Swallows: forced migration
Each year, between 8,000 and 12,000 migrant workers, known as the swallows arrive in northern Patagonia for the fruit harvest.
are seasonal workers who move seasonally in the country for agricultural activities in general.
Despite the myths and prejudices that circulate socially endorsing the idea that "come to take the job to the local workforce," this is a historical process that occurs from the very formation of the Upper Valley, as a result of seasonality of work and workers needed to perform these activities in the region. Even contrary to what is said, the workers porcetanje from Chile is negligible.
An investigation by the Social Studies Agricultural Group (GESA) National University of Comahue (UNCo) revealed that the swallows do not care workers settle in the area and that if they work in their places of origin, remain there.
The GESA is coordinated by Dr. Monica Bendini, an expert in rural, agricultural and agribusiness, and an interdisciplinary team of sociologists, geographers, social workers, historians, agronomists and economists.
researchers talked with teachers and Norma Steimbreger Radonich Martha, who explains in detail how the activity of swallows in the area del Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén.
¿Cuál es el recorrido de estos trabajadores y qué desplazamiento realizan?
Hemos detectado que realizan una especie de circuito y luego regresan a sus lugares de origen. Por ejemplo, en el caso de los trabajadores que provienen del noroeste de Tucumán, entre mayo y octubre realizan la zafra azucarera y la cosecha del limón, y de diciembre a febrero complementan con la cosecha frutícola en el Alto Valle. Se desplazan directamente desde las áreas de origen hacia las áreas de destino y luego de un promedio de tres meses, regresan a sus áreas de pertenencia social. En el caso de los tucumanos, incluso sufren el clima frío además del desarraigo, family and friends.
What does migration for workers and employers?
migrants do not migrate because they want to. Up the temporary movement as part of their survival strategy, because in their home areas also work temporarily and the rest of the year have to find other income. Then look for places where they also offer the possibility of temporary work.
There is even a business strategy to attract these workers because labor here is not enough. Employers offer differential pay to the swallows and the reality is that the harvest does not rise if workers are not coming.
How many migrant workers there are and what percentage of attachment?
is impossible to count the number of swallows that arrive in the area, but the figure would be around between 8 000 and 12 000 migrants per year.
In general, plants that do not want to stay and live in the area and even if they work in their places of origin does not migrate. They do this by a need to work and, in some cases also by the payment of family allowances and education benefits who do not receive in their homes. But almost no wage gap exists with regard to their places of origin.
What is the origin of these workers swallows?
Since the problem between Argentina and Chile in the Beagle Channel, in 1978, virtually no workers in Chile come to the region and begin to strengthen the flow of workers from northern Spain.
These workers started coming in the '60s, but came to the area of \u200b\u200bVilla Regina. When cutting the supply of labor from Chile, employers are going north of the country, mainly Tucumán, and strengthen this flow was mildly started.
live under what conditions these workers during their stay in the area?
Historically, the conditions are very poor because there is a marked invisibility of these workers, which means they are subjected to these precarious situations.
Although it is noteworthy that there is a marked difference between the provinces of Neuquen and Black River to the concern of every government to control those conditions of habitability. Black River Province is conducting regular inspections, looking to improve housing conditions and reduce work in the black.
It has been established through various testimonies and field, which in some cases, migrant workers are housed in makeshift housing adapted to containers.
The union that gathers, Argentina Union of Rural Workers and Stevedores (UATRE) estimates that 20% of workers are paid in black. In other cases, half the wages paid white and half black. There are also forms of payment called "non-wage" which consist of payment tickets.
In many cases, companies put their bins limits to limit their salaries.
Within the division of labor in agriculture, the harvest workers is found in more precarious conditions. However, increasingly they are required better preparation and training for the job, which does not translate into increased wages.
