Monday, November 22, 2010

Brazilian Wax Images Before And After

One hundred years of the Mexican Revolution - The Eagle and the Sun (Genealogy of the rebellion, revolution policy) continues

1. Repetition, or the eternal return of the revolt

For a century Mexico's history was a history of peasant revolts and rebellions framed by two revolutions: the War of Independence in 1810, the Mexican Revolution in 1910. Mexico

institutional Today celebrates the two revolutions and political changes. Forget, hides or obscures the past to the rebellion that gave body and destiny. These, unlike the revolutions and its programs, would not dream of institutions and policies. Just wanted justice.

The two revolutions, a century apart between them, were of course different. The proposed 1810, Mexico's independence from colonial rule, when the Napoleonic wars and invasions had a crisis in Spain and its vast American empire. Of 1910 was proposed at the beginning a democratic transformation of the political regime. In this the oligarchy had consolidated his power and wealth by seizing land and water to communities and agricultural villages and the inclusion of Mexico in the bright world market of the Belle Époque.

two revolutions, each in its time, changed the structure of the state and its political institutions. But both preserved intact split on which was founded Mexico since the Conquest: the racial fault line that the Republic has always refused to recognize in their laws, but he never gave in their practices.

On one side of that line, the one below, are managed and organized the rebellion without which no revolution is possible. On the other hand, the above, the programs were formed and conspiracies that led to ruptures in the political regime that transform the rebellions in revolutions. So

Mexico met in a century, between 1810 and 1910, two revolutions. But after the first, between both happened countless indigenous rebellions, large and small, all for old claims denied by the republican regime, land, justice, rights and freedoms, all carrying at its core an old demand intangible humiliation to the dignity of each and all as the essence of human relationships.

A group of Zapatista Amecameca shows their weapons, state of Mexico, 1911 (Photograph by Hugo Brehme). Mexico photograph taken from the book and revolution. Edited by FundaciónTelevisa

bodily substance at its Independence Revolution of 1810 had been a long rebellion of Indian communities and peoples to defend their communal rights, their way of living and their life worlds, which the Bourbon reforms in the colonial order were snatched from the second half of the eighteenth century.

This was documented as many as have been excavated in the archives of the reasons, motives and modes of peoples insurgents. This is sketched in a foreshortened Octavio Paz, in the middle of the twentieth century, in The Labyrinth of Solitude:

War of Independence was a war of classes and not include his character if they know that, unlike what occurred in South America was an agrarian revolution in the making.

The resulting change in the political organization the country-Independence and Republic-handed power to the new dominant Creole elite, white, educated and owner. But little or no change in the content and forms of domination against which the people had revolted Indians and peasants of Mexico. The domain native customary rights even dismantled the pueblos.1 Little or nothing has changed for the Indians, in the substance of humiliation as a constitutive feature of racial domination of the old and new landlords.

rebellion and revolution here their paths diverged, their contents and their meanings.

The result was that the class war, that revolution land in gestation, continued throughout the nineteenth century or open the underlying struggle of indigenous peoples to defend their land, their worlds and their lives of material deprivation and racial oppression under the republican regime. India was an intermittent war, disperse, without center or periphery, which in the late nineteenth century and intensified in 1910 erupted into a new agricultural revolution, which is known as the Mexican Revolution.

The Revolution of 1910, so diverse in its infancy and in such other purposes, of Independence, lived in the same dichotomy. But now it appeared clear, sharp, and programs embodied in different hosts within the revolution.

One was the revolt of the communities and farmers in the north and south that made people's revolution in the armies of Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa. Another was the political revolution of the chiefs and Liberal leaders that culminated in the 1917 Constitution and Mexican governments since 1920, after the defeat of the peasants in their rebellion absorbed weapons and radical land reforms and legal democratic.

* * *

The proclamations and policy objectives of the ruling elites of the two revolutions were also different, both as it was the nation that each of them imagined. But shares of the items Indian peasants revolted to the call of these claims were strikingly similar change. A century later, the methods of action, the repertoire of comparison, in the language of other historians were repeated.

Eric Van Young, on the other rebellion, 2 describes the behavior pattern of the rebels in the War of Independence when they took a population:

invariably cast the goods on the street or square to the common people is the lead, stole money and kept it for himself, the prisoners released from prison and kidnapped the English and the white officers of the town.

Felipe Avila in between the Porfiriato and revolution, refers to what happened from the beginning of the Mexican Revolution in 1911, the Zapatista territories: 3

fighting, stock footage, looting, burning of offices and public records, tax loan , release of prisoners and enforcement authorities, traders, employees of farms and factories, and foreign residents.

This plebeian violence, as called Avila, was described by the press of the time as violence in India. Although this use of the term Indian was loaded racist, in fact they spoke the truth: the Zapatista revolution of 1911 in its agrarian roots, in the composition of his troops and their leaders and their actions was essentially a revolt of the Indians, even when the claims and agendas of their national leaders the revolution started in 1910 was a democratic political revolution.

If a century after proclamations, programs and goals of the leaders of the revolutions of 1810 and 1910 were so different, where does the uncanny repetition of gestures and actions of the protagonists of the two rebellions, the people Indians of Mexico?

is that the imaginations of those leaders were responding to a renewed policy with the times and circumstances, a policy which often identified with the word progress. In contrast to these other modes, the plebeian violence, came from a genealogy transmitted by successive generations as a legacy experience and intangible feelings, ways of being together, imaginations, custom, life-worlds.

programs revolutionary elites pointed to a society and polity in the future. Gestures, actions, methods of struggle of indigenous peoples responded to the grievances, humiliation, offal suffered by them and their ancestors in the past and thrived on these inherited and repeated experiences to date of their lives.

Rise of the past emerges and he takes his reasons, his motives and methods. It is a heritage and genealogy. The revolution that is it breaks down the old institutions and establish new ones. It is program and policy. Can the reasons for the rebellion to be antagonistic to the political objectives of the revolution. They are certainly different. This difference took material form in the Mexican Revolution of 1910, when the peasant armies of Zapata and Villa ended up facing weapons in hand with the Constitutionalist Army.

* * *

When a revolution broke out, the time of the rebellion is one that completely covers, full of meanings, confused with it. The historian then do not ask only what happened but what was the meaning of that which had been happening. Moments that EP Thompson described in a classic passage on the questions of the historian to those old commoners no records: 4

These issues, when we examine a culture of manners, often have less to do with the processes and logic of change with the recovery of previous states of consciousness and textures of social and domestic relations. They have less to do with evolution than with being. As some of the major players in the history of our attention away, politicians, thinkers, entrepreneurs, general- a huge supporting cast, which we thought were just extras in the process, moving to fill the entire proscenium. If we are only concerned about the future, then there is full periods of history in which an entire sex has been neglected by historians, because women are rarely seen as prime actors in the political, military or economic. If we care about being, the exclusion of women from history then reduced to futility.

Seen from this viewpoint, the uprising is an eruption of being dominated in the political events of domination, in its development. To approach it the historian needs to look and see what your doing before bodies express terms that convey your words. No claims of the two revolutions said opening the prisons, to distribute the food, burning the files of justice and property, and execute to the hated. They did, however, in both cases the rebels. The historian does not touch judge whether it was right or was wrong, but to register that that was how it was. Unveiling

those moments in history has to do not only record the ideas of knowing own time and place, but also to investigate and recover the ways of doing and being.

Those ideas are certainly needed to organize the goals of a revolution. But the forms, the human bonds and imaginations through which this organization takes shape coming from behind. In memory of the rebels, in their life stories and legacy in this net in the workplace and life is transmitted from one generation to another. This is a story of places and regions and human beings who live, work, enjoy and give meaning to their lives.

That sense is what EP Thompson suggests we investigate when we are told that those dark and protagonists of these stories are concerned about being rather than for the future. It's the fine line that, even when parts of a historical process, distinguishes the rebellion of the revolution.

2. The cut in time

Soldiers and their families engage in Sonora to meet Villa's forces in Torreon, Coahuila, c. 1913 (photographer unknown). Mexico photograph taken from the book and revolution. Published by Fundación Televisa

The revolt is a cut in the homogeneous time of history, says Walter Benjamin. It feeds the image of oppressed ancestors, not the vision of the descendants released. The political agenda for a future that will be opened by the evolution of the revolution. But the strength of the revolt without which there is no revolution comes from the accumulation of debris, accumulated grievances and humiliation by successive generations. Forse a rabbia antica, generazioni senza nome, gli urlarono vendetta [perhaps an ancient rage, nameless generations, clamored for revenge], said a song by Italian Francesco Guccini to explain the meaning of the meaningless gesture of a railway engineer in the early XX, back in Bologna, threw his locomotive crazy against a luxury train that ran in the opposite direction. Theaters and stadiums filled with young people chanted these verses in Italy in the seventies of last century.

