Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gall Bladder Condition_symptoms

visiting BCS: Antonellah

Antonellah This time we visit, a green-eyed beauty with perfect figure of 90-60-90 next to land a fit.

Following on from today (August 26) is in Los Cabos to go calling and agreeing. The time is for these warm lands is not specified but if the custom prevails, only be by this weekend, so go with time providing for their appointments.

The price and features of their services they have to consult directly with her, your data can be found on this page .

is important between most customers have the escorts more will come. If someone hires a service to this diva can send your review or comments to, which respects the privacy of all mail.

As always, I repeat that I am not pimp, do not belong to any dating website and get no benefit to promote to this and other escorts. This information is only for informational purposes with no intention of any profit. Happy


Monday, August 23, 2010

Adult Incontinence Swimwear

Weekend Report 1


Today we inaugurate a new section on the blog called " Report weekend" and was made to introduce story as the experiences that I have over the weekend immediately preceding the date of publication of the post. Weekend understood as the days from Thursday to Sunday. As an example, this entry corresponds to Thursday 19, Friday 20, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 this month. Not specify the exact day to maintain my anonymity and be able to offer more attached to a story than any stranger could live. The timing of these inputs is subject to many factors and not always every week, so I beg you to be patient, if for some reason did not publish anything new. It also procures the publication date is Monday or Tuesday, but as you know nothing is certain.

The structure of this section shall only mention hours and may be interpreted as taking place in the days that already specified, so it is very possible that what happens on a Thursday at 12 pm, does not look anything like the happens on a Saturday at the same time, so do not take this as law but as a simple guide.

The shape of this new section may look a lot like I do the updates of each place that I've reviewed before, but did so for two situations: the first is that the updates are usually short (not much say again in most places), and secondly they often do not visit a single place.

Without further ado let us begin.

To begin with right foot last weekend I communicate with a girl's shoe which had hired earlier. I made my appointment the day before, but as it can be in the moment I can think of, if it were free. I did this to feel again that sense of being hired an escort. Agreed the amount, date and time the service waits for the moment, I installed in the motel and I always check to tell it which room was. Wait about 15 minutes and suddenly you hear the electric garage door open. I opened the door and there she was with her pimp back bye, I thought it was the shoe but as a quick rip and electric garage door was opening I'm not sure.

When he did not come by taxi if I take out wave, and that recruitment was direct with her, which I cut out the middleman and make the transaction easier in terms of constraints on time or save something, however, This did not happen. This left me clear one thing, the girls of the shoe are very loyal to him, not the blame. In this business, they are very vulnerable so having someone to support them and take them out of trouble is always good. Also, I heard these girls aloud the shoe treats them well, cares about them, pay for medical services and often do parties where roast, live band and drink. I love to go to a party so the girls I'm told is very normal, not an orgy as many think, but a party where they talk, eat and have fun. As I said, I would go not just to be surrounded by pretty girls, but to see everything that has the shoe. It seems that the party is very private and could only enter if you are accompanying a girl because apparently there are no customers. The latter is not what I believe and hope "aclient" a little more and see if I get my invitation.

Returning to service this girl was very normal, end of service received a call to check on her shoe, the hour was over, thereupon asked him for it, to make the simplest things offered to take me, but apparently has not yet trust me the girl and decided to wait for their driver. This time the shoe was not for her but a hill in a white car.

On another occasion, during the same weekend, I went to a party at a private house, as it was near where the house of Vicky wanted to go and see the material. He had time for a quickie. So I went to that place, to my luck some young people were doing bad things to visit Vicky, young people must be reading my blog. For starters were parked street left front House self bare all from voyeurs were at the same Calle. A young man had apparently fallen to investigate and see the prices of the girls and was talking with the driver of the car, making its presence more evident. This obviously discourages me, because although did not prevent my entry into the garage of the house and do the deal before them if they could see me without my seeing them, which I did something sospechozo. This was enough to pass over, and I was not the only other car that was opposite to me as well under the speed yal see young people in that position, continued his way. From what I saw, there were three or maybe four chavas heels, the thing apparently does not improve with Mrs. Vicky.

