Thursday, June 12, 2008

Monster Energy Can Earrings -etsy -ebay

general social

by Cesar Manzano Bilbao - Diario de Noticias de Álava

collective disgrace ourselves in the supermarkets, the petrol stations in commercial establishments, terrified by fear remain without food, transportation, without staples due to a transport strike that affects us all, but not in its effects, but their motivations.

see how over the past three decades the benefits of the Banks and Savings Banks have grown steadily thanks to our savings and mortgages. We see rates gain large national and multinational companies operating in our country and the rest of the world's countries are raised by the increasing precariousness and exploitation of the people we serve. We see how central and regional administrations recorded surpluses through increased direct taxation and especially the indirect duties on commodities we consume. We see how these government invest that money, our money, in macro-infrastructures are going against any consideration of sustainable development and self-government of peoples.

While economic growth is privileged few are those who give a false image simulation general welfare, most people who work and especially those who are deprived of the right to work, we see how our purchasing power is diminishing. This is what has brought us the current model of "building Europe" and in connection with the "single currency."

not learn from history rather live behind it and under a false and hegemonic concept of progress, the terror of death and destruction provokes them. So paradoxically the three great technological revolutions of mankind (Neolithic, industrial and cyber), we have brought unprecedented progress of world hunger and wars more ruthless.

The excessive increase of fuel prices, electricity or gas is not from a shortage of them, but in any case of unfair management, then do not forget that this increase will benefit large multinational companies energy as Repsol, Cepsa, Gas Natural, Iberdrola and Endesa to name a few. These companies are revitalizing and growing exponentially their profit rates. These strikes

star self-employed carriers, fishermen and farmers who are hurt the most unique and productive for the purposes of creating and distributing basic goods, or the current proposals of the countries powerful of the European Union to work, especially the most precarious, up to 65 hours per week, are but the first signs of future crises ahead of us.

These future crises are provoked by the cannibals who are bent on imposing a socio-economic development in the service of capital accumulation and wealth in few hands, devouring and turning most of humanity, animals, plants, the raw materials, natural sources of energy in usable or disposable mere objects to the extent that serve this purpose.

But his economic model will come, sooner or later peaking. They know. The dire consequences of their desire accumulated predator are the seeds of future social upheaval that inevitably suffer, especially the most disadvantaged, but that would make the contrast with any project of sustainability.

is the choice. And once again, that choice goes through to realize that the possible answers are not individual but collective, the road is solidarity, not because sooner or later it will be for everyone, but it is the only way to live with dignity rather than survive as predators.

The reasons for these strikes that governments strive to define as "illegal" affect us and society as a whole, instead of practicing every man for himself on the stage of generalized fear, arguments have become a necessity for social wage a general strike that will force us to rethink the way of life imposed on us.

Otherwise, the new management of scarcity based on the disorder in the commodification of all social relationships, the idiots making things force us to accept the degradation of the planet and within it the human. Do not wait for governments, political parties, employers or unions give us solutions. They rather are part of the problem. Empower them to join the strike is the way to end the scourge of commercialism autodevorador and some states to its service.

An article that I was surprised to find in this newspaper.