The rebellion does not speak of the future, speaks of abolition of past wrongs. His exasperated violence seemingly meaningless and sometimes even contrary to its purposes, comes from another source than the imaginations of the future. It comes from a long chain of humiliations and offal, and humiliation own parents and grandparents. The revolution may lead to the Declaration of Human Rights and extended it in the proclamation of Olympe de Gouges, but the rebellion that triggered it was organizing in those minds of which arose from Doléances Cahiers, the memorials of grievances of the Revolution French.

want to stop the revolt, or at least interrupt, the time of humiliation and contempt. In his Theses on history, Walter Benjamin draws this break in a curious anecdote about the July Revolution of 1830 in Paris: 5

Once the first day of fighting, it happened that at nightfall the crowd, the darkness fell, in different neighborhoods the city and at the same time, began to attack the clocks. A witness, whose perception is perhaps due to random rhymes, wrote:

Who could believe it! It is said that in anger with the time, / a new Joshua, at the foot of each tower / shoot up to stop the day quadrants.

That cut in time recognized uniform domination and obedience can be accepted, or -not a revolution, a change in laws, institutions, property, forms and contents of domination itself. This has happened in all victorious revolutions: French, Haitian, Russian, Chinese, Algerian, Vietnamese, Cuban, Bolivian, the two Mexican revolutions.

These changes come prepared earlier by other companies and programs are announced, criticism and activities of political elites. But not these elites, even radical, which give body to break the old order and give way to new. Are different, the humiliated and offended, the protagonists of the material and physical act of revolt, without which no revolution but, at best, change in the established political control. Are those for whom life has become intolerable to them and to whom the rupture between the elites "of the Old Regime and the revolutionary-open space to break into the foreground of the scene. Perhaps

spatial dichotomy between actors and extras is contained the secret of what Benjamin, also in his thesis, called a fundamental aporia: 6

The history of the oppressed is a discontinuum. The task of history is to take over the tradition of the oppressed. [...] The continuum of history is that of the oppressors. While the representation of the continuum leads to the leveling of the discontinuum is the basis of all authentic tradition. Awareness of historical discontinuity is characteristic of the revolutionary classes at the time of his action.

One of the leaders of the 1917 Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky, exiled since 1929, could write his History of the Russian Revolution, the work of writer, actor, historian and chronicler of events. In the preface to this work presented its own views on the preservation of past traditions in the genesis of the revolutionary rupture and the relationship between the rebellion of the people and the politics of their leaders: 7

The masses go into a revolution with a preconceived plan new society, but with a clear sense of not endure the old society. Only the guiding of his class has a political agenda, which, however, still needs to be tested by the events and the approval of the masses. [...] Only by studying the political processes of the masses themselves, can understand the role of parties and leaders, which in no way want to deny. They are an item, if not independent, but very important in this process. Without a guiding organization energy of the masses would dissipate like steam dissipates not contained in a boiler. But nevertheless, what moves things Not the boiler and the piston, but the steam.

His proposal to explain the process, then, is guided first by the make of the insurgents, and only after the words of their leaders. The dividing line between those that do, and this is what also separates rebellion and revolution.

Although in reality appear confused, there is no revolution without rebellion, he said, in the historian's task is essential to recognize that line. Quite a few stories of the Mexican revolutions are stories of political leaders, including the most radical, rather than the deep reasons of the oppressed to rise up and what were the feelings and processes in their consciences that they decided to run the risk of a rebellion.

former is now the dominant trend in the official celebrations of the two Mexican revolutions. Talk to them the voice and the memory of state institutions, ie the voice of order emerged from the revolution and not the many voices of breaking the previous order that was the essence of each of these rebellions. They are tales of the "continuum of history", Benjamin would say, not historical discontinuity embodied in revolutions. Thus the state commemoration of the Mexican revolution becomes a discourse of power and its institutions, as if the task and mission of the rebellions had been to found this power and not to destroy the powers formerly dominant. In those speeches

ranks continuity of discontinuity and the continued move to impermanence is the essence of every rebellion.

3. A time out of time

triumphal entry to Villa's Zapatistas and Mexico City on 6 December 1914, only time of the Revolution in the heads of the two sides agreed on a common. (Photo by Antonio Garduño). Mexico photograph taken from the book and revolution. Published by Fundación Televisa

No one can ignore the changes in the economy, changes in the rules and forms of domination or crises and splits in the ruling elites who may be at the origin of every rebellion. But a task is the study of its causes and investigating other forms it takes, of what happens in the very heart of the rebellion, those modes of making and revolt that are repeated and renewed through time.

A rebellion, strikes, occupation of the physical or symbolic is a way of being together and peer, free from foreign control and to establish the bond of solidarity beyond blood ties and family ties commercial exchanges, including the salary link.

ties of a rebellion from the past and have settled in areas of joint work (planting, ship, mining, finance, industry, study) or living together (village, town, neighborhood, city). They carry a certain pride in our places, such as we, that now we rebel, we did our work and our lives. These are the places where it was created in the past the sense of community belongs to every rebellion. From them came the slogan of the Industrial Workers of the World: "An injury to one is an injury to all" - An injury to one is an injury to all. That

sense of community, history itself subordinate, has its sacred sites and places symbolic. This pride of our sites is usually transmitted between generations, although not registered in the stories. Go through stories, songs, stories from ancient to modern, from old to young, modern and young but then adapt them to new uses. But in a factory, a work area, a village, an indigenous community in the transmission time stories remain timeless as organizers and renewed feelings.

of these stories and their auras will build the future rebellions or protests, or challenges, although their motives and reasons are as different as the times. These narratives, however, have something in common. Remember, repeat, batch recreate that moment it broke the continuity of the humiliation imposed by the power of their rulers, even more when that power is stated in the line of racial distinction.

why the stories and myths of past transgressions, rather than register first economic changes featured in many stories, remembered and celebrated at all times and places of the rupture of the humiliation and the world since the reverse. Not that those do not matter. Is that these are the legendary moments of revolt.

The triumph of the Revolution aims to perpetuate. But they tend to dissolve, even if not disappear altogether in the new order that establishes the need for successful revolution. If that order is frozen in a pure authoritarian or despotic control, as has been recurrent in the revolutions of the last century, those stories and those myths back to their subordinates and recreate places in new and unusual ways.

This distinction between revolution and rebellion, even though both events are confused, is central to the task of the historian. For a revolution is not only what the books say or what they propose programs of their leaders, but above all makes the people rebel.

The genealogy of this done is a subject of priority for the research study of revolutions and rebellions, political agendas, actions and their imaginations.

4. The other sun

In his manuscript on the concept of history, Walter Benjamin noted this thesis: 8

The class struggle, which never fails to be present for the historian trained in the thinking of Marx, is a clash around coarse and material things without which things can not survive high fine. However, it would be a mistake to think that in the struggle between classes, the latter only appear as loot for the winner. For nothing is so, because they say at the very heart of this confrontation. There appear and are mixed together taking the forms of faith, courage, cunning, perseverance and determination. And the irradiation of these forces, far from being absorbed by the struggle itself, extends into the depths of the human past. Every victory that has ever been conquered by the powerful, those have never ceased to dispute it. As these flowers that move toward the sun, the former things, driven by a mysterious heliotropism are turning to the other sun is rising in the horizon of history. Nothing is less visible than the change. Nothing is more important, either.

Revolt and Revolution, the eagle and the sun. It will be a revolution historian who knows in his heart to see the revolt, without confusing in one and not separate the two.

By Adolfo Gilly, Lecture at the centennial of the Mexican Revolution - Université du Québec à Montréal, October 12, 2010, and University of California, Berkeley, October 23, 2010.

