me a time, but I need q something happens, I need it. Beautiful
x sorry this post so pessimistic but I feel really well. Solo kiero q
remind me tooooooodas have q q be with you until the universe permits me. Always Have
FORCE q I did not send them a thousand Blessings!
The Kiero MuChOoOoOoOoOo!

Pd: I leave a picture of me ... is q is not much but q is the first time I decided to really show. Beautiful
removed the photo and someone knows q xq'm ana ... then tell them well.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sophia Caperelli Wiki

I VueLToOoOoOo! : D

Hello Beautiful!

not know q emotion I feel when re supposed to read write x =).

I have something to tell you:
1. I'm super good health, my teeth quickly improved and there was no need to hospitalize.
2. On the other hand, recall q had spoken of a q trip was not sure whether or not to? ... well I did. My concern was eating too much but since I came to exceed + or - 15 days x the disease ... then 3 days are nothing in comparison of 15 = (.
I had a super good, I shared with the person q is like my dad a lot ... kiero q

you know something? I was about to tell ana ... aunq he is like my dad, I have infinite confidence and I'm at a point in my life the q q no q do and I'm sure it is + suitable for joining me in a complicated process, not judge me or anything ... just did not tell, ana remains invisible for q around me.

3. Today I return to my normal life ... I'm back close to you, my beautiful princess, the q have supported me unconditionally. Recheck, aq is my will and I first q all q on the road will take me to the finish line ... I do not know if I will stay on the road but I do know is q q conform I will not stop fighting or x lo q kiero.

Beautiful the Muchooooo Kiero , then the read to see how they like their little worlds and I always tell them and tell them force!!
And much Animo!



Friday, April 9, 2010

Review Laser Sailboat

Health Improvement but eating like pig ...

Hello Beautiful! How are you?? And again x here with you ... much better health and super =) xq infection did not progress. As I tell my friend @ s (Colombia is a popular saying), "weed Trankil nunk dies ... then", hahaha!

Aunq I am healthy ... I'm half bad mood: S. .. as I knew I had to eat xq q q besides I have not left my ksa (or gate), antibiotics are strong and q I have always have full stomachs q me ... I will take no kiero not weigh myself because i know that have risen sharply q (

On the other hand, I tell a friend q just came from my mother brought me waaaaay Argentina and sweet, I brought a lot of yerba mate (q I love) and 1 KILO OF SWEET MILK ... imagine? 1 kilooooo ... plus I love the caramel and I'm Colombian and I love aunq so typical of my country, Argentina is my second home and my q is no better combination of bread with milk and mate ...: S ... q xq like me has so much ah?? I've eaten a lot ... a lot a lot.

not make it up as I can not exercise xq x about my teeth ... just hope I can control myself a bit if I'm honest, I eaten with a taste that q can not imagine but as I decided to go to travel ... I have had doubts q q me very well!

beautiful Well I hope are well q, q q I have passed back into their little worlds q q remember here I am with you always, through thick and thin.
Much courage and strength!
Las kiero mucho and I leave the address of a page q buenisima found seemed xq q can make the load of body fat, BMI, the maximum amount of calories to consume x day ... well, watch it q and tell me you think;)


Monday, April 5, 2010

Pharmaceutical Calculations Ansel

'm sick and that means saying goodbye to the race ... : S

Hello Beautiful! Unfortunately

not today I have good news ... I'm sick and insurance is q + q I have withdrawn from the race q with such courage and strength had begun.

I had some complications with getting infected tooth eventually ended xq q says the doctor "I went down the defenses": S ... I'm with mega swollen face and you can imagine what my mother said q first when he heard it said q Doctor: "Sure, that's wrong x ... x do not eat these diets in the q you spend entire days just drinking water, what time I get q? ... sick and looking for trouble to me seems q xq q forget you're just the 2 "... well ... you can imagine how was my day and we add q q I have to wait until tomorrow to see if the swelling down my face xq q it is possible to have me hospitalized :(... q (q I can not imagine having to be in a hospital eating and could not even move )

not imagine the sadness I have x q forced me to abandon the race ... you know q was very excited and had high expectations but I really keda very difficult to follow my mother is xq very aware of whether like or not, and I am forced to do xq the antibiotic is very strong and I could activate the gastritis and also I can not even do my daily reports. Besides all, nor will I go to uni and just today started the week of exams ... I just hope the teachers q q do understand and accept the split next week.

beautiful Well I'm going, and having them sorry x no good news but unfortunately so was my day ...

I q I will be forced to walk away from the daily blog but will do my best to tell as q and I promise I'll eat just enough not resist ... weight gain q x something was not even my fault. Q

know the Kiero Lots q be sending many blessings and good vibes for q are well, have a very good mood and above all ... a lot of willpower!



Friday, April 2, 2010

Plaid Clear Acrylic Sealer Msds

My first race! : D

Hello Beautiful!
The truth today I am very happy and lively yesterday porq q I started the first race I did in my life: D. I apologize if I'm so excited + q q should but I know you understand me.
Yesterday my day was good, I exercise and we are moving q then I helped my mom also needed that physical activity would help me to have xq + points in the race.
beautiful and I say goodbye Well, the truth had q q shortie today was to tell but for me it was important: D.
The kierooooo! Many
strength and encouragement!

Pd: ahhhh, I forgot to tell you I'm making some bracelets q very nice ... I'll finish it and I'll show you: P.