Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bicycle Designed Birthday Cake

FeLiZ Women's Day my beautiful princess ... I'm back!

Hello Beautiful !!!!! First of all HAPPY , q aunq know every day is not much to be congratulated. Muuuuuucho ago, but many did not come to the blog, ufff, have spent a thousand things and feel the truth when AnA away from me, also opted to stay away from the blog and for now we're back around, I start again with my relationship love-hate relationship with it, when you're away and when ever yearn feelin about rare but happy. Are a thousand things to tell the truth but I have not much time now, this week will come again to see their blogs, are and know how q tell what has happened in my world in recent months as q I have been away from the blog. The only thing I can go ahead and recommend q is q no longer see the movie BLACK SWAN BLACK SWAN or ... do not know if it was only to me but this movie touched my heart and in contrast to q much @ s might think, what q did was give me more courage to go with AnA , my beloved and sometimes hated AnA q to him hundreds of times I've cried q let me but have been thousands of times q instead of I said BACK, DO NOT GO, DO NOT LEAVE ME! q And I will never leave! Well my beautiful princesses, we will have more time to talk and as I have always said MUCH MUCH STRENGTH AND COURAGE! XOXO! Att: LuNa