NOTES 1. And indigenous Indians acted in conflict from 1808 to 1821, in various ways contribute to the creation of the Mexican nation. But his interests seldom joined a search of Indian rights and the promotion of the nation. The right indigenous, the Republic of India, Indian courts had been invented by colonial policies of the English monarchy. The nation and liberalism that soon came to lead the nation were born in opposition to indigenous law. No wonder that for decades many Indians negotiated to limit the nation and liberalism, fighting at key moments against national power and the liberal programs. (John Tutino, Indian and indigenous people in the wars of Independence and the Zapatista revolution, paper presented at the conference Perspectives on history, FCPS-Colmex, November 2009).

2. Eric Van Young, The other rebellion - the struggle for independence Mexico, 1810-1821, FCE, Mexico, 2006, p. 260.

3. Felipe Arturo Avila Espinosa, between him Porfiriato y la revolution - He interim government of Francisco León de la Barra, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, 2005, p. 21.

4. Edward P. Thompson, History and Anthropology, in Making History - Writing on History and Culture, The New Press, New York, 1995, pp. 204-205.

5. Walter Benjamin, Ecrits français, Gallimard, Paris, 1991, p. 346.

6. Ibid., P. 352.

7. Leon Trotsky, History of the Russian Revolution, Juan Pablos Editor, México, 1972, vol. I, p. 15.

8. Walter Benjamin, cit., P. 341.

By: Adolfo Gilly

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Diagram Of A Frozen Shoulder

Community Input: The jump ... that came free, be blessed L. Black! Report

Today, after a long time a kind patron of this blog sends us experience the night life of this quiet town. This time is the turn of PHANTOM LORD which then tells us some of their experiences.

Before you begin, the following lines were sent to and will be placed entirely with the author's consent. I said, data and the veracity of the responsibility and ownership of copyright and is may or may not reflect the ideology of the Blog. Without further ado, let's start:

The jump ... it came free, be blessed L. Black!

November 2009.

was a Friday in early November last year. At that time was a very regular customer at L. Black Friday was a very good economic year for me ... and almost gave me a great life. This year has not been so, the crisis has been very hard. My plan was to see whether he had a girl with whom I had a stroke (which will tell in a review later) and in fact I took great pains to dress elegantly, in fact I went with a black shirt that said "Gears of War 2" (I'm a fan of the series) ... comrades that I did not do that this time ... I repeat if you want to have total success that strive in their appearance. What happened there was very nearly a miracle. Only had like $ 500 pesos or less to spend there so I gave myself the task of putting up the will to invite private drinks and the girls until it appeared the so "J. .... ra." Do not pay cover, I repeat: always ask for your complimentary passes when you leave so you always have them free. I sat in the only strategic point that has that table, all the way but be careful not to miss the runway and the main doors. As always treated me very well, and besides I know I am not pedantic nor run riot as others that will unload their frustrations with the girls that work there (taiboleras, and without underestimating). Well the joke is to ask for such a girl and a waiter told me carefully that if he had gone to work but was "busy." I did not unusual because she is the most besieged the place due to its lush beauty. Step 1 hour after my arrival when I saw leaving the area of \u200b\u200bprivate and special room accompanied by a gringo of the elderly, Frenchy accompanied the girl to the door and left him with a kiss and a hug. Then he sat immediately in front of the sound booth where the girls always sit, I was sweating and tired and I assumed that the American had paid him special service in the VIP bedroom place and I did not so outlandish. The girl got up at 5 minutes greeting me away and went into the clubhouse. Came 10 minutes later with a different dress and apparently had been washed. I will describe to the girl, aged 30 and older (only one notes in the face) but with a withering body every sense, neither high nor squat white skin curves here and there, thin, shapely and strong legs, ass and waist and a princess Cow tits, very large and round, tough but falls (no you could see it looked bad and even exciting) ... so with those words, a deadly combination. We talked about the previous adventure (which tell you all later) wore a fitted black dress to note that athletic body (it looked that hard hit the weights) and raised her beautiful breasts dream, of course you pay for your drink, the third cup (now with confidence and a friendly and honest talk) proceeded to take advantage of the investment and asked him to sit completely above me, was bringing the penis stopped and started the birthday ... and started to feel a very strong look, in front of me a guy and a girl that had sat on my legs were watching intently, did not pay much attention.
After 10 minutes of the entertainment more and I could not ejaculate, it is not the first time it happens, in fact my plan was to "come to me" to invite the cup that "come to me" in private, wonderful came out of this because you avoid having to go to private to continue with the fever for 2 cups and a beverage of mine (like 300 dollars spent) and had managed to come to me and there was no need to pay for more services, were you looking for a pleasant but economic output. She noticed that I went and did not laugh because it was understood that he had been good enough for me to spend a good time and we talked about non-sexual topics (as were his children, for example), I said goodbye to the lady respectfully and procedures to go to the bathroom where I clean my ejaculation. Then I remove the place trying not to go through the light so as not to notice the stain on my pants. The miracle happened at the exit ....

Sali and mind in a hurry to get home quickly to my bed and fall asleep, leave my car where the business is on the left side of Lblack something like metal railings, drywall, glass and specialty finishes as it has a parking with visible light of all that gives security because in case of an assault or something dangerous cars crossing the Framers realize this, well at least it's safer to leave it on the right side where there are more homes but less light .

The joke is that even he had come to my car when I felt the presence of an individual who spoke to me and was speeding toward me, I hereby caution not I turned to see and scream out loud you want it bad! with enough clutter to security guards shot and peered out to see what has happened. The person stopped and said: I come in a bad fart, do not worry (for his voice and manner of dress I knew that there was no danger.) He said he had been with his girlfriend because they were looking for some guy who made them the third for a trio HMH.

Queeeee! I tell you? But why me? you ask. Is that this place is full of gentlemen and you're a boy of our age, you look healthy and strong and clean on all ... that's what we want "is our first trio." I doubt if cheer but overall presents opportunities so rarely see also the girl was missing .... that would be key to encourage me. As this the girl? question, it's 10, I answered and invited me to return to the place.

I sat at the table where moments earlier had seen the couple who had been watching me, she was not taibolera ... was a normal girl who was jariosa and courageous, they saw that I wanted a fantasy. Physically it was fine and was wearing a super short skirt dress with fitted, was chaparilla (both) thin, white skin, nice ass, thin, black hair, good face and good attitude but did not have big boobs but her ass and legs were so dreamy everything.

I decided to cheer ... my concern was to get me with the nose of the guy but saw a couple separate the serious and always told me everything with "respect" so I asked where? I was told that they rented a room at the Oasis. We

the room, I think there are rooms that are for couples because even had a security guard watching who came to the rooms that made me kind of weird but since neither pex, entered the room, they had a TV with porn, not the room looked ugly but not pretty. I asked before I aseara my genitals as I also asked them clean between the two we wonder if they had venereal diseases to continue, they were honest answers could be seen a couple very serious in that regard.

The shirt off my girl black and kissed. There was a FAJE 5 minutes. The Beat is stare at it seems that I was going to start first with your partner and then would enter the. I was masturbating and the bath stopped me told me that the girl would take care of "on" and so it was, took off her dress thong staying in a small wire with black bra. He had a very detailed set backs looked beautiful super sexy, was not a top ten but I had a very very nice body product put him hours in the gym to lift her beautiful ass and legs turning dream. In bed he climbed over me taking off her bra and began the activdad. I will not go into details but battled hard to come to me because I had already come before what was good because she could enjoy more of the brunt of mine and her boyfriend. Total of 45 hard act to 1 hour and no one came and her screaming and moaning incessantly.

The Beat after I said it was good ... not happened, I think I can not stand to be invaded their business and come to me she masturbate. I got dressed Llosa and I said goodbye to me very afraid because I was 4 am and I had left my car at the entrance of the motel and the room where we were was all the way was also very hot and was making a friazo out.

In short the fund balance was as follows

CONDON invited me and it was brand new trojan
FOURTH already paid
GIRL free but in some ways I was somewhat uncomfortable with the penalty jejeje

TOTAL: $ 280 PESOS because the couple invited me to their "party" hehehe

Monday, October 4, 2010

Florida Gators Birthday Party

returning after 2 months and 1 day

Hey gorgeous !!!!!!! Uff
still do not believe it has been awhile since my last entry and aunq've spent x their blogs and have read, although I was not ready to write ... In this time they have spent a thousand things in my little world, but try to summarize the more q can, I promise;).

