Monday, February 2, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Registry Mechanic Vnu
x A - La Haine
The message that the state sends us with their police is do not go out into the streets. But the more they hit us again we will stay in the streets because we are
Alexis's murder on 6 December last year we made clear something that looked a long time: police brutality and impunity and mechanism strength of state repression. So they said, and still says, Alexis's murder was the straw that broke the camel.
The murder of this young man joined with the murders of dozens of young migrants, ghosts in the first world that their only crime was to leave their countries destroyed by war, exploitation and poverty. The murder of Alexis joined with many other cases where the police are as protective arm of the state that appears only to repress, oppress and destroy. The murder of Alexis coupled with the disaster that corrupt and deceitful policies bring and produce to the lack of employment, elimination of labor rights, the destruction of life itself. Murder case Alexis joined with the dark clouds that young people in this country are on the horizon of his life. He brought the rain. People
differently decided to celebrate the new year is gathered outside the central prison in Athens on 31 December. There, the prisoners, particularly women prisoners, most prisoners "common", took to the windows of their cells, burned tissue and shouted slogans against the police and freedom, while people outside shouted solidarity with them and so was celebrated the turn of the year, giving the start to a new year of solidarity and struggle for a just world for all. The same thing happened in several cities.
The last days of December, after overcoming the first shock, the power decided to attack again. The left marches repression resulted in more than 250 people arrested, 65 of which are already in prison. A score will be prosecuted to the antiterrorism law. Also many of the migrants who grabbed the days of the clashes were deported to their countries. Of them do not even have data.
addition to this face of repression, the December 22 attack was very different from what we are accustomed. This day, Konstantina, a woman, immigrant from Bulgaria, a trade unionist in his work as a cleaner for public buildings received after months of threats, an unprecedented attack. When he returned home this evening, two men attacked her, forced to swallow acid, and thrown his head in it. Konstantina
is one of the most active women in their struggle for union rights in the area of \u200b\u200btheir work, for better working and living conditions. Konstantina now is in the hospital, and lost an eye, his face is disfigured and still fighting for his life that is at risk.
Since then, several armed solidarity activities to raise money to support and to disseminate this attack on women who fight for their rights and their lives. It is amazing how much of things that are done. Almost every day there are acts in many cities of Greece, and occupations of public buildings and labor organizations, rallies, statements, speeches and street bazaars. One of the latest and most organized was the coordination of trade unions that exist in Athens (of workers in libraries, motorcyclists workers, waiters etc.) that called for a march. It is the first time these trade unions decide to do something together and so the march was held with the participation of many people.
In this environment of resistance and repression (the one always goes with the other), the 5th of January there was an armed attack on police officers antimotines en Eksarxia, el mismo barrio donde fue asesinado Alexis. El atentado que dejó un policía herido lo realizaron dos personas armadas con un Kalashnikov. Después de días una organización armada llamada Lucha Revolucionaria, que existe desde el 2002, sacó una declaración diciendo que fueron ellos los que atacaron a la policía como respuesta al asesinato de Alexis y a la represión policiaca. Su declaración se titulaba “a las balas contestamos con balas” e invitaba a la gente a la revolución armada.
Lo que siguió tampoco tiene antecedentes en la historia que los más jóvenes podemos recordar. Eksarxia fue cercado por la policía, se prohibió la salida y la entrada of people in their homes while the police forces went into bars and pulling people home by dragging and hitting. Just a few hours took more than 60 people at a police headquarters.
For a few days later he had called a march of high school and college students, teachers and other sectors and political and social organizations. The first start after the Christmas holidays which took place on 9 January. The march was attended by thousands of people and was a great march, peaceful and strong. The number of riot police in central Athens was impressive. Dozens of groups of policemen guarding almost every corner. No shot or rocks, less bombs. As he was finishing the march the police chased protesters throwing chemicals. A group of many people chased them to a nearby street and were forced to enter a building they found the door open.
While there were locked, no way out, the police threw them chemicals and tear gas and was waiting outside to be arrested. Lawyers and caring people came to the scene to offer help and get people out of the building. The police did not let either get closer to the place where the enclosed. The lawyers were put in the forefront trying to pass. There also were employees of the media who drew the pictures and videos of what was happening. The riot police grabbed several of the journalists, some are broke their cameras, others beaten and left wounded and eventually arrested the 14 lawyers who were there and took them to the police headquarters.
