Thursday, March 25, 2010

Restless Legs Condition_symptoms

pleasantly surprised! From today

Hey gorgeous ...
q I want to tell I'm pleasantly surprised, but for good: D. Q It is now the birthday of my ex and I, very friendly as always, but congratulated him via messenger. We did not talk a while and while it ended badly, we drifted apart a lot and when I q + was living with his new girlfriend. The point is q yesterday I said something like the following: "I have many questions q make, do not talk a while ago and I have many things to tell q" ... you can imagine my face when I read that. He told me his girlfriend ended q, q is well working and studying and everything is interesting + q q kiere me tells me ...
lol ... I really laughed a lot and I said I took q x q surprise xq nunk waited outside to finish with his girlfriend.

other hand, I tell them I was very controlled today q with food (consumers about 450 cal) and managed to take my 1200 ml of water fasting: D, so I was very happy.

beautiful Well I say goodbye, I hope q had a good day and I'll tell you how things go with my ex: P XoXo

and great strength.


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