The last time I had told q was still on holiday, as it had finished and back to school q, q was what I planned and was very lively but ... the truth is not q passed and went into a crisis , one of the strongest in these last months. I went into a kind of fight with the world, with life, with people and even college ... that was the strongest of all, the university. With q even thought to tell you retire. Those were very difficult days, ana and 100% had returned to my life and was resuming my "normal" , difficult but it was normal q Keri, to tell them q and clothing was starting to loose ... but also , the circles again and shine of my hair went back. I locked myself, keria not leave my house, no keria go to uni, keria not see or talk to anyone ... I think that was the q q again betrayed me, the not control my depression and no fisikamente q I looked good.

again a conversation with my "sweet torture" made me reconsider many aspects but at the same time I felt bad xq this time, unlike last time, was completely determined to continue ana ... or rather, SIGO. Never had lied in relation to ana but this time, almost shamelessly, I said things were going to q and q would begin to improve to eat ... Q kiero not even think would happen if he found out I lied q, better known as I know and knowing what q q q most hated is lied.
With regard to the university, I thought things better and I resumed studies, and about my depression ... mmm ... still going back and forth but I think q ever learn to better manage not to betray me.

So things are now, I still controlling as I can with food, breakfast very little in the house (my mom almost q xq forces me) and in college most of the time step without eating anything and when I at night to the house, say q I had enough but the truth is sometimes in most Trankil q to quit my mom, I have so q is eating very little and eat something.
Ana is still there but I have q more careful what I say and what I look for q not suspect anything, especially my mother and "sweet torture" q q seems to have a special radar to know when it has ana again. And things with him are the same ... I trying to get it out of the heart (aunq every day it seems more difficult), he wanted more everyday my friend and she always telling q can not have anything with it: S. .. I hope one day I can get me out of all this love and see it only as q is a friend, best friend of the world and the most unconditional ... Q I hope he can be with the woman and deserves q xq kiere he is an excellent human being. Q know I have come to the conclusion q nunk me it felt x q x I felt he deserves xq better woman and not like me so mad to : S ... xq each time I feel more so. Beautiful
are well hope q, q keep with clear goals and q each time all things are best for you. Q
know so do not write, I'm on the lookout for you and send good vibes to q all they get it right.
The Kiero Princesses! Take care!
And I have always said, STRENGTH AND MUCH MUCH Animo!. XoXo .

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cardiovascular Diseases More Condition_symptoms


Ok, as they realized last weekend was not reported, this report because I thought my adventure with the diva who visited us last week, but then made several calls were not answered. Maybe because it was late or simply call was busy, as are part of the job and these things happen when you try to contact a diva, so it's good to have two or more options.

Therefore no action this weekend and there was nothing to report. This was not so bad, I served to save some money to spend a little more than usual this weekend. With money in hand I decided to do something that long ago not to ... A threesome with two girls! One of the top lots in this extreme sport.

Here I must pause and explain something that teachers taught me chilangos whoring. At the time of hiring two girls are two types: the trio and lesbian show. The trio may be one or two girls: with a girl you invite a friend, girlfriend or wife / girlfriend and the three have sex, when a friend who accompanies you both have sex with the girl. When it involves two girls (my choice) contracts to two girls and they have sex at the same time with you, usually the girls interact with each other, but usually they do not, well that is if they also want him to have what you specify from the beginning. The other form of lesbian show means you hire two girls and they have relationships between them in front of you, in that period you can only masturbate and watch. Usually just a show for voyeurs so no sex with girls. Sometimes you can have sex only with one after the show and other times with two. So you must specify exactly what you want to save you fights when hiring.

After that explanation a bit confusing, I always preferred option has been at the beginning of the relationship that they do a lesbian show for heat engines and after a threesome with two girls and they also interact. This experience, I live in Mexico City in one of my trips to this wild land, and as I spend as if in a porn movie, has been my choice since then.

With the warmth of those memories, I threw the bar shoe to hire the service. I was not with his eyes closed, talking to girls shoe in previous meetings have known that there are girls who make these lots. So much so, that I know of one that enjoys these services and that seems to be "bisexual pure" and not as the Americans say: "Gay for pay" or a rough translation "gay for pay." Unfortunately most of the girls who do threesomes and lesbian shows are "lesbians for payment" and in my experience, the best is when both girls are bisexual (or at least one of them). Anyway, I decided to go find that girl and I set the bar. As always, the shoe was gone, but if your partner quickly got me like a friend, you know tactics seller. I present to all the girls and with some regret in cortito you tell I wanted to do a threesome. He was not scared and wonder aloud quickly to the bar girls who wanted to make the trio. That's me gave some pain because there were several kids in rod and some on other sides of the bar and several had heard. I talked among themselves and with a face of "earth swallow me" look the other way. Chavas Three said yes, two blondes and a brunette. As did not know I asked a board member of the shoe and he recommended that I take some of the blonde with the brunette, because the brunette was very good at such things. This contradicted my instinct, as the two blondes were nice and rather dark, though he had his own. Total I followed the advice and take the most beautiful blonde and brunette.
Before leaving, I asked the price for the service, the partner told me that 2.800 pesos, then I did not expensive since tallying the girls had left me at 1,400 pesos each. They are paid to taste. But what was my surprise that I will say no, those were by a single 2.800. Like you, I put a face of "no mames, hesitate for a second and saw my blunder, the partner of the shoe I said," Well, I leave you to 2.500, is the least. " Take away my face "what" and more warmth you earn pay the 5.000 pesos. Luckily I had that much, in fact was all that was in the portfolio. I paid and left the bar with the two girls, had some guys who did not recognize outside the door of the den and stared at me half rare, the truth was a feeling uncomfortable, and decided to no longer go to the place and better recruit by telephone. Leaving that trauma

ago, I told the girls that if we could go to the cashier, because I had run out of wool and had no way to pay for the hotel. Agreed and on the road talk to them. I noticed something strange, they do not talk to each other, rather just answered my questions. The blonde was what made me pull over, but still were not very cooperative. That gave me a bad feeling. Go to an ATM, take out 500 pesos to the motel and headed for the Villas del Sol because he had lost some time in going to the cashier and this was the closest place. Total we arrived and Fortunately, the type of input did not see the other girl who was in the back seat, I say this because in other places charge more for extra person, and like I said, I no longer more wool industry. Entered the room I got on a chair and they lay down in bed. I told them as they wanted to start and they looked at me and said they did not know. I told them if it was the first time I did this, I said no and began to list each of the names of girls shoe with whom they had worked in this mode. Were quite moved me as it apparently was not the only pervert in order these services and it seems many guys did this type of tailings, especially those inexperienced. To my bad luck had not worked together. This is bad because, as they did not know gave them some grief. I note that since we were in the car. So spent some time doing nothing, until I told them: "So, how do we proceed?" They looked, I looked and turned to look and could not get word of them. The blonde took some initiative, he said "let's undress and see what happens." We all began to do as suggested and they were alone with me in thong and boxers. Then the same thing, nobody said anything or do anything.

Given this indecision I decided to take the reins, after all, already had spent time and had paid good pasta, and said, "Well, last time I did this, they started and then I get in, what if we do that." They looked, shrugged and after insisting again agreed. I sat on a chair to watch the show, they undressed completely and sat down, began to stroke slowly, very differently than would a lover. As I said, gave them some grief. Seeing the hesitation I remove the boxer and decided to go. I started petting the two and start heating them, played by one, then another. After a while I said to one: "Give him oral sex." She took my penis and said, "no, not me, she" and I closed the eye. They looked at each other and one asked the other license. I agree somewhat timid, but I accept. It seemed that was not the first time I did this, but the truth was very simple, nothing like it could imagine in a porn movie, in short, was very light. Total was enough to excite and began to play them both.

When she did not change their position and I could not do much in the position I was, I asked the two to give me oral sex. I must say that oral sex with two mouths is a wonderful thing, I put the condom and were synchronized to give me head. Unfortunately there was no kiss between them, I love that. After a while, I noticed that one was very boring because just stroked my thigh. I decided I should penetrate as she gave oral sex to another. He lay one, the other stood in front of her dog and then me behind her. We had a good pose, but it was not enough. I told them to do including a 69, but the net did not either, there were only small kisses to their vaginas and when I decided to enter one, both are unconcerned of giving oral sex. This made me angry and I decided to finish. I told them to give me oral sex again, but this time I stood in bed. Take the remote, put on a porn channel on TV, luckily there was a lesbian movie and I hit my lucky enough to come to me. I even removed the condom to come to me naturally, I came into the plastic. At the end, as always, began to wear, each took his turn in the bathroom and went to leave the bar.