In this event I met someone who worked in the Verde Valley, and typical of me began to make subtle questions to find out things a bit unusual in that location. For example, I explained that there is a rotation of kids from our state and Sinaloa, especially during holidays. I asked why at this time and he replied that school. He explained that many single mothers working in the education system in Sinaloa come here to do business with your body. Since education is not as well paid and are already considered as "women's second" to have a child, many are come to heel to land south Californian holiday. The Sinaloa is very beautiful woman and I am sure there are women so beautiful and still very young to work it. So immediately after hearing the story I set the Verde Valley to check the above.

The place was almost full, a few tables empty, fortunately I found one in the area that I like it and proceeded to order a beer. Later I started doing my usual scan for data for my blog. There was little kids, I counted 8 of which only two desmerecían a bit, the others were fine. At that moment I touch a customer walked in with a girl's private place takes a full quarter is next to where there are private. This room is not like me because half of the bar can see into or out and if you leave the door open several parishioners can look inside. Turning to the girl, was something strong, but sharp edges. He left and went to the locker room who are opposed to the room above. This girl went very fast as if nothing had been cleaned with wipes her genitals and breasts and quickly returned to action in short, no bathroom. To my bad luck quickly turned to me and began to talk. I say unlucky because as I assumed that it was bath and in the words of herself done much perfume, no gave me a good spine to pay a private party or something, just drool and still had the previous wey, so you know girls, bathe after a complete service. Quickly began to talk to me and very enjoyable, was from Los Mochis and as not invite him drinks, wey which is charged by the private made a sign of very bad way for him to go with another client. I felt bad for her and thought to invite a drink to talk more, but I remembered the poor hygiene and better stop my impulses.

Later I saw a girl who entered the little room full of a girl who had not seen, thin, and apparently acinturada young. Given this signal I assumed that this is the fourth full-service designed for and no longer allowed to pass to the back room where they discuss and possibly the girls sleep, perhaps to avoid problems, I suppose.

Continue watching the show that show had little, as I was little and when that happens chavas put three songs from guys and girls, while we waited for 15 minutes. Wait until you see two dancers rather than as a sign indistinguishable had caesarean section, in other words single mothers, corroborating the story he had heard the beginning of the night.

A girl who sat with me told me that the environment becomes like that of two o'clock, when there are more customers. As you know, I like full tables, you compete with other people for a service and the ladies, already scarce, they become even more demand. After that brief conversation I retire.

This was all in this weekend, I hope to bring you more in future entries. I know I always go to the same places, and this is because other know if anyone has any suggestions, you can make it through a comment on this post or my email Happy


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bathmat Without Suction Cups

Updated: Valle Verde Night Club. Business

This weekend starts a series of investigations of new recreational sites insane to bring you, dear readers, this broader proposals beautiful city. As I was just out and check on her research in the field. I hope in future entries tell them about these new options.

After several turns around town, wasting gas and check that there is more to La Paz nightlife scene than I thought, I wanted to relax a little, take a couple of beers and was last seen as the situation in a long overdue visit, the Verde Valley.

The last time I tried to enter this place, it was half and it looked packed with customers, the large parking area was full. In such times it is good when you beat together and want to take a while Cheves the show is the love of the tube. This time, that was not my mood, I was hunting alone and my intention was simply to catch. So the best way is when the place is half or alone. So at this point my best option was to retire to my lair. Passing

this weekend, I took a ride through my usual sites to see if I find something good, stop by the house of Vicky: not a soul in the room where the girls. Then go to where the shoe and the same, only as a cemetery at midnight. This I attributed it was already too late when it happens and the girls were already occupied (I hope that readers of this blog: D).

