Monday, September 20, 2010

Images Of Light Cases Of Genital Warts


Unfortunately, in this megapuente could not do all that he had planned, but if I misbehave a few days. Here are the stories.

repeated and went to the Bucket. This was because half bespoken a "special" with a girl in my previous visit and review. She said I was going to be treated differently. With all the warmth and taibol I was as I like, half empty. I sat almost at the same table where I sat last time. I ordered a beer and quickly got ready to see the show. Before I bring my beer before I accommodate well, started the runway, where all the girls on the track have to hire a private. I looked at my watch and realized it was almost the hour, then I assumed that every hour make this runway. Later almost immediately a guy approaches me and gives me a ticket for a private. Take this opportunity to ask about the girl who promised me my super special and unfortunately for me I said that did not come. Later I said "is all there" and points to the track. I turn and see about 6 girls score 7 down. Seeing my disappointment face tells me "I recommend this" and points to a girl in the crowd Bailanta gateway. The type of tickets tells me that she does good tailings.

As the girl was not wanted I started to get another prey, as was the very best of those I saw, agreed to buy the ticket. The ticket guy brought me my girl and went to private. Private began very normal, very much like the girl I did the last time. However, this time there was something extra. Usually you sit on the couch in the private and the girl you dance while playing. This time the girl after a similar show invited me to stand and walk horny. This only seen it in Hermosillo, Sonora in Habanna (which already described). Even then I remembered that I gave a girl especially those also invited me to stand on that occasion. This new kind of private love me because I personally like the treat it more "real" as it gives you the illusion of being fajando with a girl you just met in a bar, well at least to me gives that impression. I thought I had made friends with the girl in my private and waited for me to propose a special. However, this was not, completed on time, said goodbye and left. I left wanting more but maybe because there was no chemistry as previously thought.

back to my place and the ticket guy told me that as I was, with a signal of "OK" I told him everything was fine. I quickly offered something much better with another girl who had not seen in the pass, and the truth could not resist. This meeting will outline not because there was chemistry with the new girl and if I describe as a step and as was the girl that my identity may be disclosed if those lines were read by either the ticket seller or girl. Just tell them who has been deprived of the best I have received (perhaps better).

Following the visit to the Bucket discovered that the famous special private, which lies to pay 650 pesos for 20 minutes and the curtain closed. In this mode there is more privacy and the completely naked girl and can play a little more than the normal private. Depending on the mood of the girl can do a bit "more." Interestingly, sex is prohibited in this mode. I suspect there is a service "superior" where sex is allowed, as in the elder brothers of the buckets (Lord Black and Amnesia) if there is possibility of having, but the only imagine the price made me pass such a possibility.

On another day of this mega weekend visiting the girls went on shoe (2 times) with my previous fiasco in mind hire a girl he had had meetings. No deviation from normal. I really wanted to try a new girl but in the bad experience I decided to leave it safe. We went to Villa del Sol and the cost was 350, not the 500 I paid la vez pasada. Esto porque tal vez no era precisamente viernes y sábado.

Los posteriores días fueron muy tranquilos y los dedique a cuestiones personales. Una de estas cuestiones me llevo a visitar un antro de La Paz muy famoso. Como estaba con un grupo de amigos en una mesa y estábamos de “reventón” no me di cuenta de cuando llegaron, pero al voltear a otra mesa me pareció ver un rostro conocido. Pase otra vez la mirada a fin de no verme obvio y pude comprobar mis temores, en ese mismo antro estaba la chava guapísima que trabaja para el zapato que me había hecho un mal servicio (reporte de fin de semana anterior). Me hice pendejo y me trate de ocultar a fin de que no me viera. En ese momento fui más consciente of my surroundings and started to look for familiar faces. To my bad luck I found in the same table where the girl described above to other girls who worked with his shoe. I looked at my watch and it was 2:30 in the morning. At that moment happened on the side of my shoe a partner, someone with whom I have already made deals to recruit girls. Then I said "Vali and cock" and not for the fact that I was doing something wrong, but because of health and that the people going to realize that I was dealing with someone like that. With men in my group of friends would not give me grief, but with the girls with whom we came. Anyway, luckily the shareholder does not salute me and went to the table where they were the girls. They sat still moving with the music and looking at the crowd.

At that moment I assumed they were "working" and it was. The partner seeking guys look at girls and they were about to offer the product and when you close the brothel's waiting outside with the girls and make the exchange of money for girl. At that same time period, the member got up and walked towards me here. Quickly I got up and went to the bathroom to see if I was, it did not went to a table next to mine to talk to someone. Breath of relief and that the girl comes up to me pretty bad service as outlined above. He greeted me and told me he did not expect to be here. I did not pay much attention and I returned to my table. Arriving hear a talk at the next table, the same who had earlier addressed the membership. Wherein said "that dude gets Morrito, I met him on a yacht a few days ago, we stayed with morras three days and two nights." I do not want to imagine how much wool is spent these friends. Then came another 3 chavas more to the table where were the workers of the shoe, but only to say you were already going. The shoe member at that time received a call. After the call is successful the other girls. After about 15 minutes he returned with nothing. Perhaps the shoe will call because he found another client, perhaps another bar. My friends and I left the nightclub at closing time. I left so quickly that I left behind my companions and I began to see the painting in the distance I could see how this network operates.

You see there was not much action this time I hope to review something more interesting next week.

Money spent: 1.200
in the buckets, including private special Chev. 3.000
shoe for girls. 4.200

total weights. Happy



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