After the experience comes the analysis. First, a show of these is quite expensive, it seems that for this service charge extra. This is strange, because I had already asked before a person inside the bar on the service and told me that you only have to pay for the two girls, in other words, the joke had left me in pesos and not 3.000 to 5.000 spent. When you hire escorts for this service, the same goes, you only pay twice, not twice as twice happened to me. Some even make promotion and charge Cheaper by the lesbian. A bad point for this service and think the truth three or more times to retake this service. I do not know if the partner beef me and I saw the face of stupid or girls charge extra for this service, but that took away the desire to go back to the shoe for a show and definitely from me. Bad luck, just lost a regular customer to these services.

As a second point, I can tell you whether to hire such a service, make sure that the girls are Cosco and get along. It is difficult to find a bisexual or two working on this, but it is recommended, because the penalty does not exist, everything they touch and kiss passionately (that I excites a lot). If they are "lesbians for payment", ask who they have worked and to get along, that will save time and anger. If I ask the girl bisexual, because I did not find, if someone knows your email mándenmelo to me, really they are grateful.

Third, contrary to what I thought, is a well used service, so I told the girls is quite "normal" as far as it goes. Thing that has me somewhat confused as here among us, a threesome / lesbian show for teachers whoring is one of the top lots. It seems that here in peace is not so "extreme" and could thinking.

see, my experience was a fiasco by two factors, the extortionate price (sorry, but as I see it) and lack of rapport between the girls. Unfortunately, it broke my fantasy and I can say that this was a bad weekend where I had no luck in repeating an experience I'd had. As I commented in one of my trips to chilangolandia hire a trio a few years ago cost me 2.800 pesos. The girls of that time were young, skinny-short, not too voluptuous truth, but his attitude and his bisexuality made it seem he was in a porn movie. Since I entered the room I kissed (by mouth) and then began to kiss them, to remove clothes, but not before throwing myself into a chair in those rooms to watch the show. And when I was hot, took off my clothes and gave me oral sex between the two, to be kneeling and kissing alternated, one in my balls and one on my penis and made change. Then we did several poses, where they all interact, either masturbating each other, kissing and eating each other. Nothing to do with what I saw last night. In conclusion, I would not recommend this service, but also would not make a antirecomendación. If you have the wool and the desire, go ahead, they may have better luck than me, which I hope and I hope to send

I know that the experience was not good, but helped me realize something. Shoe that services are not as good as many people think or how they can be read in this blog. Personally, I've had more bad times than good with the girls. These I have already commented in this space where I try to be as objective as possible. In fact, drinking with people "powerful" than under the influences of alcohol and stand loses all cover of "power" and start counting on the services of prostitutes from the shoe up to three times a week where you get a "jalezote" I feel like telling him to note who has not lived enough on the night and has been among the legs of a true diva. I'm not pulling shit out of anyone, simply a healthy critical to sex work that we have here in La Paz to grow in quality and availability. Unfortunately there are not many options and now must settle for what you get. I hope to find another option.

5.000 pesos for two girls (yes, I know it hurts). 350 motel
Viil del Sol (just entered this place because it was close, nothing more).
Total: 5.350 pesos. Happy


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Calculate Annealing Temperature Primer

weekend Escort visiting LA PAZ BCS: Dassha

First of all thanks to BrincoDrib, reader of this blog for the tip. Apart from earlier, I apologize to everyone on the blog because it is inexcusable that I have missed a diva come to our quiet town, heartfelt apology to everyone.

As the title says a diva you visit our city and not to Los Cabos. Her measurements are 90-58-96 enviable and just see the picture you can see that fire is a female. Unfortunately will be a short season in our city, from 24 to 26 this month, so we still have a chance to hire a true diva and see that their service is different from what we're used around here. It seems that too will be in Los Cabos from 27 to 29 this month.

their data found on this link , is also important to say that your La Paz to not spend on long distance. It is very important to show that BCS divas especially in La Paz, there are also good customers. So hiring for this diva come more often and of course to demonstrate to other ladies here is market.

Before closing this post, the classic desclaimer saying that I am not a pimp or anything, I do not escort or advertising to any specific page. Fundamental data and comments on this blog are for information and non-profit. The copyrights belong to their respective owners.

As promised then put the review of BrincoDrib of This escort: Black or

The previous review was released entirely as it was sent to my email: as Privacy realized the reviewer was respected as well as their responsibility. Happy


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blueprints For A Hutch

Escort visiting BCS: Weekly Report Ninoska

In order to be prepared in time and above all be saving. I commented that comes to visit Ninoska to Cabos. This diva comes with all its measures 90-62-90 to take pleasure in these lands. Will be only three days, from 18 to 20 October, and apparently will tour the north.

is currently no published phone from Los Cabos, but you can check your details on this link , there can find their email and ask questions drawer. If you are a little loose, I'll tell you who does everything with condom (Oral and vaginal), anal and makes no fee is 2,500 pesos.

say I know this information well in advance, so there may be changes in any case, I'll be on the lookout for advice.

As always, a small disclaimer: I am not a pimp or anything, nor handling the girls displayed on this and other entries. Nor do I have links of any kind with escorts and similar portals. The information herein is for informational purposes nonprofit.

If someone takes a service with this girl, I invite you to translate their experiences in this blog, whether good or bad. As always, respect the anonymity of the participants. You can send your reviews to Happy


Monday, September 20, 2010

Images Of Light Cases Of Genital Warts


Unfortunately, in this megapuente could not do all that he had planned, but if I misbehave a few days. Here are the stories.

repeated and went to the Bucket. This was because half bespoken a "special" with a girl in my previous visit and review. She said I was going to be treated differently. With all the warmth and taibol I was as I like, half empty. I sat almost at the same table where I sat last time. I ordered a beer and quickly got ready to see the show. Before I bring my beer before I accommodate well, started the runway, where all the girls on the track have to hire a private. I looked at my watch and realized it was almost the hour, then I assumed that every hour make this runway. Later almost immediately a guy approaches me and gives me a ticket for a private. Take this opportunity to ask about the girl who promised me my super special and unfortunately for me I said that did not come. Later I said "is all there" and points to the track. I turn and see about 6 girls score 7 down. Seeing my disappointment face tells me "I recommend this" and points to a girl in the crowd Bailanta gateway. The type of tickets tells me that she does good tailings.

As the girl was not wanted I started to get another prey, as was the very best of those I saw, agreed to buy the ticket. The ticket guy brought me my girl and went to private. Private began very normal, very much like the girl I did the last time. However, this time there was something extra. Usually you sit on the couch in the private and the girl you dance while playing. This time the girl after a similar show invited me to stand and walk horny. This only seen it in Hermosillo, Sonora in Habanna (which already described). Even then I remembered that I gave a girl especially those also invited me to stand on that occasion. This new kind of private love me because I personally like the treat it more "real" as it gives you the illusion of being fajando with a girl you just met in a bar, well at least to me gives that impression. I thought I had made friends with the girl in my private and waited for me to propose a special. However, this was not, completed on time, said goodbye and left. I left wanting more but maybe because there was no chemistry as previously thought.

back to my place and the ticket guy told me that as I was, with a signal of "OK" I told him everything was fine. I quickly offered something much better with another girl who had not seen in the pass, and the truth could not resist. This meeting will outline not because there was chemistry with the new girl and if I describe as a step and as was the girl that my identity may be disclosed if those lines were read by either the ticket seller or girl. Just tell them who has been deprived of the best I have received (perhaps better).

Following the visit to the Bucket discovered that the famous special private, which lies to pay 650 pesos for 20 minutes and the curtain closed. In this mode there is more privacy and the completely naked girl and can play a little more than the normal private. Depending on the mood of the girl can do a bit "more." Interestingly, sex is prohibited in this mode. I suspect there is a service "superior" where sex is allowed, as in the elder brothers of the buckets (Lord Black and Amnesia) if there is possibility of having, but the only imagine the price made me pass such a possibility.

On another day of this mega weekend visiting the girls went on shoe (2 times) with my previous fiasco in mind hire a girl he had had meetings. No deviation from normal. I really wanted to try a new girl but in the bad experience I decided to leave it safe. We went to Villa del Sol and the cost was 350, not the 500 I paid la vez pasada. Esto porque tal vez no era precisamente viernes y sábado.