Buenos Aires 1400
(8300) Neuquén City
Tel: 0299-4490300 Int 272
Director: Dr. Monica Bendini
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Free South Park Scandinavia
The inevitable melting of glaciers
The glaciers of Patagonia are now in permanent decline. In the next 20 to 30 years, Mountain glaciers of Patagonia, as well as those of Circus disappear. The ice sheets are reduced to minimum, and the ice shelves collapsed in Patagonia.
These are some of the possible consequences of climate change
as a conference given by the doctor of geology, Jorge Rabassa, a researcher at the Southern Center for Scientific Research of CONICET and a former Rector of the
Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
The meeting was held in the context of "Conference on Global Warming" organized by the Department of Geography and the Center for Canadian Studies
National University of Comahue. Argentine investigators attended class, recognized worldwide. At the beginning of his presentation Rabassa made an important clarification of misconceptions that make us look bad face the so-called "greenhouse effect." "It responsible for ensuring that our planet has a temperature higher than the applicable in relation to the distance from the sun is, is what makes possible our existence on this planet, "says the researcher.
Directed by Dr. Andrew Coronato, the Geology Laboratory Ushuaia mapping and systematic observations made along the Patagonian Andes. Rabasa explains that "we are working on glaciers to know what is happening to them in Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and the Antarctic Peninsula in the context of this global climate change."
Glaciers are bodies of ice and permanent snow are highly sensitive to climate change. Dr. Rabasa explains the changes that occurred in the last 25 years in the ice fronts of the Antarctic Peninsula specifically in Paradise Bay. "As an area of \u200b\u200bheavy precipitation the effect of climate change is obliterated by the rush nieval having this region. In some cases we can see that the ice surface is exposed, means that all the snow the previous winter has been eliminated by merger. In some areas the impact is so great that appear rocky areas that had never been discovered and what remains are the remnants of the ancient icy bodies that are in direct path of disappearance. "
The occurrence of these rock surfaces from the melting of ice has major beneficiaries as well as serious consequences. "Among the beneficiaries are such as penguins and all the birds that need land to nest. This increased mainland dispobinilidad mean a strong tendency to excessive growth of the population of penguins. And if it grows to fill all the available areas would compete for space with other species of Antarctic seabirds, or pinipeos by cetaceans and marine resources. "
The collapse of ice shelves is another problem that manifested itself in recent years. Rabassa explained that in the Weddell Sea, located on the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, "the ice shelf appeared in 2003 crossed by many freshwater lakes across its surface. Shortly after the fence collapsed and lost an equivalent amount of ice in the province of Tucumán. The ice coming off of the barrier becomes large icebergs that drift along the Weddell Sea. "
"The important thing, Rabassa says, is that the barrier acts as a brake on the movement of glaciers in the mountainous region. To stop existing, have begun to move in very fast movements before taking the ice was in the upper parts of watersheds, the sea level. " As a result, "the expansion of the ice will cause problems in navigating the seas of the south and that will create other problems in economic matters."
But Rabassa explained that not only small glaciers are melting. Upsala Glacier, the largest in South America and the largest in Argentina, is also undergoing a gradual decline. Lost 8 miles from his face only in the last 25 years. "Events that can read in the geological literature, are happening in this", says the researcher.
Martial Glacier, Ushuaia, is in French train disappearance. Antarctic Institute researchers predicted that the glacier will disappear altogether in the next 25 years. "This is not only a loss to our natural tourism assets but is also the body of ice that provides drinking water to 90% of the population of the city of Ushuaia. Future
The outlook for the next 25 years is dark and discouraging. Rabassa is your conference discussed a number of findings of observational work carried out since the Southern Center for Scientific Research of CONICET.
The first is that the elevation of the permanent snow line has risen in the past 20 years, over 200 meters in Patagonia and more than 100 meters on the Antarctic Peninsula. Moreover, mountain glaciers such as Circus, inexorably melt in the next 20 to 30 years in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Patagonian inland ice will be reduced to a minimum, the ice shelves in Antarctica collapsed and melting glaciers contribute to rising global sea level.
