Saturday, May 14, 2011

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Selena Gomez Beauty modeled for Teen Vogue magazine Selena

Selena Gomez is the new youth figure to cover a shoot for the June / July 2011 issue of Teen Vogue. " The star of ' Wizards of Waverly Place' models with grace in the various images that were recently published on the web.

Within the publication, Selena Gomez gave his opinion about what can be insistent press and paparazzi: "Many times they try to use my fans and say 'They want this,' but it is frustrating that my fans are amazing: love me and support me. "

Selena Gomez added: "I do everything for them. But the press? They did not care. Simply quieren algo de mí que puedan usar. Lo único que buscan es obtener una buena toma'.


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