Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Build It My Self Swing Set Blueprints

Vice President of Development of Job: "What is needed is aid to fire people"

The president of the employers FEPIME, Eusebi Cima, ensures that employers are "disappointed" with the latest anti-crisis package


04 - 11-2008

Vice President of Development and Labour FEPIME president of the employers, Eusebi Cima, said today that what they really need employers in these times of crisis are " aid to dismiss the people ".

Speaking to ComRadio contained in a statement from the station, Cima has said that employers are "disappointed" with the latest anti-crisis package announced by the English Government, as expected solutions "to tackle the crisis in the bud."

Cima has stressed in this connection that the bonus of 1,500 euros to get companies to hire unemployed dependents does not provide "benefits" to the business.

"Unfortunately, what we need is aid to fire people. There is a market setting, a very serious crisis, it is creating unemployment and no jobs. Now is not the time to create this type of aid" remarked the vice president Labour Development and Head of FEPIME.

Cima also has called "discriminatory" measure to subsidize companies that invest in renewable energy development and s. "And the others? What we are not children of God?" Wondered Cima.


The masks are falling from the crisis ... It seems to me that the root of the crisis is not exactly in an excessive number of workers.