The shoe, Part 3, Final.
To give you an overview try to have a recent experience to give it as accurate as possible. This weekend I went to the shoe. I forgot my bad experiences and I forget that you may not find the girls I want. I went with the intention of hiring a girl, was like to be.
Get to the bar and saw no movement, one girl and it was not to my liking. If you read my post " A bad weekend "know that he had tried to contact the shoe and luckily had gotten his phone number, in fact I got two. I was warned that he would probably not be answered because my number was not known. With that in mind, call the first number, there was no answer. Call the second, the phone rang and I answered the shoe, I immediately recognized her voice. I do not know if the first phone no longer works and the second is the good or just at my insistence she replied. To talk to him sounded like someone new, someone who just started in this and do not know. I asked a girl, immediately afterwards and told me that he loved her. Gave a vague description, as if it will be a novice. I want to pause here and explain the modus operandi of the shoe. You call him or one of its members to answer, you ask a girl to have certain characteristics if you ask where you wear them. You give an address takes you to the girl, pay as agreed and ready to pick. When you finish or pass the time comes for her pimp in question and matter closed. Obviously this way of operating is not always followed by their partners or pimps side as some take the girls to some familiar haunts to find customers, because as I said, the girls are dressed like any college girl. In this mode there is a group of kids guapas solas sentadas en alguna mesa, el padrote está al lado observando a futuros clientes, si te vez de lana y solo o en compañía de puros hombres no tarda en sacarte platica el padrote antrero. Esté te dice que por “X” lana te llevas a la chica que quieras de aquella mesa. Si dices que sí, el padrote te la trae y te la llevas o sigues la fiesta en el antro. Esta historia me la conto un conocido, no me consta, así que se las paso al costo. Otra modalidad de la que también había oído era que tenía una casa en un barrio “de gente bien” donde los clientes VIP solían visitar a fin de encontrar bellezas que venden caro su amor. Esa casa no sé si todavía funcione de esa manera, pero de monuments that are seen leaving and entering the house are, and nobody told me, I saw him once.
Returning to the call, told me where I left the girl, was thinking of a motel, but I was near the bar told him take me there. I parked my car near the bar, walked in and the shoe closest partner recognized me and greeted me. We struck up a pleasant conversation and I said that right now going to bring more girls. I told him I had talked to the shoe and my baby was already underway. My girl came, something different from his requests, but as I said, that night was for a girl's shoe if or if. He was good looking, young and I did not do the ugly. At the checkout I get a surprise, the cost was 1,300 pesos, less than 1.500 price they normally charge per hour and a half of service. To my surprise, the shoe member told me that it was cheaper because it was new customer and still missing the tip of the girl. I asked for the shoe and nothing more came a car driven by a pubescent girl bringing. This puzzled me and his partner told me that she was the girl and that had already been arranged with the shoe, which will pay him and everyone was happy. This is not like me at all (on everything from the tip) and that insurance be communicated by telepathy and I did not see anyone calling. Save my suspicions and accept as my intention was to resume contact with the shoe in order to access the famous tops.
brought my car in a six left over from Friday and was removed from the freezer for the occasion. The girl who brought beer to see told me if I gave him one, as it sounded sincere and it looked cool that I gave him because when I want to take do not drink. Then I stop at one of those convenience stores 24 hours and buy an energy drink and the girl asked me anything else from the store. Do not bother me because I really wanted information from her and was a good way ganandomela. Taking
accounts, over 500 of the motel 1.300, more than 100 pesos purchased at convenience store and 500 pesos for a tip to the girl gave a total investment of 2.400 pesos. Rather expensive especially for the tip, which pleased me not at all, and I would rather pay 1.500 pesos and not normal to tip.
I made friends with the girl, and of course, if the question very well with food, drink and a good tip. She actually told me that the shoe is not the pimp that moves, but someone else. But that the pimp has a boss at the end is the shoe. With this I deduced that the shoe to receive my call moved to one side pimps for him to take me to the girl. This gives me three readings, the first is that just runs and no longer engaged to pimp it "per se" or that the shoe really serves only big fish which is a network or where the shoe is not the head but there are many pimps sharing the cake. The latter is pure speculation and the truth not care how they are organized. Unfortunately I can not talk about the overall quality of the girls, as they only saw two, I hope in future entries meet more kids and see what the quality. Take
refer to the price of 1,500 basis with girls and possibly top this figure to rise. As I said, I do not like the extra costs as a tip because it makes me just a way to hang yourself, luckily brought wool but who knows how I would have gone. Another thing I liked was the lack of variety, I mean that in other places once a girl with whom you're gonna go, see what is available and that you choose. With the shoe and other pimps on the phone this is not true, at least not to the customers 'common' as your server. Because although you can take several chavas to choose or ask for "X" or "Y" girl with certain characteristics, you will never see the full menu unless as I said, you're a big shot. This certainly is a disadvantage to the shoe if you compare with other options. However, this style of operation is more discreet and allows those that need to be hidden do their evil deeds without any exposure to be seen by an acquaintance in places of sin. If you look coldly
cost-benefit numbers may seem a bad option. However, this departure made many errors your server. The first was to allow the famous tip as 500 pesos for many may seem small and others much, that I happened to receive money from third parties and not the mere shoe. The second was to buy things for the lady (ratatouille and bontanas), this does not happen much and depends very much on the personality of the girl, so do not take this as a generality of the girls in the shoe. In a leap "normal" should spend about 2,000 including room. In this last aspect I want to say that I went to put the Villas del Sol, the truth every day I like less because it seems that prices rise and fall in relation to demand. For the next promise to go to another place and try their luck and last save a few pesos. Will not take your finger off the line and prepare a way out with another girl to see what I'm translating into these entries.
Many are wondering why this dude does not put the shoe phone? or Why not give the address of the aforementioned bar? As you have seen, my experience by hiring girls shoe has not been the best and has been little if compared with other places. That is why to avoid giving wrong information, numbers and directions to give you are sure how the shoe works. This is because as many know, has a reputation for "big seller" and having the best youth in the middle. This even I have to check, so do not despair. If the insistence of the patrons of this blog is dormant for more data to know, I will gladly address bar so that you go and see with their eyes what happens there, but I see all this is at your own risk and not I'm not responsible if they have a bad service or something worse happens. Greetings and happy
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