The glaciers of Patagonia are now in permanent decline. In the next 20 to 30 years, Mountain glaciers of Patagonia, as well as those of Circus disappear. The ice sheets are reduced to minimum, and the ice shelves collapsed in Patagonia.
These are some of the possible consequences of climate change

The meeting was held in the context of "Conference on Global Warming" organized by the Department of Geography and the Center for Canadian Studies

Directed by Dr. Andrew Coronato, the Geology Laboratory Ushuaia mapping and systematic observations made along the Patagonian Andes. Rabasa explains that "we are working on glaciers to know what is happening to them in Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and the Antarctic Peninsula in the context of this global climate change."
Glaciers are bodies of ice and permanent snow are highly sensitive to climate change. Dr. Rabasa explains the changes that occurred in the last 25 years in the ice fronts of the Antarctic Peninsula specifically in Paradise Bay. "As an area of \u200b\u200bheavy precipitation the effect of climate change is obliterated by the rush nieval having this region. In some cases we can see that the ice surface is exposed, means that all the snow the previous winter has been eliminated by merger. In some areas the impact is so great that appear rocky areas that had never been discovered and what remains are the remnants of the ancient icy bodies that are in direct path of disappearance. "
The occurrence of these rock surfaces from the melting of ice has major beneficiaries as well as serious consequences. "Among the beneficiaries are such as penguins and all the birds that need land to nest. This increased mainland dispobinilidad mean a strong tendency to excessive growth of the population of penguins. And if it grows to fill all the available areas would compete for space with other species of Antarctic seabirds, or pinipeos by cetaceans and marine resources. "
The collapse of ice shelves is another problem that manifested itself in recent years. Rabassa explained that in the Weddell Sea, located on the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, "the ice shelf appeared in 2003 crossed by many freshwater lakes across its surface. Shortly after the fence collapsed and lost an equivalent amount of ice in the province of Tucumán. The ice coming off of the barrier becomes large icebergs that drift along the Weddell Sea. "
"The important thing, Rabassa says, is that the barrier acts as a brake on the movement of glaciers in the mountainous region. To stop existing, have begun to move in very fast movements before taking the ice was in the upper parts of watersheds, the sea level. " As a result, "the expansion of the ice will cause problems in navigating the seas of the south and that will create other problems in economic matters."
But Rabassa explained that not only small glaciers are melting. Upsala Glacier, the largest in South America and the largest in Argentina, is also undergoing a gradual decline. Lost 8 miles from his face only in the last 25 years. "Events that can read in the geological literature, are happening in this", says the researcher.
Martial Glacier, Ushuaia, is in French train disappearance. Antarctic Institute researchers predicted that the glacier will disappear altogether in the next 25 years. "This is not only a loss to our natural tourism assets but is also the body of ice that provides drinking water to 90% of the population of the city of Ushuaia. Future
The outlook for the next 25 years is dark and discouraging. Rabassa is your conference discussed a number of findings of observational work carried out since the Southern Center for Scientific Research of CONICET.
The first is that the elevation of the permanent snow line has risen in the past 20 years, over 200 meters in Patagonia and more than 100 meters on the Antarctic Peninsula. Moreover, mountain glaciers such as Circus, inexorably melt in the next 20 to 30 years in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Patagonian inland ice will be reduced to a minimum, the ice shelves in Antarctica collapsed and melting glaciers contribute to rising global sea level.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Kates Platground 2009
hydatidosis: a latent disease
The hydatidosis d osis remains a problem current transmission in the Province of Neuquén, and that 13% of cases relate to children.
more than 30 years ago, the state created a program Neuquén control of hydatid disease was an example in Latin America. But in recent times, ceased to be an active policy.
