The Shoe, Part.
few years ago a pimp, pimp or manager broke night scene in La Paz. I do not know exactly their history or how it got to this land but I can tell you my experience hiring the services of this businessman who was indeed dark and light.
The first time I heard that unique nickname was done three or four years, talking with a friend about to do a bachelor party for a friend in common. My experience puteril at that time was only with teiboleras and ladies from Doña Vicky. So I told him that I like to talk with some of the ladies mentioned above and see if they made that service. My friend told me there was a dude moving girls from very good to see affordable, and I hire Insite shoe. This comment intrigued me because this friend did not move this way (at the time), immediately afterwards and I told him that knew about this shoe mented. He told me he had hired friends every fortnight girls services managed by that pimp and that they were really very beautiful and gave a good service.
asked him to give me more data and after a few minutes and text messages twice gave me cell phone and told me he called saying he was friends with Tom, it sure with that name gave me a good price.
As bachelor party did not forget that phone and that nickname. Months passed and in another conversation with the same friend came out to the track to go whoring. So my friend and agree to the shoe contact us in a local pier. We arrived at the agreed place and suddenly I get a normal car, nothing flashy full of girls ready for a confesses. Is under the most normal man and I salute my friend introduced me immediately afterwards and said, look I present to you he's the guy that drives the girls. I could not believe my eyes, television and film files had taught us in our youth that the pimps were stout and tall guys faces wearing extravagantly. However, the guy in front of him and shook my hand was very normal.
After my initial amazement my friend said we needed two girls, cool you will like parrots. To the disappointment my girls had only two free. Look above the car and saw about 5 girls when two of them went down to buy something. The shoe was already explained to us that a commission of 10 girls for a party on a yacht and that they were in the car and were destined to that party, except the two who got out. Seeing them I felt no emotion as if I'm just picky with women is, if I pay for one has to be very good, but no use. My friend quickly turn away to the most beautiful of the two which ended up killing my hopes. Decline to take me to a girl and went to bed with a big disappointment.
After that experience I returned to my usual modus operandi, time passed and this same friend I've been talking about me invite you to visit again to the shoe.
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