Friday, November 30, 2007

Watery Cervical Mucus Before Period

Videos in memory of Carlos, antifascist murdered on November 11, 2007. SENSE CAP RESPOSTES Agresio! Travelers no return

A couple of videos of Platform. On 1 of anti-fascist demonstration held in Vallecas :

And 2, " In memory of Carlos, and against fascism. They shall not pass. "

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Costume Ideas -halloween

x Hala Bedi - Logbook

Ansiando libertad y aire puro Because traveling is not just hop on a plane, train or on your own legs and walk away , remember today that @ s @ s have been forced to travel in search of fresh air and freedom . The Lute once said that "l at first obligation of every inmate is trying to escape " and he was right, when man has been imprisoned, deprived of their liberty always intensified their ingenuity to find ways to escape. Sarrionandia From Spartacus, throughout history there have been many who have staged successful escapes, sometimes works of art.

Here are some memorable and some prisoners escaped from legend Travelers no return.

oldest punishment is the deprivation of humanity of freedom. So criminals are punished but also many innocent Espartaco puso en Jaque a la República Romana. Slavery was a feature of ancient societies and an important part of the economy

The most famous escape was old Spartacus, the slave of Thracian origin who buzzed the Roman Republic. After defecting from the Roman auxiliary troops was sentenced to hard labor in a gypsum mine where it was purchased by a wealthy merchant to take to school for gladiators in Capua. The sources that talk about this character influence was a strong man but also intelligent, educated and fair. Along with his fellow slaves who were forced to fight to death other for entertainment Roman devised an escape plan that evolved into a plan of rebellion . Elevations

gladiators slaves had no major problem for the school to escape prison and moved into the top of Vesuvius. His example was followed by hundreds of thousands of slaves who escaped and joined him forming an army of nearly 100,000 fled who fought the Roman legions to the bitter end all know.

There is no doubt that, since ancient times there were many characters who escaped from his captors. For example there are many anecdotes in the West know of the crusaders who escaped of Muslims and vice versa but the lack of documentation makes well into the XVI century it is known fugitives with names and precise detail.

Antonio Pérez was the secretary of Philip II and was imprisoned after several Giacomo Casanova conspiracies charged with treason. In 1590 he escaped from prison in Pinto dressed in the clothes of his wife and fled to Aragon. Felipe II oiled machinery of war and sent 12,000 troops to Zaragoza to crush all the support and sympathy that might have, but fortune smiled at the secretary conspirator and escaped to France and then England. Another famous prisoner was that Cervantes held captive in Algiers for five years and tried to escape on four occasions but none with success. And Giacomo Casanova is known both for his escapades as for his art to escape from anyone who held it from husbands spiteful to own inquisition.

The fiction has also left us great heroes who became famous through his escapades Edmond Dantes y Faria. Edmond Dantes, The Count of Monte Cristo is so famous for being terribly vindictive as the most original plot story of a leak. Victim of the envy of a childhood friend is accused of conspiracy and supporting Napoleon Bonaparte to force his return to France. Is imprisoned in the fortress of If where he meets another prisoner, the Abbe Faria, who instructs him in the most diverse arts, from literature and philosophy to the fencing. On his deathbed, the old man entrusted with the secret of the whereabouts of an immense treasure. Once dead, Dantes old body out of its mortise and gets him posing as the deceased so that the guards carry him and throw him into the sea. So he got his freedom and went in search of treasure that will help you get revenge on those who put him in jail.

Castillo de Coditz supposedly impregnable strengths helped increase the legend of the prisoners who escaped from these prisons. The Tower of London Bastille Paris, Mont Saint-Michel or the same Chafarinas islands were the scene of incarceration of political riots, and of course, leaks. The Colditz Castle in Germany would be one of those prisons as hated as famous. He was admitted as a prison in the First World War and the Second SS used the castle as a high security prison. Many were the allies who tried to escape from this fortress and few have succeeded. After you have dug tunnels to hide in mattresses, and squeeze through the window with rope of sheets, inmates built a aereoplano with their bunks tablets weighed only 120 kg and hid in the ceiling of the chapel with a false wall. The attempt to jump and blast it with a pulley system driven by a tub of concrete was not necessary as the war ended at the time.

prisioneros de Stalag Luft III In that war there was another flight that has been immortalized by the movie, the escape of Placas conmemorativas que muestran el recorrido del tunel. prison camp Stalag Luft III . The movie "The Great Escape " immortalized the feat of Allied prisoners who staged a mass breakout. Through a long tunnel planned the flight of some two hundred prisoners, but eventually only 76 people could cross. The majority was again imprisoned and many executed, one of survivors, Jimmy James was the one who inspired the Steve McQueen role. But the history of this area did not end with that failed attempt half. Other prisoners devised the tactic of "Trojan horse " every morning carrying a box of wood to the fence supposed to do gymnastics while digging Cárcel de Alcatraz three people hiding inside the box. We

this review of strengths and fugitives with flagship American prisons, Alcatraz . This prison is located on a small island in the Bay of San Francisco was home to such famous prisoners like Al Capone. There have been many attempts to break Frank Lee Morris but only won the flight plan Frank Lee Morris and the Anglin brothers. Morris, immortalized by Clint Eastwood, digging a tunnel with a bucket under the sink in his cell and heads manufactured based paste of bread crumbs and real hair. Escaped and was never heard from them.

Piti y Sarri We were now leaking those who eventually become legend. It happened at the prison Martutene day San Fermin, 1985 . Imanol gave a concert in prison and two inmates took the opportunity to get into two speakers, after the concert when the workers finish the show and the Caraga in the truck, and Sarri Piti finally breathed air. Joseba Sarrionandia (Sarri) missing, even though the alleged crimes have been prescribed, he manages to regularly publish their works because it is considered one of the best poets of current Basques. _____________________________________________

had this pretty much given up, but I've seen this text and I think it's pretty interesting.