Los posteriores días fueron muy tranquilos y los dedique a cuestiones personales. Una de estas cuestiones me llevo a visitar un antro de La Paz muy famoso. Como estaba con un grupo de amigos en una mesa y estábamos de “reventón” no me di cuenta de cuando llegaron, pero al voltear a otra mesa me pareció ver un rostro conocido. Pase otra vez la mirada a fin de no verme obvio y pude comprobar mis temores, en ese mismo antro estaba la chava guapísima que trabaja para el zapato que me había hecho un mal servicio (reporte de fin de semana anterior). Me hice pendejo y me trate de ocultar a fin de que no me viera. En ese momento fui más consciente of my surroundings and started to look for familiar faces. To my bad luck I found in the same table where the girl described above to other girls who worked with his shoe. I looked at my watch and it was 2:30 in the morning. At that moment happened on the side of my shoe a partner, someone with whom I have already made deals to recruit girls. Then I said "Vali and cock" and not for the fact that I was doing something wrong, but because of health and that the people going to realize that I was dealing with someone like that. With men in my group of friends would not give me grief, but with the girls with whom we came. Anyway, luckily the shareholder does not salute me and went to the table where they were the girls. They sat still moving with the music and looking at the crowd.

At that moment I assumed they were "working" and it was. The partner seeking guys look at girls and they were about to offer the product and when you close the brothel's waiting outside with the girls and make the exchange of money for girl. At that same time period, the member got up and walked towards me here. Quickly I got up and went to the bathroom to see if I was, it did not went to a table next to mine to talk to someone. Breath of relief and that the girl comes up to me pretty bad service as outlined above. He greeted me and told me he did not expect to be here. I did not pay much attention and I returned to my table. Arriving hear a talk at the next table, the same who had earlier addressed the membership. Wherein said "that dude gets Morrito, I met him on a yacht a few days ago, we stayed with morras three days and two nights." I do not want to imagine how much wool is spent these friends. Then came another 3 chavas more to the table where were the workers of the shoe, but only to say you were already going. The shoe member at that time received a call. After the call is successful the other girls. After about 15 minutes he returned with nothing. Perhaps the shoe will call because he found another client, perhaps another bar. My friends and I left the nightclub at closing time. I left so quickly that I left behind my companions and I began to see the painting in the distance I could see how this network operates.

You see there was not much action this time I hope to review something more interesting next week.

Money spent: 1.200
in the buckets, including private special Chev. 3.000
shoe for girls. 4.200

total weights. Happy


Monday, September 13, 2010

Port Royal 2 Update 1 1 0 89

Report 3

This weekend is bittersweet because I had two contrasting experiences. Let's start at the beginning of the weekend, I called the shoe to keep doing points, did not answer, classic. This is the reason for not passing the shoe phone and it partners are somewhat paranoid when it comes to answering phones, so do not want to give a phone and then come to the blog and I insist upon, or worse will happen to them something like what happened to me.

I had to call her shoe, unfortunately, is installed in the Villa del Sol motel where curiously the manager told me that weekend because the cost of the room was 500 pesos, something strange to me because one week ago there hired a room at the motel and I was out at 350. To my surprise the clerk mentioned that they were 500 pesos, weekend rate. I do not know if it's true or not, as I said a week ago the rate was different. I think this is the official rate and employees are not doing strange movements horny cheating as your server. Anyway, have lost a customer does not ask for a room on a weekend at this hotel, I prefer to handle few minutes and go to another hotel to find a cheaper rate. I do not think I was the only one, because the property is looking pretty lonely, in fact I dare say I was the only tenant. I hope that if an administrator of the aforementioned motel is reading this to take action on the matter.

After releasing my anger, I continue with the story. As I I said that was already installed, under the shoe and nothing to another phone within himself, and nothing. Proceed to make another member of the shoe pimp anything. Total disappointed that I address with Vicky to see that it has, overall, had already paid 500 pesos and was not going to waste. I turn to the mentioned house and I see not a soul in the room where the girls waiting to be hired. I curse my luck and I go to the bar of the shoe to have if I find something. As I said before, I do not give mobile and rent a room for nothing. Back to the subject happened covertly and see about 5 girls charged in a taxi outside.

I parked nearby and I go to where the shoe does not mention that I've just been marking greeted him and his partner quickly greeted me as if I know, seller tactic because he had only seen a couple of times and it is usually called the nose. Total I do business with the political partner of the shoe, the latter is unfazed and not peel me, he is talking to the girls that I commented. The partner tells me that wave that you like, I see the truth that all 5 were very good, I would give them a 8.5 on average. However, one caught my attention, appeared to be the darling of the shoe. A girl with a beautiful face that the shoe did not detract attention from him. This made me weird because usually I have not seen these gestures with a girl. Total beauty me captive and this is weird because I'm very picky, but I told myself, this must be one of the tops. Total he hire this girl, I was a little harder than it usually cost the girls, so I figured it was one of the tops. Total I went to my room previously rented with a real doll to me. We had a pleasant conversation without much background, we come to the fourth thing that surprised they did not pay, I said I already had booked. I turned on the TV and was as usual in a porn channel, total leave the TV on that channel, it never hurts;). Quickly the beauty it had hired began to remove my clothes and rush to do the same. Do not get me wrong and made her case. Ya Bichis "quickly take my faithful companion of battles and starts to masturbate a few seconds until it is erect. Then put the condom on these ultra announcing on TV and begins to give me oral too "X". Has not a minute when attached to the oral and begins to ride, put some intensity and get tired and say, "Have you come?", To which a face of WTF and I answer "no, I'm just warming up. " She makes a face of "no mames" and asks me what position I like to come to me. I say it is too early yet and he says "is that I get tired" to which I say, ok let me make me work and they began to be my work. After a few minutes said, "I hear and tired" and I faced "no Chigir, if I'm making chamba" then said "you know there die, thank you very much" and started to dress. The girl was left angry, got a bath and told me that if carried back. Thing to accept because although she was angry and I'm not a jerk. Back my car looked like a cemetery, total silence, the girl with a baby face and I scolded faced disappointment. I said, well you pay, I skunk so I got on the car stereo and let me into the music. The stop in front of the bar and not be fired or anything. No way, unless a customer for her.

Briefly dear readers, a very pretty girl that I really let on but with a bad attitude and worse service. Actually I signed chavas much less beautiful than her but with an attitude enviable cast will win, know their chamba. But with this diva did not, if very pretty but if you think that having good looks is enough is very wrong. I am not saying that hire pure ugly, or to prevent the pretty, no. Just as in life you should not judge a book by its cover. A real shame.

With tempers on the floor, because he had paid a fine wool and there was no achieved even ejaculate I went to bed. The next night I went to Los Baldes, that outlines in the last inning. The truth was nothing like going, I felt sad at first because I really liked this girl and had finally agreed to the tops, but their service was lousy. Also had spent enough on it for anything.

Finally, Orgasmatron I said, you have a mission: go to the buckets. I must say that I have a good time, and any girl that I sat in my lap. I was so focused thinking about the review and seeing fine details and my beer time flew. And in private I came across a cute girl, a 7.5, myself say that does not compare with all the beauty who worked for the shoe. However, his attitude was super horny, kiss my neck, biting my ear, I said dirty things in my ear, I played very well in the end a true FAJE. Quickly made me forget the previous fiasco. In short, enjoy more private with that girl that 7.5 that take half a beauty 9.

Moral: Do not get carried away by appearances, not everything that glitters is gold.

Motel: 500 pesos
Girl: 1.700, as I did a discount for being a "client", so maybe a top costs more, but watch this. Visit
buckets: 300 pesos
Total spent: 2.500 pesos.

Outdoor Swing Set Sales In San Antonio

Weekend Review: The Bucket Table dance.

At the request of the gang of La Paz, I set this order to the buckets, I must say that as I was nothing more input through output, see the details and run away as in previous visits I really had gone very badly, in fact catalogaría as depressing.

As I told The buckets belonging to the group owner Lord Black and Amnesia operating in northwestern Mexico. This table could be considered the "poor relation" of this "family" as their rates and facilities make them a target for social extract a little different to that found in older siblings. With these prejudices in mind I set for adventure.

thing I like about this table is that it has ample parking, although it is in a busy avenue in the capital of the state, you can leave your car in the depths of the large parking lot to avoid the lurid eyes. This park is an area adjacent to taibol, although the more daring can park in front of the bar and there is also space. Entering

I came across a pleasant surprise, there was no cover, great! if we have that this chain taibols normally charge for entry. With this point in his favor went my way, walk a small corridor where you can empty glasses where the beverage if you bring. Walk through a glass door and helo Hence, the buckets in all its glory.

