Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Printable Coupons Or Nutro Max Dog Food

+ close to all!

Hey gorgeous! X
Today I finally decided to make my own blog. Is q xq some know me I am a follower of many of his people, and know ... at some point and perhaps inadvertently, have given me strength to continue on this path, to follow in my "little world" q is as I tell my life and not falter.

To begin I'll introduce myself: I'm Luna, or good so I know. I'm Colombian, I have 19 years old and in college. More or less about 4 months and after many things had happened to my q about ana ... with me in my little world.
Yes, ana. That x which sometimes cry q x the river also.
The truth ... my only company.

you understand me is q q q also know this way is not easy xq is full of ups and downs, of sadness but of satisfaction, but rewards of sacrifices (sometimes: S) and especially of loneliness ...

Well ... enough of sadness, also one of the major reasons for this blog is precisely to remedy (whether a pokito) that loneliness many of the q q go hand in hand with ana or mia, sorry.
keda I just offer my friendship to all - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and tell

q ak when kieran'll laugh, mourn, speak, or just when they need someone q hear them.
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