The next day workers from the media and journalism students occupied the headquarters of the union "charro" of workers in the media. The occupation lasted several days and allowed these people to organize. Decided to join the artwork they did in December and use it to spread what is really going on. At the same time together material that can be used for the December detainees have charges such as resistance to order, loaded with stones and Molotov and in most cases are false and only witnesses to the police who arrested him.
In one of the many marches three Roma children 10 to 13 years out there. Yelling at the cops walk when they see two chavitos which are carrying a banner at a school in the suburbs. We notice that you know, when they see them and run to hug and laugh together telling know what. In December gave us hope, children were taught to break down barriers that we impose and the repression forces us to be closer than ever to avoid getting lost, but still not quite know how.
The government opted for what is called zero tolerance. It's been three weeks since early January, the police pursued the protesters after the marches. That tactic was first practiced in the demonstrations that were done in solidarity with Palestinians demanding the departure of the Israeli army in Gaza.
Then on Saturday January 24 was held in downtown Athens a march in solidarity with prisoners in a revolt last December. The march was called by different groups of anarchists and hierarchical and was attended by over 3000 people.
The march was strong, with slogans and very dynamic, and yet very peaceful. A few minutes after going through the Congress of the country, as at 3.00 pm, the march was attacked by dozens of groups of riot police. Without any provocation from the protesters, riot police encircled groups progress, threw dozens of bottles of chemicals (tear and asfixiójenos) on the heads of people and practically attacked the demonstrators with batons and hitting his legs.
The thing was seen earlier. Then they closed the center of Athens for some time before the march began and there were groups of riot police on every corner and street.
While people could not breathe because of the chemicals that we threw away, while there was no outlet for the protesters, riot police were everywhere and chemicals also, the whole demonstration was brutally attacked. There are people with wounds on their heads, legs, whole body. There was blood on the pavement. People had fallen on the floor, their bodies bent in two by not being able to breathe and the riot police were hitting.
seems to have been arrested but not yet know who, how, when ...
While people were leaving as I could on the street where he was attacked the riot police withdrew from there and headed to Exarxia, neighborhood where he was killed Alexis. There, in Exarxia, there were clashes between the riot with people who could stand for a while, threw more chemicals and eventually occupying the entire neighborhood with groups of riot in the streets, corners and neighborhood square. After three hours, at about 6.00 pm, withdrew from there and the thing began to calm.
The message that the state sends us with their police is that we do not go to the streets. That is the face of democracy in the country that claims to be the cradle of democracy. But the more they hit us again we will stay in the streets because they want to or do not want the streets are of us.
La Haine
Friday, January 23, 2009
Digital Playground Discount Promo
x Indymedia Euskal Herria
Urbina (Araba), 2009ko urtarrilaren 17a, larunbata ? AHT gelditu!!-k deituta obretara manifestazioa, milaka lagunek beraien AHTren aurkako iritzi eta jarrera argi erakusten, ikeragarrizko errepresio poliziala, pelotazoak, porrazoak, zortzi pertsona atxilotuak, hamarnaka zaurituak, ehundaka kolpatuak...
Guzti hori bideo honetan ikus eta entzun dezakezute
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Leather Bracelets Wholsale
killed becomes the executioner. It looks that were "good teachers" ... YES IS A GENOCIDE, SAY WHAT YOU SAY
In this link Read more photos of this type.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Salons That Use Two Types Of Wax In Ottawa
Urbina police Convention
Once this first "filter", many buses had to face a second police checkpoint at the entrance of the town. A participant in the march satirised the item asking: "Does anyone know that today was police convention in Urbina?."
Lurra berrezkuratuz ... Stop the TAV
The demonstration ran the "greenway" that passed near Gasteiz always parallel to the works of TAV, guarded at all times by crews equipped Ertzaintza riot gear. The protest ended in a broad campaign in which from the stage, people recalled the importance of organizing events like yesterday to influence the consciousness of citizenship and thus be able to stop once and for all project "without rhyme or reason ". From the same stage a neighbor Urbina thanked everyone and reminded that their presence in the popular consultation, the people of Urbina and said he wanted the TAV.