However, data from a study by the School of Medicine, National University of Comahue
reveal that hydatid disease is still endemic in Neuquén and still is a serious risk to the health of the population .
talked with Dr. Nora Pierángelli, member of the team of School Medicine is developing a research project on "biological and epidemiological aspects of hydatidosis in Neuquén.
The first results of field work reflect a status table with data that could help strengthen the controls throughout the province.
What is echinococcosis?
hydatid disease is a zoonosis (a disease transmitted from animals to man ) caused by a parasite called Echinococcus granulosu and transmitted by dogs.
H ow
or is it spread?
is a chain from dog to sheep, goats, cattle, sheep, cattle dog, and thence to man. On the one hand, the dog is infected through ingestion of raw viscera of cattle, which contain hydatid cysts.
These parasites not only involve the dog, but need another animal to stay, these are usually sheep, goats, cattle, horses and sometimes pigs.
On the other hand, the parasite that causes human disease is transmitted through the eggs that are in the dog feces. That contaminates the pastures, vegetables, water, etc. what animals and then humans eat. In particular, women and children are most affected because they are near the garden and house are the places where the dog.
Another feature of the eggs of Echinococcus is the resistance they have in the Patagonian climate. May live for a year due to low temperatures, especially under the snow and grass.
why most cases occur in rural areas?
is because it is a zoonosis involving livestock and is a deeply rooted in the field to provide raw viscera of animals.
Most cases detected in the Province of Neuquén are in small rural towns, where it is difficult to access personal health or the parasite are not distributed continuously. We talked about the areas and Zapala, Alumine, Loncopué and Chos Malal.
The cycle of the goat and the dog: a peculiarity in the province
In Neuquén Province there is a special feature: the breeding of goats is 5 or 6 times higher than that of sheep. However, prevention techniques applied hydatidosis in Neuquén have to do with the cycle of the sheep and it is unclear what happens to the goat.
Therefore, the objective of the research raised by the teachers of the School of Medicine UNCo is to analyze the cycle that meets the goat and dog.
There are different strains of Echinococcus granulosus, which are variants of this parasite. These are peculiarities of growth, physiological and different times of development according to the host. And what is proven, is that all these strains are not sensitive to the same parasite.
Therefore, the research they are doing would help to pinpoint the most favorable period for the task of de-worming of animals. It is an epidemiological and immunological study, which also is helping to diagnose disease and determine their physiology.
Can reduce infection rates in the province?
This project began conducting an epidemiological study with a statistical program, analyzing data from a period of 10 years. 1007 cases were analyzed throughout the province. From which was carried out a study on the location of the cysts and the age of the patients.
The overall infection rate in the Province is 14 cases per 100 000 during the period 2004 / 2005. There are even areas of up to 70 per 100 000 and places like Aucapán 700 per 100 thousand inhabitants, a very high proportion.
control program, which depends on the provincial health authorities should analyze the data and take action. Should be sought to improve focus of hydatidosis diagnosis in control programs.
What are the most important contributions of this research to help lower the rate of transmission of hydatid disease?
One of the central issues in research is helping determine how exactly the transmission of this disease in the province of Neuquén, as a zoonosis control is essential to know the players involved in the transmission. We know that is not equal transmission through sheep, cows, goats or camels.
Another contribution of research to help improve the diagnosis in the control program. Today
hydatid disease remains a Neuquén transmission problem, and that 13% of them were children.
Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
School of Medicine. Irigoyen
2000. See thrushes. Cipolletti, Black River.
External Director: Prof. Dr. John A. Farjat Basualdo (UNLP).
Co-Director: Prof. Bioq. Ms. Nora B. Pierangeli (UNCo).
Tel: 0299 \u200b\u200b- 477 0505
The hydatidosis d osis remains a problem current transmission in the Province of Neuquén, and that 13% of cases relate to children.
more than 30 years ago, the state created a program Neuquén control of hydatid disease was an example in Latin America. But in recent times, ceased to be an active policy.
