Monday, October 4, 2010

Florida Gators Birthday Party

returning after 2 months and 1 day

Hey gorgeous !!!!!!! Uff
still do not believe it has been awhile since my last entry and aunq've spent x their blogs and have read, although I was not ready to write ... In this time they have spent a thousand things in my little world, but try to summarize the more q can, I promise;).

The last time I had told q was still on holiday, as it had finished and back to school q, q was what I planned and was very lively but ... the truth is not q passed and went into a crisis , one of the strongest in these last months. I went into a kind of fight with the world, with life, with people and even college ... that was the strongest of all, the university. With q even thought to tell you retire. Those were very difficult days, ana and 100% had returned to my life and was resuming my "normal" , difficult but it was normal q Keri, to tell them q and clothing was starting to loose ... but also , the circles again and shine of my hair went back. I locked myself, keria not leave my house, no keria go to uni, keria not see or talk to anyone ... I think that was the q q again betrayed me, the not control my depression and no fisikamente q I looked good.

again a conversation with my "sweet torture" made me reconsider many aspects but at the same time I felt bad xq this time, unlike last time, was completely determined to continue ana ... or rather, SIGO. Never had lied in relation to ana but this time, almost shamelessly, I said things were going to q and q would begin to improve to eat ... Q kiero not even think would happen if he found out I lied q, better known as I know and knowing what q q q most hated is lied.
With regard to the university, I thought things better and I resumed studies, and about my depression ... mmm ... still going back and forth but I think q ever learn to better manage not to betray me.

So things are now, I still controlling as I can with food, breakfast very little in the house (my mom almost q xq forces me) and in college most of the time step without eating anything and when I at night to the house, say q I had enough but the truth is sometimes in most Trankil q to quit my mom, I have so q is eating very little and eat something.
Ana is still there but I have q more careful what I say and what I look for q not suspect anything, especially my mother and "sweet torture" q q seems to have a special radar to know when it has ana again. And things with him are the same ... I trying to get it out of the heart (aunq every day it seems more difficult), he wanted more everyday my friend and she always telling q can not have anything with it: S. .. I hope one day I can get me out of all this love and see it only as q is a friend, best friend of the world and the most unconditional ... Q I hope he can be with the woman and deserves q xq kiere he is an excellent human being. Q know I have come to the conclusion q nunk me it felt x q x I felt he deserves xq better woman and not like me so mad to : S ... xq each time I feel more so. Beautiful
are well hope q, q keep with clear goals and q each time all things are best for you. Q
know so do not write, I'm on the lookout for you and send good vibes to q all they get it right.
The Kiero Princesses! Take care!
And I have always said, STRENGTH AND MUCH MUCH Animo!. XoXo .


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