The place is rectangular, with private bar and the first part, a pool table in front of the bar where the truth seems not much play as the waiters are constantly passing drinks. The track where the ladies dance is straight with two tubes in each end, is rather broad and allows some intrepid parishioners feel about it. Returning to the track is of medium size, neither too long nor too short, allowing you to see the show from wherever you are not missing much.

As I said, try to avoid the syndrome of "deer lost" and I go to a table in the middle of taibol. Interestingly intercepts me and a waiter brings me to another table that I chose this because this was one and the table he had chosen had 4 seats. I complain a bit but eventually agree to be at another table. Unfortunately my seat was on top of ambient light which could be seen all over my face, so to avoid this I lean a little to create shade and posed as a more incognito.

The waiter comes over and shows me the letter which is on view wrapped in a plastic-reactive fluorescent black light lamps creating some luminescence allowing you to read the letter without requiring much effort. As I had said, the chain handles TKT, so I light a TKT it costs me 45 pesos. Thing that really made me face, but as I was only going to take two beers to accept. The young man who served me he suggested the chamber with 6, 160 pesos, he said no. This might seem a good deal, but only went for two beers, so I refused.

teibol At the bottom of a giant screen there is nothing more than a "gun" on a screen overhead. They were going through the box, which had many parishioners aware of the spectacle. The truth does not understand the mentality of local entrepreneurs to taibols sports, the same happens LordBlack screens and those of Amnesia. In other taibols from elsewhere or put put porn movies channels with these issues. This is good because if you do not like what you see on the track, as a consolation prize after a good scene on screen. Do not get me wrong, I love sports and I like to see on TV, but if you go to taibol you see women, not men full of sweat. If I want to watch sports on TV I stay in my home or in the sports bar there are many. So owners take note.

seats and tables are similar to those of Lord and Amnesia, in fact I think that is the waste from these and that looked pretty battered right now. And not just me talking, a customer did not sit because there was a decent seat, until a waiter brought another from another table. The restaurant itself is understated, without much under very austere. The bathrooms are regular, low-light and just a sink. In general could describe as austere. Following

important thing I told about 10 to 12 girls, which in qualifying I put a 7 simple. Sure, there were girls who arrived at 8 but nothing spectacular as in other taibols. It was a day seemed loose, as most were sitting at the start of the track in two tables.

finished my first beer and no girl approached me, looking curiously but my situation was understandable, was drinking beer and had a bucket as all other tables, it seemed safe "this dude just comes to track a beer, do not bring money." So the girls and I peeled. On one side was good, because as I said my intention was to make a reconnaissance mission, not battle. Suddenly, something caught my eye, I walk a guy with two girls, but these were not taibol, women were "civilians." This caught my attention because it reminded me that in my previous foray into Amnesia had also entered a bunch of guys with a lady among them. I do not know if fashion is part of sexual liberation, but many guys are convincing their friends or boyfriends that lead to these places. I'm sure given lots of morbid curiosity see how these places are intended for male pleasure. And as for men who are in most restrooms for women are the same as used by dancers. I'm pretty sure these intrepid young people are not gay or something, because only they will take, view, and not hire any private or something.

After this odd occurrence, I began to pay more attention to the audience. There were middle-class people, the occasional drunk who probably (not underestimate) was a construction worker, young first-time and one or two were leaving the chamba went to throw a frost. You see, here there were gringos, teachers of Technology or class people "high."

I ordered a second beer and my luck started the runway, an event that is all the girls, be with someone or not, enter the runway and have private double length. The girls were not very enthusiastic to get on the track, but you hear the story surround said the private cost 150 pesos, I do not think twice and asked for a private with one of the girls back better. The ticket sellers charged me and gave me a fake dollar bill, pass me my lady, and she very kindly guided me to the private sector. Private schools are one room to the side of the bar where this is a counter where the guy makes guard and takes control of private time. In this subject the dollar to give you false and proceeded to spend with the girl in private, I noticed that did not close the curtain and could see other customers as they received their private. This made me curious and exciting while at the same price as you could see other beauty and see their skills for future hires.

going to say I'm very vain, but the girl to the private I whispered to me quickly to also special, and it was only their clients but to me an exception as he liked. I told him that was the special and told me 650 pesos for the curtain closes, she is naked, nude and I I masturbate. But for an extra fee depending on the girl, you can have sexual intercourse or oral sex only. I really got to 100, but it was too late and as I said how much, the "extras" I do not anime. I said if we were better off taibol to be more comfortable. She told me she only does with customers for safety, which I thought was sensible and understood. Term private and promised to visit soon and show I'm a good customer. I went private

went to my table, I take my beer quickly as it had told the lady I was going private and went quickly. I went private so shocked that I even forgot the waiter I was 50 pesos. Rare thing in me and I'm really sucker about the fair. Total

I had a great time in the buckets, the taibol itself as I said is austere, but I'm not a place for decoration but for the girls, and there I found one that had attitude, desire to put me through a good time and above all provision, which is difficult to find in this business, because the truth, most do not win or just looking for quick money without the customer's enjoyment. For this reason only private contract girl with whom you have chemistry because otherwise the service becomes mechanical and unpleasant.

Held 6, the truth can be greatly improved.
Damas: 7, and explain why, although there were three or four that were worthwhile were many others that I personally did not meet my standards. Drinking
Price: 7 the average true light TKT made me face, but if you go with your butterfly tray can be a good choice this was not for me.
Service: 7 I'm going to put a 7 by tranza I did, ok, it was my mistake not to ask for my hand but when I went out the dude that I should change out and saw me until I left him and he said was the greeting and asshole and not give me change. If I were to return until he had left a tip. Too bad service. In

I only wear this raid:
100 pesos plus 50 beverage fair that I returned

private 150 Total 250 pesos for an hour in this place.

A place where you can relax and where if you're lucky you can be with a beautiful lady, a very good thing is that they open at 7 pm, so leaving the chamba you can hang out. I think the table that opens early and is something others should copy in other cities are open from 2 pm and will offer simple meal for you to be there. As for prices I think is a good choice, especially if you are somewhat worn, but not the cheapest. With respect to the jump, I comment later, as I promised to come back and review how I was and as out. Happy


Monday, September 6, 2010

Initiation Ideas At The Beach

Weekend Report No. 2

As already noticed in my previous posts I went to Amnesia and speak no more about it except that it is true that a considerable reader comment this blog, about the quality of girls, increased a lot, because on previous visits I have had to see if things are not so beautiful. Eye, remember it is a place for those considered expensive.

However, this was not the only adventure that took place in this weekend, because there was a group dance with famous people, I assumed that many people would leave the level of life night in La Paz, some lonely, something very nice when someone goes to a brothel, but quite noticeable when someone leaves whores. If you've read my blog, know that I like to go to places that are with few customers, because this way you will have access to the best chavas andártelas without quarreling with another whoring. I wanted to apply that logic when whoring, big mistake.

As you know, some guys work only when they want, and most seem to have been to that dance, all my options were super low. Search and browse my usual options and saw nothing that "was worth paying for it." Disappointed and

about to return to my cave, I received a call on my cell, was one of the pimps attached to the shoe. The nose, because it is a hill, my name after you check several times, he told me that chavas busy trying to get to work today. I said if I had something good, I said, bring two if you want to carry them. As I did not spend the night in white I agreed, knowing that it would not be the elite. We agreed to meet in part to teach me the girls.

reached the right place and I expected pimp nose of his car fell two girls, one that many would describe as gordibuena and one with more good than gordi but with a few years that made her see her thirties. Seeing my face told me dislike the nose that made good pull, especially gordibuena. This made me remember the wise words of a former teammate of partying at the time when he was a frequent visitor of the tables: "if you want a private good, do not choose the most beautiful, choose to see with more attitude that, no matter if is so good. " With this in mind, I chose to gordibuena, had seen all other options and were very similar.

