Friday, December 19, 2008

Birthday Greetings By Maxine

GREEK We are the rage and dreams of TOD @ S

[Videos of Greece in flames]

Special: Monitoring unrest in Lahaina Alasbarricadas and

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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Vice President of Development of Job: "What is needed is aid to fire people"

The president of the employers FEPIME, Eusebi Cima, ensures that employers are "disappointed" with the latest anti-crisis package


04 - 11-2008

Vice President of Development and Labour FEPIME president of the employers, Eusebi Cima, said today that what they really need employers in these times of crisis are " aid to dismiss the people ".

Speaking to ComRadio contained in a statement from the station, Cima has said that employers are "disappointed" with the latest anti-crisis package announced by the English Government, as expected solutions "to tackle the crisis in the bud."

Cima has stressed in this connection that the bonus of 1,500 euros to get companies to hire unemployed dependents does not provide "benefits" to the business.

"Unfortunately, what we need is aid to fire people. There is a market setting, a very serious crisis, it is creating unemployment and no jobs. Now is not the time to create this type of aid" remarked the vice president Labour Development and Head of FEPIME.

Cima also has called "discriminatory" measure to subsidize companies that invest in renewable energy development and s. "And the others? What we are not children of God?" Wondered Cima.


The masks are falling from the crisis ... It seems to me that the root of the crisis is not exactly in an excessive number of workers.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

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Piztu Gasteiz! Okupa Your Place - Urriak 11, Gasteizko zaharra Alde! Reasons for the strike

Thursday, June 12, 2008

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general social

by Cesar Manzano Bilbao - Diario de Noticias de Álava

collective disgrace ourselves in the supermarkets, the petrol stations in commercial establishments, terrified by fear remain without food, transportation, without staples due to a transport strike that affects us all, but not in its effects, but their motivations.

see how over the past three decades the benefits of the Banks and Savings Banks have grown steadily thanks to our savings and mortgages. We see rates gain large national and multinational companies operating in our country and the rest of the world's countries are raised by the increasing precariousness and exploitation of the people we serve. We see how central and regional administrations recorded surpluses through increased direct taxation and especially the indirect duties on commodities we consume. We see how these government invest that money, our money, in macro-infrastructures are going against any consideration of sustainable development and self-government of peoples.

While economic growth is privileged few are those who give a false image simulation general welfare, most people who work and especially those who are deprived of the right to work, we see how our purchasing power is diminishing. This is what has brought us the current model of "building Europe" and in connection with the "single currency."

not learn from history rather live behind it and under a false and hegemonic concept of progress, the terror of death and destruction provokes them. So paradoxically the three great technological revolutions of mankind (Neolithic, industrial and cyber), we have brought unprecedented progress of world hunger and wars more ruthless.

The excessive increase of fuel prices, electricity or gas is not from a shortage of them, but in any case of unfair management, then do not forget that this increase will benefit large multinational companies energy as Repsol, Cepsa, Gas Natural, Iberdrola and Endesa to name a few. These companies are revitalizing and growing exponentially their profit rates. These strikes

star self-employed carriers, fishermen and farmers who are hurt the most unique and productive for the purposes of creating and distributing basic goods, or the current proposals of the countries powerful of the European Union to work, especially the most precarious, up to 65 hours per week, are but the first signs of future crises ahead of us.

These future crises are provoked by the cannibals who are bent on imposing a socio-economic development in the service of capital accumulation and wealth in few hands, devouring and turning most of humanity, animals, plants, the raw materials, natural sources of energy in usable or disposable mere objects to the extent that serve this purpose.

But his economic model will come, sooner or later peaking. They know. The dire consequences of their desire accumulated predator are the seeds of future social upheaval that inevitably suffer, especially the most disadvantaged, but that would make the contrast with any project of sustainability.

is the choice. And once again, that choice goes through to realize that the possible answers are not individual but collective, the road is solidarity, not because sooner or later it will be for everyone, but it is the only way to live with dignity rather than survive as predators.

The reasons for these strikes that governments strive to define as "illegal" affect us and society as a whole, instead of practicing every man for himself on the stage of generalized fear, arguments have become a necessity for social wage a general strike that will force us to rethink the way of life imposed on us.

Otherwise, the new management of scarcity based on the disorder in the commodification of all social relationships, the idiots making things force us to accept the degradation of the planet and within it the human. Do not wait for governments, political parties, employers or unions give us solutions. They rather are part of the problem. Empower them to join the strike is the way to end the scourge of commercialism autodevorador and some states to its service.

