Monday, September 6, 2010

Pinky The Adult Actress

Mens Club Amnesia, La Paz, BCS Final Part 2. Amnesia

As I discuss in the previous post I intended to go, see and hang out with most of my money in my wallet. However, the night I had intended otherwise. As I sit and drink my cup several girls passed and I stripped. As I was alone, the ladies think they are one of those "smart consumers", these guys just ask for a drink, watch the show and if a girl is not feeling in the legs the hands but do not invite a drink, all to make the most benefit with minimum investment. This technique is used by teenagers jariosos, which are avoided by the ladies like the plague, that I'm not inventing a teibolera told me some time. Total who spent two girls and no one came to my legs, which I liked because my plan was perfect to go from input through output. I dedicated myself to see the fine aspects of the table, the quantity and quality of the customers (which as I said is medium-high full gringos with their dollars), few chavas had and above all, the quality of these. In this sense I can say that there were between 10 and 12 kids, 8, very very good looking, I would give them a 8.8, if I know it's a high rating, but in general I can say that the quality of the girls was very good.

with details fine grades in my mind I proceeded to accelerate the pace at the end of my drink when from the bar Amnesia appeared a pretty girl who went to my legs and kiss greeting. Showed up and asked me my name, classic routine, I responded and began a conversation. I had very good body, balanced, neither fat nor thin. A waiter quickly asked me if he invited the lady a drink and as I like those types of bodies with firm thighs and large said yes to the cup. To bring the glass I could see that being equal, a minicopa for girls, with their respective ticket that indicates a commitment to the lady. We talked a lot, I can say that there was chemistry with the girl and as I was having a good went with it in my legs. Then I asked if we were going to private, I'd try it, which convinced me to take this service. The truth was not as hardcore as I expected but it was very tender, which the girl was grateful. Then I said he would go to the dressing room to change and that if he could keep me on the table, and not take the cup and we were enjoying fuck the two, agreed. To make a long story not paid as 5 cups, as I said it enough not to take them butler quickly thanked things because otherwise it would have commanded the devil.

One thing that pleased me is that when there catwalk for the flash (2x1) all the girls have to go up, whether or not to someone else as before if I remember correctly was not the case, cross to the administration. Also have very guarded, because they can not give you the phone for anything, it is prohibited, so if you want to connect with some girl has to be otherwise.
is an expensive place, like all Amnesia group, however the facilities are very good compared to other local taibols, in other words, good cost. The quality of girls increased, I must say, but if you want to take other options are much cheaper, the price they give you half an hour is what it charges an Escort Top per hour, in other words, is expensive and not combiene.

I must say and admit that that night if I had a great time, almost not going to the tables because as I said before, are designed to make you spend by two powerful reasons: alcohol and fever, but this time really cool to connect the girl and the truth is that I spend with her mother at all, obviously, is that his intention was to make me spend, but I should mention that I take very quiet his glass making them almost 5 drinks lasted 4 hours. The latter is not a rule and as I said it only works if you play well with the girl. In an e

a visitor of my blog asked me to add qualifications to the places, the cards will be as these failed school 5 and 10 is excellent. Local
: 8, size does not reach the highest rating.
Ladies: 8.8, and explain this rating
beverage Price: 7, ok not cheap but neither is the most expensive I've paid.
Service: 9, the truth is very expedient to serve and no tricks or as you said you down as a gentleman.

I was also asked to include how much I spend this time with 1000 bucks I spent on average from 11 pm to 2 am, not bad if we consider that this place is designed to take off their shirts. Happy



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