However, data from a study by the School of Medicine, National University of Comahue
talked with Dr. Nora Pierángelli, member of the team of School Medicine is developing a research project on "biological and epidemiological aspects of hydatidosis in Neuquén.
The first results of field work reflect a status table with data that could help strengthen the controls throughout the province.
What is echinococcosis?
hydatid disease is a zoonosis (a disease transmitted from animals to man ) caused by a parasite called Echinococcus granulosu and transmitted by dogs.
H ow

is a chain from dog to sheep, goats, cattle, sheep, cattle dog, and thence to man. On the one hand, the dog is infected through ingestion of raw viscera of cattle, which contain hydatid cysts.
These parasites not only involve the dog, but need another animal to stay, these are usually sheep, goats, cattle, horses and sometimes pigs.
On the other hand, the parasite that causes human disease is transmitted through the eggs that are in the dog feces. That contaminates the pastures, vegetables, water, etc. what animals and then humans eat. In particular, women and children are most affected because they are near the garden and house are the places where the dog.
Another feature of the eggs of Echinococcus is the resistance they have in the Patagonian climate. May live for a year due to low temperatures, especially under the snow and grass.
why most cases occur in rural areas?
is because it is a zoonosis involving livestock and is a deeply rooted in the field to provide raw viscera of animals.
Most cases detected in the Province of Neuquén are in small rural towns, where it is difficult to access personal health or the parasite are not distributed continuously. We talked about the areas and Zapala, Alumine, Loncopué and Chos Malal.
The cycle of the goat and the dog: a peculiarity in the province
In Neuquén Province there is a special feature: the breeding of goats is 5 or 6 times higher than that of sheep. However, prevention techniques applied hydatidosis in Neuquén have to do with the cycle of the sheep and it is unclear what happens to the goat.
Therefore, the objective of the research raised by the teachers of the School of Medicine UNCo is to analyze the cycle that meets the goat and dog.
There are different strains of Echinococcus granulosus, which are variants of this parasite. These are peculiarities of growth, physiological and different times of development according to the host. And what is proven, is that all these strains are not sensitive to the same parasite.
Therefore, the research they are doing would help to pinpoint the most favorable period for the task of de-worming of animals. It is an epidemiological and immunological study, which also is helping to diagnose disease and determine their physiology.
Can reduce infection rates in the province?
This project began conducting an epidemiological study with a statistical program, analyzing data from a period of 10 years. 1007 cases were analyzed throughout the province. From which was carried out a study on the location of the cysts and the age of the patients.
The overall infection rate in the Province is 14 cases per 100 000 during the period 2004 / 2005. There are even areas of up to 70 per 100 000 and places like Aucapán 700 per 100 thousand inhabitants, a very high proportion.
control program, which depends on the provincial health authorities should analyze the data and take action. Should be sought to improve focus of hydatidosis diagnosis in control programs.
What are the most important contributions of this research to help lower the rate of transmission of hydatid disease?
One of the central issues in research is helping determine how exactly the transmission of this disease in the province of Neuquén, as a zoonosis control is essential to know the players involved in the transmission. We know that is not equal transmission through sheep, cows, goats or camels.
Another contribution of research to help improve the diagnosis in the control program. Today
hydatid disease remains a Neuquén transmission problem, and that 13% of them were children.
Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
School of Medicine. Irigoyen
2000. See thrushes. Cipolletti, Black River.
External Director: Prof. Dr. John A. Farjat Basualdo (UNLP).
Co-Director: Prof. Bioq. Ms. Nora B. Pierangeli (UNCo).
Tel: 0299 \u200b\u200b- 477 0505
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Doujin Dragonball Bulma
"We must rediscover the pleasure of reading"
No more cops, not cameras security. Promoting books and reading is the state policy designed in Medellin, Colombia to reverse the culture of violence in that city.