The only looked a little hut, a few cars and some ladies out (more than usual), so I assumed it was a bad night for that place. While the Green Valley looked a little more crowded, after a blunder by entering, I decided to enter. As ever, with no one to stand in my way, maybe because I was alone and thought I had table, do not know. Quickly a waiter who had served me and offered me a drink, ordered a boat and immediately told me that if I brought in a girl, I told him I warned him. Take a sip of my drink and started to make rapid and discrete walks with his eyes. The place looked like this at 60% capacity. Some customers were going because as I said, it was too late. So I proceeded to look for on the girls. In this regard I must say that the quality low. About 14 girls who told were worth only 5 to complete. The other was plump I have to say (or gordibuenas for the less demanding). The girls were different, I did not find any known and least favorite. Too bad I must be on vacation and sent to request reservations. To my good fortune came two girls that I would call 8.5, but quickly went out to the backyard. Make a mental note and decided to wait for them. They entered again after smoking a cigarette and luckily one stood near me, luckily it was the best of the two, they quickly make a signal to my waiter and tell him to bring it to me.

The girl was present but did not understand his stage name. We talked a little, did chemistry, he said it was in Culiacan, and I believed him, had the characteristic accent and had a very nice legs and hips, the kind that are nature's gift to women of the land and had not to spend hours in the gym to train them. His face was quite common but the body compensates, had almost no boobs but her hips had me hypnotized. He told me he was leaving, I said we took a private, agreed and gave me a half-bad service, but no matter, I wanted to enjoy a little more of your body. I have a rule not to ask for a complete private if it was not good, in this case it was so I just asked what I would get the complete terms and told me to 1.300 pesos to face that it was expensive, I said that was no problem that at a later time would call her to talk about it, his face change. The invite for new account at my table, I accept and she assumed he had any money, they took a drink and continued talking, and when they were making catwalk said I passed his number, he wanted to see outside. He said no output as it does nothing else comes for a few days and returned to Culiacan, so do not have telephones in La Paz. Unusual for me, I insisted, I said that we take other private and then on privacy to give me your phone so you will not scold. He said that if he were to take it private, but that was true about the phone. I saw his face was not lying and I did not insist, I left saying it was a shame, took leave of me, told me that in a while came to me and proceeded to change into the clubhouse.

After that disappointment, I proceeded to finish my beer. Continuing the show and played bridge, but did not see the other girl who accompanied the culichi and not the latter, so I finished my drink and left.

see, this time went a little disappointed with the Valle Verde, and for me, remains one of the cheapest options for sex. You pay 30 pesos a beer and a full 1,300 pesos without having to pay an extra cost or motel. Unfortunately, you're quality and I recommend you go early on a day bit crowded so you do not have to compete for the best girls. We see that many are on vacation or simply no longer in that place so it looks that the owner had to dip into reserves to complete the picture. The chairs are still uncomfortable, just do not accommodate in those chairs.

In conclusion, a strange weekend, is that while not looking wing half was more like me. Many guys are on vacation, not just in the Verde Valley, so take precautions. The next weekend it seems that is of those who love me, little influx of whoring, which means more options for your server. Happy


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Redbone Warrenty Number

Without Knowing q say ... Assimilating

Hello Beautiful!

a while ago did not come porq as it says in the title. q did not know that ... I was in a sort of limbo, not know how I felt, q do not know or rather, stop doing ... q

porq have been difficult days I'm on holiday and that is synonymous with day and night surveillance on my mother's x: S, but despite all know qa ana feel closer? I am again very determined and highly organized in time to when school starts I can to study, to exercise and work xq kiero get a job so be on the weekends ... and obviously time for Ana, she is with me always. Heart
Things not going so well .. in that sense I do not understand, kiero have a boyfriend yet not kiero a kind of open relationship yet ... no kiero q lie believe me and I forgot my impossible love, but I can not, do not forget I'm done and I know that feeling q while still there, it will be very difficult poderme love of a man than he :(...
know something? ... All day confirmed my theory qa men do not like fat, but q is clear and my life is proof of that so what's the solution? Well, be skinny and beautiful, this is the only solution!
Beautiful kiero know how they are, I will go through their blogs to see how their little worlds are ok?
And you never forget something: courage and strength, we can!
Muchisimo Las kiero!!