An article that I was surprised to find in this newspaper.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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Presentation of the "35 reasons" raining sticks, reasons

x Anti-Fascist Coordination d 'Asturies

35 reminds us that since September 2005 have not stopped raining and enforcement cases criminalization of protest: union prison, systematic implementation of laws that say "exceptional" police chase immigrants, fines for participating in neighborhood movements or media harassment for exercising the right to abortion ... All could be black and white owners of the Franco regime, but all this is happening to us here, now in full color.
Text of presentation of the "35 reasons"
First, thank you for your assistance, we know how difficult it is to promote any act that share best practices, feelings and utopias because this world shrinks and living room and wastes the collective experience, the past and the present. I have invited, even though you are falling, just get together against we are falling. To protect the water we use the umbrella, so why not do the same when we showered the sticks? Herein is 35 and this is so, then we will explain.

What is 35?

is a number and, therefore, is abstract but something very concrete. In particular it represents the sum of the prosecution request made to 14 young people who committed the crime of participating in a demonstration. They face 35 years in prison and fines totaling € 120,000 just because the September 10, 2005 showed, along with many others, his rejection of the racist and an event organized xenophobic far-right party by the Democratic National d'Onís Cangas. That day, we all learned to read upside-down world, a world that protects the right of striking manifestation of neo-Nazi groups, arresting and prosecuting those who dream of putting in walls only to the racist ideas, never to individuals.

But 35 does not speak of an isolated case of an action "disproportionate." There is a cry with an expiration date. 35 reminds us that since September 2005 have not stopped raining cases of repression and criminalization of protest: union prison, systematic implementation of laws that say "of exception, "police chase immigrants, fines for participating in neighborhood movements or media harassment for exercising the right to abortion ... All could be black and white owners of the Franco regime, but all this is happening to us here, now in full color.

Who are we behind?
is not easy to give a consistent response because we have many faces, because we hide behind the 35 to show. Separately, we can only participate in the parades of this democracy of cardboard, together we can bring to the guilty and to advance proposals for change of a land as ours, which penalizes non-resignation. Behind the 35 who we think we are all faced with this sentence ... and all the others, who feel hunger and thirst for social justice, those who defend our right to take over, to inaugurate a future that is not repeating this in mind that ranks us, invisible and, ultimately, excludes us.

present, 35 even those who do are no longer with us, because it is the permanent reminder of those who, throughout history, even today, in Asturias and elsewhere, have dreamed and fought for a different world.
What do we want?

First, we intend to report the significance of the process and avoid the conviction of 14 people accused of participating in the demonstration of Cange. We want to curb the current dynamics of repression of social protest, because social problems are not "meat judged." We demand the annulment of all charges and convictions against those who committed the crime of giving reasons and hearts to a disillusioned society itself.
But we did not stay here. We are much more ambitious. With 35 we cease to be a number, the official statistics, we want to throw a question, put a mirror in front of a society that does not want to see, who lives self-deception. We wish to be subjected by the inequalities to become subjects of our history, fastened only by our ideas, our feelings and our struggles. We create opportunities for intervention, so that our collective referents beyond ALSA, which opens the doors to emigration, or images of the "blue tide" that played the circuit of capital in the Formula 1 circus.

try to establish political responsibility and sit on the sidelines of society who now accuse us. Without the action of the political class is not understood or the rise of right-wing groups, or extension of his speeches to the whole society (sexism, xenophobia, English ...).

In Asturias, the PSOE has played a fundamental role, without underestimating the responsibility of other formations of the parliamentary spectrum. Rose dropped his fist to slip into a boxing glove hitting one, two and a thousand times against the protesting voices. And is that the figure of the English government delegate in Asturias, Antonio Trevino, synthesizes many of the elements that explain the current situation: patronage, depletion of the political class, real estate speculation ... we do not want

pass up this opportunity to draw the role that media are playing at the time to criminalize the anti-fascist movement, as well as other expressions of protest. We had to read in the newspaper things like "the extreme left is trying to wipe Cangues d'Onís", "attack on a bus from the Guardia Civil", "damage in the urban mobilibario" ... all the sources said they found weapons Iraq nuclear. The owners equate the actions of neo-Nazi groups with the complaint made by associations against racism. But we can say that is not the same.
Finally, we denounce the rise of social fascism. Asturies is presented as a formally democratic society, but is becoming socially fascist cut our freedoms, job insecurity, persecution of immigrants, child removal, urban wild, English chauvinism, expansion of police forces and the presence of Private security companies, linguistic repression, forced migration, violence against women ...

Perhaps we can not nor want to take her power, but we can and we subtract capacity who now hold.
What do you suggest?

From the Coordinator Antifascist d'Asturies we invite you to participate as appropriate to believe in developing the campaign, participating in weekly meetings or general meetings we do every month, distributing materials or just being open spaces for us to explain. We ask
also leave us impregnaros of your concerns, know your experiences and give us the opportunity to build with you a new subjectivity to be questioned about tomorrow. No change without sleep, and no dream without hope. Against disillusionment and fatalism that makes levees to the imagination, we have the opportunity to shape the novel, to what until now Asturies not intended ...

May 10, 2008
Some images of this campaign:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

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Halabedi Irrati Livery Gaztetxea Gasteizko ta!

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