The day the police began to throw stones is not the famous song "Let's tell lies." It is a Kafkaesque situations that last Saturday could see the people who came to march against the high-speed train held in the town of Alava Urbina. It is but one of the incredible situations that are created when the police try to extreme violence to protect the most precious of political prisoners corrupt s @ s, @ s and other characters employer in the country.
police Convention 
s thousands of citizens gathered on Saturday to protest against Urbina led development barbaric English and Basque governments in relation to the TAV. The appointment was at 12:00 noon in the Plaza de Urbina but the morning turned out to be longer than expected. Dozens of buses departed from different points of Euskal Herria with the intention of approaching the mobilization and were precisely the ones who suffered the first attempts to boycott the act by the police. Already at the height of Arrigorriaga toll had placed control of the Civil Guard in which the agents set out to stop all the buses. Two masked and armed civilian guards to the teeth agreed to each of the vehicles to identify each and every one of the people traveling on the inside.
Once this first "filter", many buses had to face a second police checkpoint at the entrance of the town. A participant in the march satirised the item asking: "Does anyone know that today was police convention in Urbina?."
Lurra berrezkuratuz ... Stop the TAV 
A regional police helicopter was welcoming those who came to Urbina. Around 12:30 am on the streets of this small town could not be a pin Alava and expression gradually began to take shape. A large mobilization began to move towards the works of TAV through streets lined with banners with slogans alluding to the drying of this huge project. "Txikitzaileak: Zuenir porlanean Itoko to Nazareth?" (Destroyers: ahogaos in all your cement) read a of graffiti on the walls of the works.
The demonstration ran the "greenway" that passed near Gasteiz always parallel to the works of TAV, guarded at all times by crews equipped Ertzaintza riot gear. The protest ended in a broad campaign in which from the stage, people recalled the importance of organizing events like yesterday to influence the consciousness of citizenship and thus be able to stop once and for all project "without rhyme or reason ". From the same stage a neighbor Urbina thanked everyone and reminded that their presence in the popular consultation, the people of Urbina and said he wanted the TAV.
Tratan de "recuperar las tierras"
Una vez finalizado el acto, cientos de personas al grito de "herriak bizirik, AHT-rik ez" se dispusieron a atravesar una campa con la intención de acceder a la elevación del terreno por donde tienen pensado que discurran las vías del tren-bala. Ante este intento los agentes de la Ertzantza acudieron rápidamente al lugar para golpear brutalmente a los ecologistas que lograron acceder a las obras y para tratar de hacer retroceder al resto a pelotazos. La policía actuó en todo momento con una violencia desmedida hasta el punto de llegar a arrojar piedras de las obras a l@s ecologistas. Varias personas fueron detenidas en ese instante y situadas de espaldas junto to the police van, thus making them human shields to prevent stone throwing. The muzzle of the hooded men ceased not to throw rubber bullets, many of whom came to impact on the demonstrators. More than 30 people were injured. Ambush
with left and right balls 
Gradually people began to return to Urbina where everyone waited for his acquaintances s in many cases without knowing what was happening in the works. On the way back to the bus much @ s suffered the wrath of 3 new police crews attending the activities and situations of real terror generated by trying to make a real ambush on the highway rural. Enboscada not missed the launch of rubber bullets at close range. Meanwhile he kept the helicopter flying over the works and harass the protesters. By 3 pm Urbina was a hotbed of citizenship @ s trying to reconnect with his companions, quietly eating a sandwich or go directly to the car to leave the village. At that time the phones were blazing, "police arrested 4 people", "Care to go another 3 vans to the works", "Care is now heading towards the bus" ... etc.
repression will not be popular with 
agents were determined to act violently to the last moment. In fact you could see the hooded ertzainas accessed behind a bus and drive down to all people, was searched one by one. On the other hand, ertzainas Urbina surrounding the bowling alley with 30 people inside. When a citizen came to try to talk to the police command as detubieron without compunction. In addition to Urbina stood outside a Civil Guard control and one of the Ertzaintza in which identified a lot of people trying to leave. And so it once again, cops of all colors tried to show the society that negocietes of yours do not touch. In the same way that many more people showed no repression is possible with the love of the land and the dignity of a people who want to recover their lands to the negligence of their rulers.
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