I must confess that the way to the hotel went through my head several thoughts, the girl had a good talk and seemed sincere, but it was not what was used, then several thoughts I harbored negative criticism, and that such Once on the other hand find something better. Anyway, I cursed my luck that day and just keep going. We

the motel room and take my corner on the bed I wanted to put something on the TV but for some reason were hidden porn channels, leave the TV on a music channel while the girl took off his clothes. I did my own and started with the FAJE. Not normally describe as the relationships with the girls because they are somewhat related, but this time I'll do to illustrate a point. Continuing the adventure, the FAJE we did not have the boobies so big, as expected, but neither were some little things, say normal size. While waiting at a touch I put a condom for oral sex and when I finish, he began to give me oral fear, never received oral that way, as did a lot. He kept giving me oral in various positions for about half an hour, if half-hour oral. I do not know if I wanted to come this way or that wave, but I was about to come to me twice that because there was no porn on TV I could control, change positions and return a little favor. However, in each of these occasions she returned to the attack mouth.

Shortly after I decided to penetrate, not that I have not liked his mouth, but I asked him to put in four to finish. Something I my attention is that she did not put the condom, not long ago I became one with this kind of small, odd details, nothing more. The service was a bit strange compared to other girls, as oral usually reduce it to a minimum and the maximum penetration, however on this occasion it was not.

You see, we should not judge a book by its cover, this time may not hire a supermodel but a girl with good attitude who taught me a lesson orally. In their e

have asked me to specify the costs listed in reports weekend, here are those of this time: 1.000 pesos
in Amnesia, already described in previous enter. 1.500
of Chava.
350 quarts. Total 2.850
. Happy


Pinky The Adult Actress

Mens Club Amnesia, La Paz, BCS Final Part 2. Amnesia

As I discuss in the previous post I intended to go, see and hang out with most of my money in my wallet. However, the night I had intended otherwise. As I sit and drink my cup several girls passed and I stripped. As I was alone, the ladies think they are one of those "smart consumers", these guys just ask for a drink, watch the show and if a girl is not feeling in the legs the hands but do not invite a drink, all to make the most benefit with minimum investment. This technique is used by teenagers jariosos, which are avoided by the ladies like the plague, that I'm not inventing a teibolera told me some time. Total who spent two girls and no one came to my legs, which I liked because my plan was perfect to go from input through output. I dedicated myself to see the fine aspects of the table, the quantity and quality of the customers (which as I said is medium-high full gringos with their dollars), few chavas had and above all, the quality of these. In this sense I can say that there were between 10 and 12 kids, 8, very very good looking, I would give them a 8.8, if I know it's a high rating, but in general I can say that the quality of the girls was very good.

with details fine grades in my mind I proceeded to accelerate the pace at the end of my drink when from the bar Amnesia appeared a pretty girl who went to my legs and kiss greeting. Showed up and asked me my name, classic routine, I responded and began a conversation. I had very good body, balanced, neither fat nor thin. A waiter quickly asked me if he invited the lady a drink and as I like those types of bodies with firm thighs and large said yes to the cup. To bring the glass I could see that being equal, a minicopa for girls, with their respective ticket that indicates a commitment to the lady. We talked a lot, I can say that there was chemistry with the girl and as I was having a good went with it in my legs. Then I asked if we were going to private, I'd try it, which convinced me to take this service. The truth was not as hardcore as I expected but it was very tender, which the girl was grateful. Then I said he would go to the dressing room to change and that if he could keep me on the table, and not take the cup and we were enjoying fuck the two, agreed. To make a long story not paid as 5 cups, as I said it enough not to take them butler quickly thanked things because otherwise it would have commanded the devil.

One thing that pleased me is that when there catwalk for the flash (2x1) all the girls have to go up, whether or not to someone else as before if I remember correctly was not the case, cross to the administration. Also have very guarded, because they can not give you the phone for anything, it is prohibited, so if you want to connect with some girl has to be otherwise.
is an expensive place, like all Amnesia group, however the facilities are very good compared to other local taibols, in other words, good cost. The quality of girls increased, I must say, but if you want to take other options are much cheaper, the price they give you half an hour is what it charges an Escort Top per hour, in other words, is expensive and not combiene.

I must say and admit that that night if I had a great time, almost not going to the tables because as I said before, are designed to make you spend by two powerful reasons: alcohol and fever, but this time really cool to connect the girl and the truth is that I spend with her mother at all, obviously, is that his intention was to make me spend, but I should mention that I take very quiet his glass making them almost 5 drinks lasted 4 hours. The latter is not a rule and as I said it only works if you play well with the girl. In an e

a visitor of my blog asked me to add qualifications to the places, the cards will be as these failed school 5 and 10 is excellent. Local
: 8, size does not reach the highest rating.
Ladies: 8.8, and explain this rating
beverage Price: 7, ok not cheap but neither is the most expensive I've paid.
Service: 9, the truth is very expedient to serve and no tricks or as you said you down as a gentleman.

I was also asked to include how much I spend this time with 1000 bucks I spent on average from 11 pm to 2 am, not bad if we consider that this place is designed to take off their shirts. Happy


Pop Tropica

Mens Club, La Paz, BCS Escort Part 1

To see that if I ignore your comments and suggestions, this time I threw myself into Amnesia, a striptease bar located in the part of the "historical center" of the city of La Paz. The reason I never talk about it is that I have mixed feelings about this taibol as though whenever I've gone I've spent well, thanks to its location is somewhat uncomfortable visit.

Before continuing, a short primer on this site. This place of leisure in the same group owner Lord Black and buckets. Is a group that operates in the northwest of the country and has tables of the same name in different cities. In fact, the name badge of this group is Amnesia with which I guess was the first "brand" this group at an "average" in quality, leaving the name Lord Black for sites "exclusive" and buckets for a site more for the breed in general.

The operation of Amnesia is similar to that of Lord Black, the girls work under a salary, are paid daily right to a day of rest. The cover is 50 pesos and now security measures and do not spend scale as before, now modernized and will pass a metal detector to avoid problems on the premises. Something

note is that these sites can see these going into a den of another level, I mean that everyone caters to you immediately, and call you "sir" to everything. Unlike other sites, the waiters are quick to offer a drink and very nearly did not have to wait to meet you. This is appreciated when you go to tracks with friends, but hate it when you hold in your legs to a lady who eats drinks to get "boletitos" (which shall speak later).

The restaurant itself is small, the visit when I was a disc and when you see it now as you say the same table, is small, but to conceal the space, use mirrors to give the impression brilliantly deep and virtually extend the feeling of space. The track where the girls dance is winding type and the dimensions of the room where you feel almost You can see the girl wiggling. The size of it is not very large but enough for the girl to do their stunts.

The chairs are the same as those of Lord Black, that is comfortable and enough room to sit at home and be with you girl. The list price of drinks in sight not to be frightened when you bring the account. The waiters are not transparent, in fact once I leave the bathroom and about 100 pesos at the fair and when I return, still there, so why can relax.

prices are very similar to Lord Black, did not ask for beer because they manage TKT pure so take precautions. The tequila came from my last visit years ago and it was logical, now costs 60 pesos. To welcome the private cost the same, 220 pesos and the glass of the lady 120.

already seen the generals let's the facts. As there were few people, I park my car nearby, as I said and sorry to insist, consider this table for tourists, I made that night was a lot of gringo, three to three young ladies quickly accounted for three hours. The location of this table can be embarrassing for some, as it is very close to the pier and can be more than an acquaintance on the street watching them enter the cave, so bear this in mind. I know that Lord Black is on a main street of this city but the issue of traffic lights that no one can do without cars or just see you but not here, here you are seen by passers-by who stopped his car in the vicinity of the premises and go to the boardwalk or a nearby cave. Personally since I have had problems because of this sense in Amnesia, so be careful if they go incognito.

Entering the table, try to avoid what I call the syndrome of Lamparo deer "and that everyone comes as if not knowing where you are going, either from grief or fear to be recognized by one of the parishioners and net one is bad, and riveting look at each of the attendees to recognize someone and that, that looks bad. So personally treatment to find an empty table and I say to her without turning to the side to avoid disturbing others. Already installed in my place, quickly cool guy that looks like the manager gives me something to drink, I ask my classic tequila and quickly sends a waiter. This time, contrary to my custom, I stand in a vulnerable place, I always try to put myself in a favorable position that allows me to see who enters the premises and at the same time allows me to watch the show without being seen. Why did I do? As I was doing research for the blog and did not come just to enjoy myself, so my intention was to take a couple of drinks, watch the girls in and out quickly. However, this did not happen ...