The distinguished researcher Angela Di Tullio, doctor of letters and a professor at the Universidad Nacional del Comahue, says this experience and notes that "the serious problem of our country is that the school was removing the book" and "the photocopy was a harmful role in the school culture. " Therefore proposed a collective effort to regain the pleasure of reading books.
Commissioned by the Royal English Academy, Di Tullio works day and night in the drafting of the new compendium official grammar of this institution, to be published next year in two versions, one scholarly and one that is a compendium of this release. The novelty of this new edition is the inclusion of English in America, before ignored.
In an interview on the radio program "for sure", Di Tullio defined the Argentine English as "little more rustic and lover of the law."
In this configuration, "Rodriguez says" influence political issues that gave distinctive characteristics "as is" paging "Argentine instead of" your "English. This relates to the Argentina received strong immigration in the late nineteenth century, "what traits printed in our pronunciation, vocabulary and even grammar."
To Di Tullio, another feature of the English of Argentina also has to do with the fact that there has been during the first centuries, Capital of the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. "In the absence of a strong colonial culture, the English of Argentina was less cautious and more influenced by the rural language, as in the example of" you ".
"In general, he explains, our writers tried to reflect the spoken usage of the population. In no country in Latin is as the gaucho literature, reflecting the use of language of a marginalized population and gives a distinct feature of our English. "
What was the model of education that prevailed in the schools?
The school has implemented what was called nationalist education, which imposed the use of symbols and of the English language, differing from the language of Argentina. So it was forbidden the use of "paging", so that the tongue would be as pure as possible. This type of education was very negative. The paging ban was absurd, since the native population and the teachers used it for what is generating a kind of repression of all these traits. Today
this mode change, it is desirable that schools speak English used in Argentina.
talk What is wrong?
There are two ways of understanding. One is to consider that speaking in a non-academic is to speak evil. And the other is to consider that there is a certain predominance in the media of an impoverished language, which tends more to popularize but is not vulgar, is used by the middle class.
Another case different is the language used by Fontanarrosa, the language takes some twists and popular idioms, using metaphors, and managed to reflect and the vernacular, in turn, enriching.
How can you fight at school this way of speaking that is imposed from the media?
replacement reading novels and stories by reading other texts like the newspaper, causing damage as the main entrance of children to the written word is through the stories and novels. It is the only way to access the vocabulary and processes that are performed when reading a story, as the reconstruction of the world and characters.
would be essential that libraries have a wide range, mainly school libraries, as many kids do not have a library at home. While it is true that there are very serious financial problems, diffusion, circulation and management of a book, is fundamental. We need a policy book.
In Medellin noteworthy is the work of the mayor is the formation of libraries as places where there is only going to get a book, but also meets the family, and the boys can hold workshops.
city slogans are: "Medellín the most educated" and "Medellin a city to read." It is a way to reverse the poor image of the city, which is directly related to drug trafficking.
A forecast of the future of our
English ... Language is always changing, obviously still speaking English in Argentina. The differences between English from Spain and the English of Argentina have to do with what Borges said: "a hint of differentiation."
is important that each country has special characteristics that give us linguistic identity. Our regional identity is given mainly by our writers and non-use of neutral English.
Contact: Angela Di Tullio
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Faculty of Humanities Tel +54-299-4490389 to 390 - Fax +54-299-4490313
Email: mailto: safh@uncoma.edu.ar

The distinguished researcher Angela Di Tullio, doctor of letters and a professor at the Universidad Nacional del Comahue, says this experience and notes that "the serious problem of our country is that the school was removing the book" and "the photocopy was a harmful role in the school culture. " Therefore proposed a collective effort to regain the pleasure of reading books.
Commissioned by the Royal English Academy, Di Tullio works day and night in the drafting of the new compendium official grammar of this institution, to be published next year in two versions, one scholarly and one that is a compendium of this release. The novelty of this new edition is the inclusion of English in America, before ignored.
In an interview on the radio program "for sure", Di Tullio defined the Argentine English as "little more rustic and lover of the law."
