Monday, September 13, 2010

Port Royal 2 Update 1 1 0 89

Report 3

This weekend is bittersweet because I had two contrasting experiences. Let's start at the beginning of the weekend, I called the shoe to keep doing points, did not answer, classic. This is the reason for not passing the shoe phone and it partners are somewhat paranoid when it comes to answering phones, so do not want to give a phone and then come to the blog and I insist upon, or worse will happen to them something like what happened to me.

I had to call her shoe, unfortunately, is installed in the Villa del Sol motel where curiously the manager told me that weekend because the cost of the room was 500 pesos, something strange to me because one week ago there hired a room at the motel and I was out at 350. To my surprise the clerk mentioned that they were 500 pesos, weekend rate. I do not know if it's true or not, as I said a week ago the rate was different. I think this is the official rate and employees are not doing strange movements horny cheating as your server. Anyway, have lost a customer does not ask for a room on a weekend at this hotel, I prefer to handle few minutes and go to another hotel to find a cheaper rate. I do not think I was the only one, because the property is looking pretty lonely, in fact I dare say I was the only tenant. I hope that if an administrator of the aforementioned motel is reading this to take action on the matter.

After releasing my anger, I continue with the story. As I I said that was already installed, under the shoe and nothing to another phone within himself, and nothing. Proceed to make another member of the shoe pimp anything. Total disappointed that I address with Vicky to see that it has, overall, had already paid 500 pesos and was not going to waste. I turn to the mentioned house and I see not a soul in the room where the girls waiting to be hired. I curse my luck and I go to the bar of the shoe to have if I find something. As I said before, I do not give mobile and rent a room for nothing. Back to the subject happened covertly and see about 5 girls charged in a taxi outside.

I parked nearby and I go to where the shoe does not mention that I've just been marking greeted him and his partner quickly greeted me as if I know, seller tactic because he had only seen a couple of times and it is usually called the nose. Total I do business with the political partner of the shoe, the latter is unfazed and not peel me, he is talking to the girls that I commented. The partner tells me that wave that you like, I see the truth that all 5 were very good, I would give them a 8.5 on average. However, one caught my attention, appeared to be the darling of the shoe. A girl with a beautiful face that the shoe did not detract attention from him. This made me weird because usually I have not seen these gestures with a girl. Total beauty me captive and this is weird because I'm very picky, but I told myself, this must be one of the tops. Total he hire this girl, I was a little harder than it usually cost the girls, so I figured it was one of the tops. Total I went to my room previously rented with a real doll to me. We had a pleasant conversation without much background, we come to the fourth thing that surprised they did not pay, I said I already had booked. I turned on the TV and was as usual in a porn channel, total leave the TV on that channel, it never hurts;). Quickly the beauty it had hired began to remove my clothes and rush to do the same. Do not get me wrong and made her case. Ya Bichis "quickly take my faithful companion of battles and starts to masturbate a few seconds until it is erect. Then put the condom on these ultra announcing on TV and begins to give me oral too "X". Has not a minute when attached to the oral and begins to ride, put some intensity and get tired and say, "Have you come?", To which a face of WTF and I answer "no, I'm just warming up. " She makes a face of "no mames" and asks me what position I like to come to me. I say it is too early yet and he says "is that I get tired" to which I say, ok let me make me work and they began to be my work. After a few minutes said, "I hear and tired" and I faced "no Chigir, if I'm making chamba" then said "you know there die, thank you very much" and started to dress. The girl was left angry, got a bath and told me that if carried back. Thing to accept because although she was angry and I'm not a jerk. Back my car looked like a cemetery, total silence, the girl with a baby face and I scolded faced disappointment. I said, well you pay, I skunk so I got on the car stereo and let me into the music. The stop in front of the bar and not be fired or anything. No way, unless a customer for her.

Briefly dear readers, a very pretty girl that I really let on but with a bad attitude and worse service. Actually I signed chavas much less beautiful than her but with an attitude enviable cast will win, know their chamba. But with this diva did not, if very pretty but if you think that having good looks is enough is very wrong. I am not saying that hire pure ugly, or to prevent the pretty, no. Just as in life you should not judge a book by its cover. A real shame.

With tempers on the floor, because he had paid a fine wool and there was no achieved even ejaculate I went to bed. The next night I went to Los Baldes, that outlines in the last inning. The truth was nothing like going, I felt sad at first because I really liked this girl and had finally agreed to the tops, but their service was lousy. Also had spent enough on it for anything.

Finally, Orgasmatron I said, you have a mission: go to the buckets. I must say that I have a good time, and any girl that I sat in my lap. I was so focused thinking about the review and seeing fine details and my beer time flew. And in private I came across a cute girl, a 7.5, myself say that does not compare with all the beauty who worked for the shoe. However, his attitude was super horny, kiss my neck, biting my ear, I said dirty things in my ear, I played very well in the end a true FAJE. Quickly made me forget the previous fiasco. In short, enjoy more private with that girl that 7.5 that take half a beauty 9.

Moral: Do not get carried away by appearances, not everything that glitters is gold.

Motel: 500 pesos
Girl: 1.700, as I did a discount for being a "client", so maybe a top costs more, but watch this. Visit
buckets: 300 pesos
Total spent: 2.500 pesos.


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