Tratan de "recuperar las tierras"
Una vez finalizado el acto, cientos de personas al grito de "herriak bizirik, AHT-rik ez" se dispusieron a atravesar una campa con la intención de acceder a la elevación del terreno por donde tienen pensado que discurran las vías del tren-bala. Ante este intento los agentes de la Ertzantza acudieron rápidamente al lugar para golpear brutalmente a los ecologistas que lograron acceder a las obras y para tratar de hacer retroceder al resto a pelotazos. La policía actuó en todo momento con una violencia desmedida hasta el punto de llegar a arrojar piedras de las obras a l@s ecologistas. Varias personas fueron detenidas en ese instante y situadas de espaldas junto to the police van, thus making them human shields to prevent stone throwing. The muzzle of the hooded men ceased not to throw rubber bullets, many of whom came to impact on the demonstrators. More than 30 people were injured. Ambush
with left and right balls
repression will not be popular with
Argazki gehio: Ekinklik
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Free Blue Prints Rabbit
I'm fine. in shock. like a million and half people, we decided to stay. European journalists there to tell the slaughter, deliberate, announced, known, chewed, consulted and conducted with the approval of all our governments. followed overnight shelling. 10 minutes ago again, are random. is a cruel coup against a democratically elected Government. the strip, locked up for two years, without medication, no electricity, is also massacred from the air. we do not have water. for a week no bread. journalists are blocked on the other side of the border.
working in international aid Human rights advocacy in the Gaza Strip testify about the events of the past Hours:
December 27, 2008, Gaza City:
Cooperative and activists of International Solidarity Movement are being testimonials Israeli army attacks on the population of the Gaza Strip. These statements are particularly relevant, given that in recent months the Israeli army has refused entry to many media and international aid agencies. There is little evidence of the slaughter that is being lived. Some of them are members of the project: "Free Gaza" ( ) a group of international human rights observers, politicians, members of various NGOs and journalists have been opened, with support of hundreds of donations from around the world, a humanitarian way by sea to connect Cyprus with the port of Gaza City. Through this way deliver drugs to hospitals in the Gaza Strip and intended to sensitize the international community about the human consequences of the blockade of Gaza:
"During the attacks, was in Omar Mukhtar street and I have been witness as a grenade launcher fell to 150 feet away from me. There were people trying to help the victims of another attack, and grenade launchers attacked the volunteers who was helping the injured. The situation in hospitals is dramatic. Ambulances, trucks and cars while working in the transport of the wounded to hospitals and free up beds in hospitals by transferring patients to their homes. In the morgue there is no space. Need blood for transfusions. I just realized that among all the civilians killed today was the mother of a good friend Jabalya camp. "Eva Bartlett (Canada) International Solidarity Movement.
"All hospitals are overcrowded Gaza Strip wounded, and there is no medicine or capacity to address them. Today we are witnessing crimes against humanity and systematic violation of human rights. The world must act now and strengthen Calls to boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, and governments must move from the condemnation of these attacks to force Israel to end blockade of Gaza. " Alberto Arce (Spain) International Solidarity Movement
"The morgue of Shifa Hospital has no room for the bodies as they arrive. There are parts of bodies distributed throughout the hospital "- Dr. Haidar Eid (Palestine, South Africa) Professor of Social and Cultural Studies at Al Aqsa in Gaza.
" The bombs started falling when the children were returning from school. I went outside and found a terrified little girl 5 years old who jumped into my arms. "Sharon Lock (Australia) International Solidarity Movement
"As I speak, they have collapsed a building 200 meters from here. There is smoke everywhere. This morning I went to the building next to where I live in Rafah has been destroyed. Two bulldozers were clearing the area . I thought I had found all the bodies but when we arrived, they found one more. " Jenny Linnet (UK) International Solidarity Movement.
International Cooperating to be contacted in the Gaza Strip:
Alberto Arce (English, English): 972 59 8786 094
Dr. Eyad Sarraj (Arabic and English) 00972599400424
Ewa Jasiewicz, Coordinator of the Free Gaza (Polish, Arabic and English) 00972598700497
Dr. Haider Eid, South Africa (English and Arabic) - + 972 59 9441 766
Sharon Lock-Australian (Inglês) - +972 59 8378945
Vittorio Arrigoni- Italian (Italian) - +972 59 8378945
Fida Qishta- Palestinian (English and Arabic) +972 59 9681669
Jenny Linnel- British (English) - +972 59 87653777
Natalie Abu Shakra- Lebanese(Arabic and English) 0598336 328
Eva Bartlett, Canada (English) 0598-836308
Palestina, Euskal Herria.. bi herri borroka bakarra!