In this configuration, "Rodriguez says" influence political issues that gave distinctive characteristics "as is" paging "Argentine instead of" your "English. This relates to the Argentina received strong immigration in the late nineteenth century, "what traits printed in our pronunciation, vocabulary and even grammar."
To Di Tullio, another feature of the English of Argentina also has to do with the fact that there has been during the first centuries, Capital of the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. "In the absence of a strong colonial culture, the English of Argentina was less cautious and more influenced by the rural language, as in the example of" you ".
"In general, he explains, our writers tried to reflect the spoken usage of the population. In no country in Latin is as the gaucho literature, reflecting the use of language of a marginalized population and gives a distinct feature of our English. "
What was the model of education that prevailed in the schools?
The school has implemented what was called nationalist education, which imposed the use of symbols and of the English language, differing from the language of Argentina. So it was forbidden the use of "paging", so that the tongue would be as pure as possible. This type of education was very negative. The paging ban was absurd, since the native population and the teachers used it for what is generating a kind of repression of all these traits. Today
this mode change, it is desirable that schools speak English used in Argentina.
talk What is wrong?
There are two ways of understanding. One is to consider that speaking in a non-academic is to speak evil. And the other is to consider that there is a certain predominance in the media of an impoverished language, which tends more to popularize but is not vulgar, is used by the middle class.
Another case different is the language used by Fontanarrosa, the language takes some twists and popular idioms, using metaphors, and managed to reflect and the vernacular, in turn, enriching.
How can you fight at school this way of speaking that is imposed from the media?
replacement reading novels and stories by reading other texts like the newspaper, causing damage as the main entrance of children to the written word is through the stories and novels. It is the only way to access the vocabulary and processes that are performed when reading a story, as the reconstruction of the world and characters.
would be essential that libraries have a wide range, mainly school libraries, as many kids do not have a library at home. While it is true that there are very serious financial problems, diffusion, circulation and management of a book, is fundamental. We need a policy book.
In Medellin noteworthy is the work of the mayor is the formation of libraries as places where there is only going to get a book, but also meets the family, and the boys can hold workshops.
city slogans are: "Medellín the most educated" and "Medellin a city to read." It is a way to reverse the poor image of the city, which is directly related to drug trafficking.
A forecast of the future of our
English ... Language is always changing, obviously still speaking English in Argentina. The differences between English from Spain and the English of Argentina have to do with what Borges said: "a hint of differentiation."
is important that each country has special characteristics that give us linguistic identity. Our regional identity is given mainly by our writers and non-use of neutral English.
Contact: Angela Di Tullio
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Faculty of Humanities Tel +54-299-4490389 to 390 - Fax +54-299-4490313
Email: mailto: safh@uncoma.edu.ar
Monday, December 3, 2007
Cost Of Drivers License Renewal In Columbus, Oh
scandalous information about the brutality of the ESF and one of the detainees on the murder of Carlos
x Klinamen.org
El aciago 11 de noviembre, Carlos moría apuñalado y Alex quedaba grievously wounded by a fascist military, moments after Daniel TL 16, minor to them, received a brutal beating by the riot, which has kept him 15 days in the hospital.
During this time, during all demonstrations not know what happened.
Chance has made information flow as an acquaintance of mine happens to be relative. During the incidents in the district of Legazpi between people and police, received a bottle in the head by friendly fire, "some concern that the bottle bounced off a car if you hit it squarely on the head is humming and causing a great divide, already wounded, the police charged, he could not flee and crushed him, balls at close range, head butts ... the brutal beating was leaving him lying unconscious and bleeding, two other children, it seems that neither knew him , seeing his parlous state remained accompanying him, disobeying police he wanted to leave, they refused to leave him. These were the three children held in Legazpi this sad morning, which passed through the clot, the work over and the two supportive.
seems that passed through the hospital and a doctor bastard let the police take him, and am in the dungeon of the Grum, pleading for help, saying he was sick, someone who had not yet been realized the seriousness of his injuries and was taken to hospital, where he would not leave until two weeks later. When his parents saw it were amazed, a lot of stitches and staples in his head, suffers amnesia, no memory of what happened before the hospital. It seems that the family does not want to disclose the case, although they have reported to hospital and police and seek to reach the final.
