Today, after a long time a kind patron of this blog sends us experience the night life of this quiet town. This time is the turn of PHANTOM LORD which then tells us some of their experiences.
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The jump ... it came free, be blessed L. Black!
November 2009.
was a Friday in early November last year. At that time was a very regular customer at L. Black Friday was a very good economic year for me ... and almost gave me a great life. This year has not been so, the crisis has been very hard. My plan was to see whether he had a girl with whom I had a stroke (which will tell in a review later) and in fact I took great pains to dress elegantly, in fact I went with a black shirt that said "Gears of War 2" (I'm a fan of the series) ... comrades that I did not do that this time ... I repeat if you want to have total success that strive in their appearance. What happened there was very nearly a miracle. Only had like $ 500 pesos or less to spend there so I gave myself the task of putting up the will to invite private drinks and the girls until it appeared the so "J. .... ra." Do not pay cover, I repeat: always ask for your complimentary passes when you leave so you always have them free. I sat in the only strategic point that has that table, all the way but be careful not to miss the runway and the main doors. As always treated me very well, and besides I know I am not pedantic nor run riot as others that will unload their frustrations with the girls that work there (taiboleras, and without underestimating). Well the joke is to ask for such a girl and a waiter told me carefully that if he had gone to work but was "busy." I did not unusual because she is the most besieged the place due to its lush beauty. Step 1 hour after my arrival when I saw leaving the area of \u200b\u200bprivate and special room accompanied by a gringo of the elderly, Frenchy accompanied the girl to the door and left him with a kiss and a hug. Then he sat immediately in front of the sound booth where the girls always sit, I was sweating and tired and I assumed that the American had paid him special service in the VIP bedroom place and I did not so outlandish. The girl got up at 5 minutes greeting me away and went into the clubhouse. Came 10 minutes later with a different dress and apparently had been washed. I will describe to the girl, aged 30 and older (only one notes in the face) but with a withering body every sense, neither high nor squat white skin curves here and there, thin, shapely and strong legs, ass and waist and a princess Cow tits, very large and round, tough but falls (no you could see it looked bad and even exciting) ... so with those words, a deadly combination. We talked about the previous adventure (which tell you all later) wore a fitted black dress to note that athletic body (it looked that hard hit the weights) and raised her beautiful breasts dream, of course you pay for your drink, the third cup (now with confidence and a friendly and honest talk) proceeded to take advantage of the investment and asked him to sit completely above me, was bringing the penis stopped and started the birthday ... and started to feel a very strong look, in front of me a guy and a girl that had sat on my legs were watching intently, did not pay much attention.
After 10 minutes of the entertainment more and I could not ejaculate, it is not the first time it happens, in fact my plan was to "come to me" to invite the cup that "come to me" in private, wonderful came out of this because you avoid having to go to private to continue with the fever for 2 cups and a beverage of mine (like 300 dollars spent) and had managed to come to me and there was no need to pay for more services, were you looking for a pleasant but economic output. She noticed that I went and did not laugh because it was understood that he had been good enough for me to spend a good time and we talked about non-sexual topics (as were his children, for example), I said goodbye to the lady respectfully and procedures to go to the bathroom where I clean my ejaculation. Then I remove the place trying not to go through the light so as not to notice the stain on my pants. The miracle happened at the exit ....
Sali and mind in a hurry to get home quickly to my bed and fall asleep, leave my car where the business is on the left side of Lblack something like metal railings, drywall, glass and specialty finishes as it has a parking with visible light of all that gives security because in case of an assault or something dangerous cars crossing the Framers realize this, well at least it's safer to leave it on the right side where there are more homes but less light .
The joke is that even he had come to my car when I felt the presence of an individual who spoke to me and was speeding toward me, I hereby caution not I turned to see and scream out loud you want it bad! with enough clutter to security guards shot and peered out to see what has happened. The person stopped and said: I come in a bad fart, do not worry (for his voice and manner of dress I knew that there was no danger.) He said he had been with his girlfriend because they were looking for some guy who made them the third for a trio HMH.
Queeeee! I tell you? But why me? you ask. Is that this place is full of gentlemen and you're a boy of our age, you look healthy and strong and clean on all ... that's what we want "is our first trio." I doubt if cheer but overall presents opportunities so rarely see also the girl was missing .... that would be key to encourage me. As this the girl? question, it's 10, I answered and invited me to return to the place.
I sat at the table where moments earlier had seen the couple who had been watching me, she was not taibolera ... was a normal girl who was jariosa and courageous, they saw that I wanted a fantasy. Physically it was fine and was wearing a super short skirt dress with fitted, was chaparilla (both) thin, white skin, nice ass, thin, black hair, good face and good attitude but did not have big boobs but her ass and legs were so dreamy everything.
I decided to cheer ... my concern was to get me with the nose of the guy but saw a couple separate the serious and always told me everything with "respect" so I asked where? I was told that they rented a room at the Oasis. We
the room, I think there are rooms that are for couples because even had a security guard watching who came to the rooms that made me kind of weird but since neither pex, entered the room, they had a TV with porn, not the room looked ugly but not pretty. I asked before I aseara my genitals as I also asked them clean between the two we wonder if they had venereal diseases to continue, they were honest answers could be seen a couple very serious in that regard.
The shirt off my girl black and kissed. There was a FAJE 5 minutes. The Beat is stare at it seems that I was going to start first with your partner and then would enter the. I was masturbating and the bath stopped me told me that the girl would take care of "on" and so it was, took off her dress thong staying in a small wire with black bra. He had a very detailed set backs looked beautiful super sexy, was not a top ten but I had a very very nice body product put him hours in the gym to lift her beautiful ass and legs turning dream. In bed he climbed over me taking off her bra and began the activdad. I will not go into details but battled hard to come to me because I had already come before what was good because she could enjoy more of the brunt of mine and her boyfriend. Total of 45 hard act to 1 hour and no one came and her screaming and moaning incessantly.
The Beat after I said it was good ... not happened, I think I can not stand to be invaded their business and come to me she masturbate. I got dressed Llosa and I said goodbye to me very afraid because I was 4 am and I had left my car at the entrance of the motel and the room where we were was all the way was also very hot and was making a friazo out.
In short the fund balance was as follows
CONDON invited me and it was brand new trojan
FOURTH already paid
GIRL free but in some ways I was somewhat uncomfortable with the penalty jejeje
TOTAL: $ 280 PESOS because the couple invited me to their "party" hehehe