I, as my acquaintance knows what limping walk, and know my background and inclinations, I asked for a competent lawyer, I assumed, then, that the family would have recourse to a lawyer "anyone" but apparently is being assisted by Erlantz Ibarra, who was appointed by the minor. Our anger
we no longer fit in the body, some, little, we could get these days. I had known this, maybe things would have been different.
If this had been known from the start, what could be said about the Madrid Social Forum? Not only must fight back the Nazis, it is absolutely necessary to return them to the police, the government delegate, who know that when someone burst hosts are going to be expensive, and we will put everything upside down. And this will not be able to be recovered from the left, none of their rankings, because this response not be of the "fascist" label interclass label growing ever tells us less (these days it has been held since the party fascist government, and along the left: the Students' Union, Movement Against Intolerance , IU, PCE, CCOO, UGT, Peace Now also showing that anti-fascism can be a capitalist, so that label falls short, we are anti-capitalist nosotrxs).
The revolution is not the end, is the road.
settle accounts with our enemies.
Editor's note: Klinamen has contrasted this information. It is absolutely true
x Klinamen.org
El aciago 11 de noviembre, Carlos moría apuñalado y Alex quedaba grievously wounded by a fascist military, moments after Daniel TL 16, minor to them, received a brutal beating by the riot, which has kept him 15 days in the hospital.
During this time, during all demonstrations not know what happened.
Chance has made information flow as an acquaintance of mine happens to be relative. During the incidents in the district of Legazpi between people and police, received a bottle in the head by friendly fire, "some concern that the bottle bounced off a car if you hit it squarely on the head is humming and causing a great divide, already wounded, the police charged, he could not flee and crushed him, balls at close range, head butts ... the brutal beating was leaving him lying unconscious and bleeding, two other children, it seems that neither knew him , seeing his parlous state remained accompanying him, disobeying police he wanted to leave, they refused to leave him. These were the three children held in Legazpi this sad morning, which passed through the clot, the work over and the two supportive.
seems that passed through the hospital and a doctor bastard let the police take him, and am in the dungeon of the Grum, pleading for help, saying he was sick, someone who had not yet been realized the seriousness of his injuries and was taken to hospital, where he would not leave until two weeks later. When his parents saw it were amazed, a lot of stitches and staples in his head, suffers amnesia, no memory of what happened before the hospital. It seems that the family does not want to disclose the case, although they have reported to hospital and police and seek to reach the final.
I, as my acquaintance knows what limping walk, and know my background and inclinations, I asked for a competent lawyer, I assumed, then, that the family would have recourse to a lawyer "anyone" but apparently is being assisted by Erlantz Ibarra, who was appointed by the minor. Our anger
we no longer fit in the body, some, little, we could get these days. I had known this, maybe things would have been different.
If this had been known from the start, what could be said about the Madrid Social Forum? Not only must fight back the Nazis, it is absolutely necessary to return them to the police, the government delegate, who know that when someone burst hosts are going to be expensive, and we will put everything upside down. And this will not be able to be recovered from the left, none of their rankings, because this response not be of the "fascist" label interclass label growing ever tells us less (these days it has been held since the party fascist government, and along the left: the Students' Union, Movement Against Intolerance , IU, PCE, CCOO, UGT, Peace Now also showing that anti-fascism can be a capitalist, so that label falls short, we are anti-capitalist nosotrxs).
The revolution is not the end, is the road.
settle accounts with our enemies.
Editor's note: Klinamen has contrasted this information. It is absolutely true
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